8 Robots You Direct!

3 Inverse Kinematics!

6 Fixed Trajectory Animations!

4 Physical Simulations!

2 Mobiles!

5 Particle Systems!

3 Fun Games!

1 Virtual Reality!

2 Other

Robots You Direct!

Control an imperial walker (AT-ST) on the ice planet Hoth!

Godzilla eats buildings... you decide which one!

Direct an elephant(!) while it walks through Yosemite.

Control a robot while it walks.

Control a weird prancing robot.

Control direction of robot walking.

Drive old yellow car with green joystick.

Turn robot one way, his legs walk the other.

Inverse Kinematics


Inverse kinematics on a humanoid figure in 3D!

Inverse kinematics on a humanoid figure in 2D.

Non Interactive

Robot uses inverse kinematics in a post-industrial world!!!

Fixed Trajectories

This man has a bunch of ducks watching him walk and do back flips(?)

Watch a scary(!) spider walk on the grass.

Watch Martian Man walk.

Transformer == blast from the 80's.

Yellow man with nice walking motion.

Watch man walk, then fall.

Physical Simulations


Play nine ball!

Simulation of pendulum(s) you can kick!

Less Interactive

Launch the space shuttle to the moon.

Watch the wheel... (Roulette)


Pretty white birds on a mobile!

Calder style mobile.

Particle Systems

Watch two mechs go at it, nuke 'em if you get tired!

This ant is more complicated than it looks...

Watch particles interacting...

Abstract(!) view of group dynamics...

Part of the solar system with pop-up descriptions.

Fun Games

Fly a plane, crash a plane, shoot missiles, and ride them as they chase ducks!

Play fetch with fido!

A sporty version of Tic-Tac-toe.

Virtual Reality

Yellow cone helps you find your way.


Interactive group editor, with a help feature.