Distributed Network Resource Discovery in Context-aware Smart Environment Project Proposal by Yitao Duan and Ling Huang duan@eecs.berkeley.edu hlion@newton.berkeley.edu A Context-aware Smart Environment enables user to interact with computers, typically embedded in the environment, in the way they do with other people, by speech, gesture, movement, affect, and context, thus greatly enhancing work efficiency and/or improving our experience with the interaction. Research into this area has been gainning popularity in recent years[1]. There are many issues involved in building infrastructure Support for such environment that are worth investigating from a system point of view such as resource/service discovery, data model, network protocols, programming language, etc.. Many algorithms have been developed for network resource discovery[3], [4]. However, they didn't address the particular characteristics and constraints in the smart environment context. We identify the following to be unique features in a smart environment system: 1. Network could be hybrid and dynamic Ad hoc networking has to be supported since users are free to move around, carrying mobile devices(PDAs, laptops, cameras, etc.) with them. Spontaneous addition, discovery, and usage of services in a network must be supported. At the same time, the system can also leverage stationary network facilities such as traditional LAN that is built into its infrastructure. 2. Resource is tight on each node. Devices in Smart Environment are typically mobile or embedded such as PDAs, wireless sensors, and they are limited in terms of memory, persistent storage, processing power, communication bandwidth and/or battery life. Therefore efficiency of the alogrithm is extremely important. 3. Many collaborative tasks can be performed with each participant(node) knowing only partial information. Resource discovery often can be abstracted to be each node finding the existance of all other nodes in the network[3], [4]. This may not be necessary in our context. In a smart environment where interacting entities, be it sensors or computers, are modeled as distributed agents[2], each node needs to know only the provider(s) of the services it requests. Reducing the amount and accuracy of information for efficiency may be a good tradeoff (will pursue later). In the project, we propose to develope algorithm(s), deterministic or stochastic, suitable for resource discovery in networks employed in smart environment systems. We plan to begin by analyzing existing algorithms and finding what are relevant and not relevant to our particular needs. Then we will try to improve the algorithm by taking into consideration the features and constraints of our problem at hand. Implementation or simulation will be done if time permits. References [1] MIT Intelligent Room Project, http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/iroom/index.shtml [2] M. Coen, “Building Brains for Rooms: Designing Distributed Software Agents,” Proc. Ninth Innovative Applications of AI Conference, AAAI Press, 1997, pp. 971-988 [3] M. Harchol-Balter et al., Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks [4] Shay Kutten et al., Deterministic Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks