Project report and presentation

Due: Friday, December 7, 2001


The goals of this assignment are to learn how to incorporate feedback from a user interface usability test into the next iteration of a prototype and to communicate the results of a semester long project.

Using Pilot Usability Test Results

You should use the results and conclusions of your Pilot Usability Test along with any feedback we (or your classmates) gave you on your last prototype. You should fix as many of the problems found as you can, prioritized by UI severity. This is also your last chance to implement as much missing functionality as you can - time is short, so you won't be able to do much, but try to do what you can.


Your prototype must be runnable by the teaching staff and anyone else who would like to try it. A downloadable version must be put on your project web page along with instructions to make it run. Make sure this works well in advance of the due date by testing on multiple machines and on PDAs (if your project requires it).


Your write-up should be comprehensive (including sketches and screen dumps). It is due on both the web and on paper at the same time. Your entire write-up and web page should be up to date will ALL of the files stored locally on a web server (so that we can just copy the site for our archives -- links should be relative.)

The write-up should follow this outline with separate sections for the top-level items (number of pages/section are approximate):

  1. Problem (1 paragraph)
    • this is the need you have been trying to solve with this application all semester
  2. Solution Overview (1 paragraph)
  3. Tasks (1/2 page)
    • tasks used for design process
      • list and describe the 3 tasks (ranked by difficulty) and tell us why you chose them
  4. Design Evolution (2 pages + sketches & screen shots)
    • How did your UI change from initial sketches, low-fi testing, HE, and final usability test?
    • Show what the major changes were and why they were made
    • Which evaluation technique was most valuable to your prototypes usability and why?
  5. Scenarios (1/2 page + screen shots)
    • scenarios for 3 tasks
      • storyboards of scenarios (using finished screen shots)
  6. Final Interface (4 pages + screen shots- reference figures!)
    • describe the final UI design
      • describe the functionality (i.e., what are the operations you can do with it)
      • describe the user interface design (i.e., how you use the functionality)
    • what was left unimplemented
      • what was left out and why
      • any wizard of oz techniques that are required to make it work
    • tools you used
      • how the tools helped and how the tools did not help


The remaining members of your team (who haven't presented yet) will present your final results and demo the user interface to the class. They should give a talk that follows the above outline and includes a demo of the final interface.

The demo/talk will be graded on how well the presentation was organized, presented, and the functionality shown by your demo. You will have only 10 minutes for this talk, so practice it in advance and make sure you meet the time constraint. There will be an additional 2 minutes for questions. You must put your presentation slides up on the project web page immediately afterwards.

Presenters grade(s):
The presenters will be graded on the following factors:

  • Organization
    • Give an overview of what you are going to discuss
    • First discuss the overall problem
    • Present your solution
    • Then the representative tasks and why
    • Design evolution and why
    • Final UI description
      • what does it do
      • how does it work
      • what is missing
    • Demonstration of system (may be spread throughout if necessary)
    • Summary
  • Presentation
    • Use slides. Ensure that the presentation shows appropriate preparation, and that visual aids are effective.
    • Cover the required scope within the 10+2 minute time period. Practice and time your presentation.
    • Ensure the presenter makes eye contact, projects well, and is dressed appropriately.