The Professional Macsyma Manual edited by _R_i_c_h_a_r_d _J_. _F_a_t_e_m_a_n A revision of the Macsyma Reference Manual 9 9 _P_r_e_f_a_c_e is a large computer programming system used for performing symbolic as well as numerical mathematical manipulations. Its origins are in the work of the Math- lab Group of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (formerly Project MAC). The name itself is an acronym for Project MAC's SYmbolic MAnipulation System. This manual* describes a version which is a des- cendent of the Macsyma / Vaxima system developed at the University of California, Berkeley, starting from the original DEC PDP-10 version. has been designed for use under the UNIX operating system on VAX and other com- puters.** This system and its predecessors reflect the many con- tributions of prized pieces of code, useful advice, bug reports, and lively debate. The algorithms in have been both drawn from and contributed to the literature, and owe debts to Elwyn R. Berlekamp, W. Stanley Brown, George E. Collins, Richard J. Fateman, W. Morven Gentleman, R. William Gosper, Donald E. Knuth, John D. Lipson, Joel Moses, Robert H. Risch, Barry Trager, Paul Wang, Richard Zip- pel, among many others. Direct contributors in terms of programming, include David R. Barton, Richard A. Bogen, Hilary O. Capps, George J. Carrette, Bruce W. Char, Alex P. Doohovskoy, William G. Dubuque, Carl Engelman, Richard J. Fateman, John K. Foderaro, Daniel Freedman, Michael R. Genesereth, R. William Gosper, Ellen V. Golden, Jef- frey P. Golden, Robert Grabel, Leo P. Harten, John L. Kulp, Douglas H. Lanam, Edward L. Lafferty, William A. Martin, Joel Moses, Keith Nishihara, Kent M. Pittman, Linda Rothschild, David Saunders, David R. Stoutemyer, Barry M. Trager, Paul Wang, David Y. Yun, Jon L. White, Gail Zacharias, Richard Zippel, and undoubtedly others. Acknowledgments Work reported herein was supported at various times by numerous government and private agencies, ____________________ 9 *This manual is based in part on the 1977 version 9 PDP-10 manual, with suggestions of the Mathlab Group and the assistance of V. Ellen Golden. Their help is gratefully acknowledged. 9 including in part the U. S. Department of Energy, Con- tract DE-AT03-76SF00034, Project Agreement DE-AS03- 79ER10358, and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCS 7807291, the System Development Founda- tion. UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories. DEC, VAX, PDP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. portions 8c9 1981 in part, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which has given permission to copy without fee all or part of the source material from which this manual is derived, provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage and the copyright notice above is given. All other rights reserved. 9 9 Contents Introduction Data Types Construction of Mathematical Expressions Programming Commands Database Operations Specialized Functions Lists Pattern Matching Utility I/O Tensor Share Batch/storage Plotting Grammar Examples 9 9