CS 268: Computer Networks, Spring 2005: Syllabus

Lecture: MW 2:30-4:00pm
405 Soda Hall


Scott Shenker  Ion Stoica  
683 Soda Hall
Office Hours: W 12-1pm
645 Soda Hall
Office Hours: M 4-5pm, Tu 5-6pm

Prerequisite: CS162 or EE122


This is a graduate level course on computer networking. The course involves both a reading/lecture/discussion component and a project component. We will read about 50 research papers on various aspects of computer networking: LAN/WAN technologies, congestion/flow control, traffic analysis, routing, internetworking, multicast, security, and quality of service. Students are expected to read papers before the class, submit a one page summary for each paper, and participate in the discussion during the class. The class projects can be either of the following types: design/implementation, measurement, and simulation. The lecture will be conducted in an interactive fashion. We will lead the discussion, but we expect everyone to participate. You will be graded for both the paper summaries and class discussion.


Midterm exam 10%
Final exam 15%
Paper reviews and
Term project 50%
Class participation 10%