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Human-Centered Computing, 1st RetreatJuly 7-9, 1999, Granlibakken resort, Lake Tahoe |
Organizer: John Canny, 529 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley, (510)642-9955, jfc@cs.berkeley.edu
Human-Centered computing aims to combine the talents of computer scientists and other engineers, with experts from the social sciences. More about the Mission and Goals of the center are available in our mission statement. The retreat was held to introduce graduate students and industry representatives to the center, and to begin some active dialogue about its goals, its operational model, and its benefits to campus members and industry partners.
Participants: Here is a list of the retreat participants with their contact information.
Agenda: Here is the retreat agenda.
Photos: Here are some photos taken by Sherry Hsi at the retreat.
Notes: Here are some HTML notes taken by Aaron Marcus. Here are the Notepals notes from the workshop.
Retreat overview - John Canny (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Visions of HCC research:
Telepresence, augmented reality, tangible interaction - John Canny (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Pen-computing, context inference, MM interfaces - James Landay (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Classrooms, CAE, computers as learning partners - Alice Agogino and Sherry Hsi
Industry introductions:
Arding Hsu (Siemens)
Bill Verplank (Interval)
Elizabeth Churchill (FXPal) (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Ted Selker (IBM)
Paul Dourish (Xerox PARC) (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Luc Julia (SRI)
Ilkka Tuomi (Nokia)
Aaron Marcus (Aaron Marcus and Associates)
Karon Weber (Pixar)
Research Foci for HCC:
Face-to-Face versus CMC:
PRoPs: Toward transparent interfaces to the real world - Eric Paulos (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Communicating with Avatar bodies - Francesca Barrientos (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Social/Personality Psychology in Cyberspace - Joanie Connell (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Digital Classrooms:
Taking *Convince Me* into the classroom: Dusting off "the doorstop" - Michael Ranney
Designing ubiquitous computers for learning, an early study with Palms - Sherry Hsi (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Using note-taking appliances for student-to-student collaboration - James Landay (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Support for Creative Design:
Digital Desk: Workspace for architectural IR - Ame Elliott (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Denim: Sketching tools for web and desktop UIs - Mark Newman and Jimmy Lin (HTML) (Powerpoint)
IC2D: Drawing for the visually impaired - Hesham Kamel (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Social Networks and Tacit Knowledge:
Social cetworks and computing communities - Elisa Bienenstock (pdf)
Research update on web places: application of implicit networks - Danyel Fisher (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Tacit knowledge mining - John Canny (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Reports from breakout groups:
Human-human and human-machine interaction group - Dan Ellis (pdf)
Multimodal breakout - James Landay
Design breakout - Aaron Marcus (HTML)
Bridging engineering and social sciences 1 - Elizabeth Churchill (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Bridging engineering and social sciences 2 - John Canny (HTML) (Powerpoint)
N-year plan - John Canny (HTML) (Powerpoint)
Industry feedback (whiteboard notes from the Mimeo)