
I spent about a full day at UW and a full day at MS Research (1/25-26, 2001).  In both places I gave a "state of the iRoom" overview talk, accompanied by video clips. In both cases the talk was too long, but we're getting there; and it was very well received.  Here are some highlights from the visit.  Please read this in case there are implied action items for you here.  :-)  Even if there aren't, I gleaned some good high level info about what's going on in EasyLiving and Portolano that may save you from having to read some papers.

Easy Living

I got to see a short demo of EasyLiving.  Imagine a living room with couches, a wall size display, a coffee table, a stereo, and a "sign in area" consisting of a pressure sensitive mat, a small display, and a thumbprint reader.  There are triocular stereo cameras at various places around the room, and one overhead looking down at the coffee table.
  1. Person steps on mat and puts thumb on reader.  "Hello, Brian".  If person is not known, they are a generic "guest".
  2. Brian walks over to couch and sits down.  Pressure pads on couch detect this and Brian's "terminal session" (Windows desktop) appears on screen, since camera has been tracking him and recognizes he is the one sitting down.
  3. SImilarly, if he takes the keyboard, cameras detect that it is he who has come close to the keyboard and keystrokes are sent to his session.  If he passes the keyboard to Steve, cameras detect this as well, and screen switches to Steve's session and keystrokes go there.
  4. Sessions can also explicitly be sent to other displays by the user.  This overrides "implcit" behaviors in the demo.
Basically the way this works is that all the sensors feed sensor fusion algorithms connected to various models.  E.g. there is a geometric model of where things are in the room, a model of which persons are in the room, etc.  Individual apps can query these models to ask various questions; also the models can extract/synthesize interesting "state change" events from raw sensor inputs, e.g. "Brian has just moved within the extent of the keyboard".  Apps can also subscribe to receive events from specific sensors, but this isn't the general way apps are written since events must be explicitly addressed to desitnation(s) by the publisher.  The distributed system that all this stuff is built on is called InConcert.  It wasn't 100% clear how it works beyond this simple description; my sense is that it is not as general a framework at this point as the iRoom, and the apps/demos are more ad-hoc.

Robert Grimm, (subject of a HotOS submission, worth reading)

systems support for pervasive computing.  1) traditional distrib sys/obj approaches don't scale to worldwide pervasive computing. 2) programming for change: existing DS abstractions like RPC don't work.  instead want to write apps that "are prepared to re-acquire any resource at any time".  (related to leases; and implies apps are prepare to lose any resource at any time!  a new programming discipline required of app writers.)  2 ways to help app writers meet this challenge:
1. as INS demonstrated, late binding & discovery are a good idea in dynamic systems.  PvC is a 2d space where axes are "degree of dynamism" and "size of network"; their API's express this.  (HotOS paper has a graph with these axes showing how existing distrib sys and PvC frameworks cover different regions of this space.)  eg  discovery vs. lookup is just treated as different API's to lookup mechanism, depending on these factors.
2. if programmers write apps this way, we can do checkpointing and process migration. an "environment" can contain active computation thread(s) and persistently stored tuples (and environments nest).  a checkpoint is taking the active computation tree, serializing them, and checkpointing the tuples.  each env has a main event loop that calls you; the apps are written to respond to the main event loop.  things like connections to outside services ("External state") are not checkpointed, since it's expected that the app can reacquire those later when it comes back up.  current impl serializes all the java objects.  checkpoint waits for environment to quiesce before checkpointing and killing it.
Interesting ugrad project course: each project is implemented in parallel in and something else (jini, etc) to do direct comparison.
Potential collaboration: new Eheap servre implementation on top of; would allow scaling, replication, failover, checkpointing/migration, etc.

Stebbi Sigurdsson, Service composition for LabScape

RPC queues on top of events: higher level tasks are broken down into event lists, they are executed in strict serial (not async) order to maintain a sense of where the locus of control else. 
second goal: separate concerns of applications, administration (data formats of different vendors), etc.  use an event-based approach and install "user handlers" to do whatever the task at hand is.  the user handler is just the abovementioned task.  reference impl of pub/sub substrate is  the demo at wmcsa used an older version of this framework.

Gaetano Borriello - Portolano technologies, scenarios, themes

Experimental preschool - active monitoring (badges, etc) to collect data (today your kid spent 30% of her time doing X), data mining, cross correlation to video feed, etc. (better than just a webcam!)
Distributed CSCW - some iroom-like apps, but where people are not geographically collocated.  building a space on Univ Way to explore this.  They would consider using our stuff.  Might be a forcing function to look beyond connected-room stuff.
Should point to Milton to look at virtual classroom.
The Portolano world: 3 types of people.  Device makers, high level app makers, administrator/coordinator of the "space" (physical or virtual).  usually these will be separate parties who don't know about each other, so must separate concerns in systems infrastructure.  example: Cell Structure Initiative at UW is using Labscape as their prototype env for experimental.  Main impediment in large-scale genomics etc. is that people don't do well at leveraging each others' work in the community.  one possibilty is to use Labscape to audit/log everything: then you can reproduce experiemnts, do data mining, etc.  Current challenges: (a) data representation (currently a knolwedge model for biology experiemnts, called Metagraph); (b) experiment capture, which populates the Metagraph DB - that's what Labscape does.  can also capture menial things ("The results are screwed up because i was using a contaminated pipette, since i can see this pipette was used for experiment X last week"). 
One Portolano Theme: associating physical objects with time, place, and person using them.
Second theme: purely data-centric networking model - almost like dataflow with history.  "The devices just put data out there, and the data finds its own way."
A lot of similarities between Portolano/Labscape and ADS!  See Gaetano's november 2000 IEEE Computer article (2-pager on invisible computing); main difference is the aggregation of data to account for the fact that things like devices might not know the userid of who is using them, etc.
Mobicom submission: using a tuplespace as an active cache for intermittently-connected mobile devices.  Will be built on eventually but not right now.
A hypothesis - the only time we REALLY do re-use in CS is when the reuse is in the form of reusable code artifacts.  but, we haven't succeeded in finding a common representation that is open enough to tweak, but closed enough to work off-the-shelf.  hence people rarely reuse others' code, and leverage doesn't happen.  this iknows improving (Java VM is a standard environment, perl CPAN, etc.)  but still a long way to go. the HotOS composition paper is really about this problem.  Think about Perl: it focused on keeping datatypes simple, having a lot of esoteric casting rules, etc, and loose calling conventions!  that's what made modules work!
New research lab: Intel/UW.  Gaetano is 50/50.  The lab will work exclusively by finding projects on which it can collaborate with a university.  the first such is Portolano.
Facility will house ~50 people three blocks from UW.  They are actively looking for recruits immediately, ie new PhD's.

Comments from MSR

Make research questions more explicit - maybe a list of PhD thesis topics in each area.
More about the mural!
Event heap: EasyLiving has a similar mechanism that they use for "traditional" pub/sub (ie. publishing is activated when subscriptions come, because it might be expensive) - but they built everything on top of a traditional DB.  Claim - even if you have to work aroudn data model deficiencies, that's easier than implementing your own and it gives you everything else you need (and some things you don't).  Question: should the EH be a layer on top of a DB?
Ross Cutler: Cool camera demo: multiple cameras mounted around a circle, (soon) with integrated mikes.  Automatic scene-stitching software can create a panorama, they can also do sound localization and use that to automically control multiple-frame views (zoom in on speaker, etc) using 1394/DirectShow interface.  A few univesrities are slated to get these for Internet-2 work - Ross Cutler (the guy working on this) thinks we may be one of them.  This strikes me as a potentially very cool thing to have for experimenting with sensor fusion, identifying context about users that could be used for overface, etc.  Similarly, the algorithsm and filters for sound source localization, etc are stacked using DirectShow - everything is just expressed as a filter graph.  More info: Anoop's group homepage at MSR should contain something about this by about Monday.
A lot of sensor-collection, sensor-fusion work going on, including reasoning about user actions based on sensed events using dynamic Bayesian networks (Nuria Oliver), tracking the positions of people, objects and furniture in the EasyLiving room using stereo and overhead-mounted cameras (John Krumm), etc.  They have a distributed system called InConcert that lets you write apps that can "receive events" (sorst of).  2 methods:
- specific "events" (messages) can be generated by sensors/observers, but must be addressed to specific entities (essentially, to specific apps) that have registered callback functions to react to those messages.  Similar to the old Event model for the iRoom.
- there are various models (geometry model of where things are, model of where people are, etc.) that can be passively queried by applications that would care.  analog sensors generate data streams received by these models; the models extract "interesting" state change events from these, i.e. person X has come within the extent of keyboard Y.