The following jpeg image is my first experiment in scanning black/white photos. This is a small 256-gray level panoramic photo Yosemite Valley from Washburn Point (19kbytes). Here is another rendition Yosemite Valley from Washburn Point (80kbytes) that will probably require you to scroll sideways to see it all.
I printed each of the three sections at 10.5 inches square on Ilford Multigrade RC paper, with modest burning in on the sky and slight dodging on some of the dark valley areas. These were scanned on an HP flatbed scanner at about 1000 dots/inch. The TIF files are about 7.1 megabytes each.
I merged the files into one 19.4 megabyte file, using Adobe Photoshop, where the opacity of the panels near the joints was modified and feathered to smooth the panoramic effect. (Thanks to Paul Debevec for help using Photoshop in the UC Computer Science multimedia and graphics labs.) The only other operations in photoshop included dust spotting and a modest lightening of the valley in the right.) It was downsampled to JPEG substantially to make the file above. Much more detail is available in Yosemite Valley from Washburn Point (2.23meg jpeg). When I first did this I advised that ``you would need a fast connection and/or lots of patience, plus a browser willing to display large JPEGs to see this.'' Now everyone has a fast connection and the browser plug-ins for JPEGS are clever enough to show really big images.
Printed at 72 dots per inch the original file image would be about 120 inches wide and 33 inches high.
My wife collects tiny shells and humors me by encouraging me to take photos of them.
I've taken some digital photos more recently. Lots. I'm not posting them here. Still figuring out how much to violate the privacy of my friends and family, and fellow travelers, and which of the many social media sites and photo-posting sites to really use.
Except for this 2003 video taken with a Canon S230 camera, of Laysan Albatrosses clacking, hooting, sky-pointing, bobbing, and poking their own chests. This was taken on Kauai, in a side yard of a house on a cliff in Princeville. The area is dotted with Albatross nests and chicks, in the right season. Anyway, here is the movie. The best part is at the very end.
Oh well. I've recently added some other youtube videos, in consideration of how little privacy it seems people expect. I suppose I may open up some of my picasaweb albums sometime (8/2011).
To see what else I do, see my home page.