Human-Center Computing Seminar Tues, Jan. 19th 4-5:30 pm 402 Barrows **note change of place** Bruce Damer, Digital Space Corporation "Cyberspace becomes a Place" Cyberspace is about to become a real place! The PC has evolved into a capable real-time 3D platform and is now serving as a portal into large scale Internet hosted graphical virtual worlds inhabited by thousands of users represented as avatars. The rise of these true virtual spaces in Cyberspace moves us beyond the document metaphor of the Web, and the point to point broadcast model of email and videoconferencing. In these spaces, visitors experience a sense of place, create shared memory, leave persistent objects, and experiment with new forms of identity. These first virtual worlds may be a glimpse at the ultimate shape of Cyberspace. Despite their early state of development, they suggest the coming of a powerful new medium for collaboration, play and learning in the 21st Century. In this overview of the medium of virtual worlds, we will consider the applications and economics of the technology, the system and user interface architectural issues of constructing these spaces and the social craft of creating and sustaining the communities within them. We wiil then take a grand tour of worlds to the following destinations in digital space: -The exhibition world which hosted Avatars98, the first conference held inside cyberspace serving 4,000 attendees, 48 exhibitors and six parallel speaking tracks. - Pushing into new spaces for on-line pedagogy in The U Virtual University Architecture Competition and University of California Virtual High School -Business collaborative conferencing inside 3D data models in datafusion world and a number of customer virtual community worlds including the prototype Borders Bookworld, 3D net-hosted retail environments for Borders Bookstores - The social anatomy of a virtual village in Sherwood Forest Town - Growth and learning about nature in biologically inspired worlds such as Nerve Garden - Virtual worlds on the horizon in support of large scientific and public experiential events, such as NASA Mars Pathfinder and other NASA project worlds - Hollywood and cyberspace as a universal improv space for Inhabited Media Properties - The economics of virtual worlds and their communities, the hardware and immersion equation behind the coming of the Home Holodeck.