#Makefile for OCRchie CC = cxx CPP = cpp DEBUG = -g OPTIMIZE = -O CCFLAGS = $(DEBUG) EXECUTABLE = ocr INCLUDE = /usr/include/cxx .. # math library directory #MATHLIB = /lib/pa1.1 point.o: point.cpp point.h point.inl $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c point.cpp -o point.o -I${INCLUDE} # That's it. Now just do a gmake. INCLUDE = -I/usr/include/cxx -I/usr/local/include -I.. LIBDIRS = -L../itk LIBS = ${LIBDIRS} -lm -ltiff -litk #HEADERS = system.h list.h Component.h \ # BitMap.h RLEPair.h RLEMap.h LineMarker.h Page.h Point.h \ # convertMap.h Component.h Word.h OFILES = main.o project.o histogram.o \ get_skew.o \ RLEMap.o RLEPair.o list.o \ convertMap.o Component.o Page.o\ BitMap.o system.o \ Word.o learn.o #The Executable project ocr: $(OFILES) $(CC) -g -o $(EXECUTABLE) ${INCLUDE} $(OFILES) $(LIBS) strip $(EXECUTABLE) # The .o files compiled in ODIR because of space considerations system.o: system.cc system.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o system.o -c ${INCLUDE} system.cc Page.o: Page.cc Page.h RLEMap.h RLEPair.h BitMap.h system.h \ Component.h LineMarker.h Word.h convertMap.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o Page.o -c ${INCLUDE} Page.cc RLEMap.o: system.cc RLEMap.cc RLEPair.cc RLEMap.h RLEPair.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o RLEMap.o -c ${INCLUDE} RLEMap.cc BitMap.o: BitMap.cc BitMap.h system.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o BitMap.o -c ${INCLUDE} BitMap.cc RLEPair.o: RLEPair.cc RLEPair.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o RLEPair.o -c ${INCLUDE} RLEPair.cc Component.o: Component.cc Component.h system.h list.h RLEMap.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o Component.o -c ${INCLUDE} Component.cc list.o: list.h list.cc $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o list.o -c ${INCLUDE} list.cc Word.o: Word.h Component.h list.h list.cc $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o Word.o -c ${INCLUDE} Word.cc convertMap.o: convertMap.cc convertMap.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o convertMap.o -c ${INCLUDE} convertMap.cc bitprint.o: bitprint.h bitprint.cc $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o bitprint.o -c ${INCLUDE} bitprint.cc learn.o: system.h learn.h learn.cc $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o learn.o -c ${INCLUDE} learn.cc main.o: main.cc $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o main.o -c ${INCLUDE} main.cc project.o: project.cc project.h BitMap.h RLEMap.h histogram.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o project.o -c ${INCLUDE} project.cc histogram.o: histogram.cc histogram.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o histogram.o -c ${INCLUDE} histogram.cc get_skew.o: get_skew.cc get_skew.h project.h histogram.h $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o get_skew.o -c ${INCLUDE} get_skew.cc clean: rm -f core *.o *~ ocr #