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Project Description



Progress Report


Johnny Chang (-db)
Yitao Duan (-bj)

CS184 Final Project: 
Hierarchical Modeling, Manipulation and Animation of Human Body 

To setup and run the program:

1. Download:  animator.zip

2. Unzip animator.zip into one directory and run animator.exe

Note: This program can only be executed on a NT machine.  We recommend you to run this program on one of the NT machines in 349 Soda.  If the program you downloaded from this web page doesn't work, you can run our latest version in the NT directory u:\cs184-db\animator\. 

The complete source code of this project is in the NT directory u:\cs184-db\final\
animator.zip only contains the executable and the data files.

To manipulate body parts:

On start up, the program loads in the data which is not adjustable because it is not in the hierarchical model mode.

  • Click  button on the toolbar to enter the hierarchical model mode. A hierarchical model will be built out of the original data.
  • Click  button to enter the modify mode. Now, you can pick any body part by clicking the left mouse button. The selected part will be painted red. Rotate them by pressing arrow keys or dragging them with the left mouse button pressed . Clicking the black background with the left mouse button will de-select any selected part.  When no body part is selected, the whole scene can be rotated by moving the mouse with the left button pressed.  In addition to the rotation, there are other operations such as translation and twisting.  The keys to manipulate are:



    Key List:

    Arrow Keys:  rotate
           PageUp:  rotate
       PageDown:  rotate
                     L:  translate left
                     R:  translate right
                     U:  translate up
                     D:  translate down
                W, T:   twist

To create and replay animation:

To create:

1. Manipulate the character to a satisfactory posture.
2. Save that frame to an animation file (*.amt) by clicking  on the toolbar or "file/save". 
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to producea sequence of frames. 
4. Replay the animation by pressing 
Note: the program will do its best to interpolate the animation with a given sequence of frames.  In some cases, the animation can be choppy because the program might not be able to interpolate two very different frames. 

To replay:

  • Open the animation file (*.amt) by selecting File\Open or clicking  button.
  • Press  to replay.
      Few sample animations are provided, they are:   jump.amt, kungfu.amt

Other features:

  • File\Import loads a different model of a human body (*.dxf)
  • View\Reset resets the posture.
By Johnny Chang (cs184-db) & Yitao Duan (cs184-bj)  12-9-1999