By Yitao Duan
(cs184-bj )
Johnny Chang (cs184-db)
Project Description
As part of an ongoing project
which simulates human thermal comforts, it is critical to obtain a good
geometric model of a human body, not only for visualization but also for
accurate computing of radiant factors among body parts and the environment.
It is also desirable if the model can be easily modified, so different
gestures can be simulated. Currently the geometric model of body
is generated outside the simulation program and is composed of a large
number of fine, independent polygons. While it is adequate for one configuration,
it lacks the flexibility to accommodate other situations. The body parts
cannot be moved individually, so it is frozen in one gesture.
The goal of this project is to improve the existing
model and add more appealing graphic features. Although this project
involves modeling, rendering, and animation, we
will concentrate mainly on modeling.
This project will mainly focus on hierarchical modeling, and surface blending.
Anticipated tasks:
Break the existing model into different body parts,
e.g. head, chest, upper arm, etc., and construct a hierarchical model.
Build an interactive modeling interface, allowing
user to manipulate the model in a realistic manner. May exploit the use
of OpenGL select mode.
Smooth shading to show realistic clothing effect.
Picking up the polygons belonging
to one body part. Hopefully different color tag from the external program
which generates the original model can be used to do this. Joining of different
body parts presents another problem. Since all body parts themselves are
a collection of polygons which lack information identifying their position
relative to the part they belong to, they are more likely to be treated
as a rigid body and apply transformation to them as a whole. As a result
there may be a gap between two body parts when one of them is moved. Must
come up with some kind of blending.