ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP AEIM BFJN CGKO DHLP AFKP BGLM CHIN DEJO It is not possible to complete this schedule. MFKP BELO CHIN DGJA MEIA CGKO BFJN DHLP MBCD EFGH IJKL ANOP CFLA BGIP DEKN MHJO MGLN BHKA CEJP DFIO ABCD EFGH IJLK MNOP CFIP AHLO BGKN DEJM AEKP BFLM DHIN CGJO CELN AGIM BHJP DFKO CHKM DGLP AFJN BEIO ABCO FGMK IJHP ENDL AFIE BGJN CMHD OKPL AGHL BMPE CKIN OFJD It is not possible to complete this schedule. Judging Notes: The first three lines of the above four data sets show the input data for this problem. For a solution to be judged successful it must either: A. Not echo the input but report: "It is not possible to complete this schedule." B. Echo the three lines of input data followed by two lines showing a successful seating schedule. Output for each data set is to be separated by a blank line. For the above data sets, the first set can't have a solution because A & B must dine with H and A, B, & H must dine with O, but A&B can't diner together again. The fourth set has no solution because A & B must dine with D and A, B, & D must dine with K, but A&B can't diner together again. The second and third data sets have a successful seating schedule however the last two lines may be interchanged. The four letter groups and the letters within a group may be in any order on a line.