##RenderMan RIB-Structure 1.0 version 3.03 # Comments appear next to single hash marks (#). # Display 3 walls with texture mapping # Specify the output file and its size Display "scm0.tif" "file" "rgba" Format 640 480 1 # Define the viewpoint Projection "perspective" "fov" [55 ] Translate 0.3 0.6 2.6 Rotate 0.0 1 0 0 Rotate 15.0 0 1 0 # Draw one frame, define the world FrameBegin 1 WorldBegin # Dont use ambient light - improves contrast in this environment #LightSource "ambientlight" 1 "intensity" [0.1 ] # Turn ray-casting shadow calculation on Attribute "light" "shadows" ["on"] # 3 light sources LightSource "distantlight" 2 "intensity" [1 ] "lightcolor" [1 1 1] "from" [0 100 -20] "to" [0 0 0] LightSource "distantlight" 3 "intensity" [2 ] "lightcolor" [1 1 1] "from" [30 30 30] "to" [0 0 0] LightSource "distantlight" 4 "intensity" [2 ] "lightcolor" [1 1 1] "from" [50 30 -20] "to" [0 0 0] # A textured wall behind the block AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "name" "mytwall" Color [0.7 0.7 0.7] Translate -1.0 0.5 1.0 TransformBegin Scale 2 -2 2 Declare "texname" "string" Surface "bwtexmap" "texname" "Text.tif" Polygon "P" [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] TransformEnd AttributeEnd # A brick wall with a separate displacement map (not used here) AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "name" "backwall" Declare "brickwidth" "float" Declare "brickheight" "float" Declare "mortarthickness" "float" Declare "groovedepth" "float" Declare "mortarcolor" "color" Surface "brick" "brickwidth" .6 "brickheight" 0.2 "mortarthickness" 0.06 "groovedepth" 0.00 "mortarcolor" [0.3 0.3 0.3] #Displacement "brickbump" "brickwidth" .6 "brickheight" 0.2 "mortarthickness" 0.06 "groovedepth" 0.06 Translate -1.0 -0.5 0.0 TransformBegin Rotate 90 0 1 0 Polygon "P" [1 1 0 -1 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 -1 0] TransformEnd AttributeEnd # A carpet on the floor AttributeBegin Attribute "identifier" "name" "floor" Surface "carpet" Translate 0.0 -1.5 0.0 TransformBegin Rotate 90 1 0 0 Polygon "P" [1 1 0 -1 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 -1 0] TransformEnd AttributeEnd WorldEnd FrameEnd