Placeless Documents: A document management system that works the way you do. Paul Dourish Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Traditional document storage systems (including the conventional filesystems that most of us use) are organised according to the needs of the system, rather than the requirements of real world document practices. They rely on hierarchies, when people use more fluid organisational schemes; they place artificial barriers between documents from different sources (personal, email, web, etc.); and, by locking functionality within application black boxes, they make it hard to adapt system behaviour to evolving work practices. The Placeless Documents project, based in the Computer Science Lab at PARC, is exploring new approaches to document management that aim to address these problems. Our approach is based on the use of document properties as a uniform mechanism for managing, categorising, organising, retrieving and manipulating documents. Document properties capture relationships between people, documents and tasks. In the Placeless Documents system, properties can also encapsulate executable code, which can modify or add new document behaviours. In this talk, I will survey the background and motivations for our work, and describe the design of the Placeless Documents system. I will also discuss some of our early application experiences and what we've learned so far.