;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: qd; Base: 10 -*- ;; Author: Richard Fateman, February, 2006 ;; quad-double extension for common lisp based on QD {Hida, Li, Bailey} ;; This file must be loaded after packs.lisp. ;; it must be loaded along with ga.[lisp,fasl] and ;; "qd.dll" (defpackage :qd (:use :ga :cl) (:shadowing-import-from :ga "+" "-" "/" "*" "expt" ;... n-ary arith "=" "/=" ">" "<" "<=" ">=" ;... n-ary comparisons "1-" "1+" "abs" "incf" "decf" "min" "max" sin cos tan asin acos atan log ;; these are trickier, 1 or 2 args. exp sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh sqrt tocl numerator denominator expt ) (:export into) ) (in-package :qd) ;(eval-when (compile) (load "ga.fasl")) (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0))) ) (eval-when (compile load eval) (ff:def-foreign-type cqd (:array :double)) (ff:def-foreign-type cdd (:array :double)) (ff:def-foreign-type mpz (cl::* :int)) ;; the next two programs don't have the right ;; effect in Allegro CL on windows x86, and so ;; we rewrote the c_qd_xxx programs to call fpu_fix_start ;; something like this might work in other lisps, though #-Allegro (ff:def-foreign-call (fpu_fix_start "fpu_fix_start") ;set rounding modes ((cw (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) #-Allegro (ff:def-foreign-call (fpu_fix_end "fpu_fix_end") ;restore rounding modes ((cw (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_comp "c_qd_comp");; compare returns -1 0 1 for < = > ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_copy_into "c_qd_copy");; ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_pi "c_qd_pi");; produce a value for pi ((target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_rand "c_qd_rand");; produce a random value ((target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_atan2 "c_qd_atan2") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_sincos "c_qd_sincos") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targets (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_sincosh "c_qd_sincosh") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targets (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_npwr "c_qd_npwr") ;; qd to an integer power ((base (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (expon :int) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; The routines for add, mul, sub, div are defined via defarithmetic macro. ;; The routines for sin cos tan etc. are defined via r macro. ;; These macros to expand into ff interfaces as well as methods. ;; because of special issues of 2 or 1 arg atan and log, we define ;; them here. (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_log "c_qd_log") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_atan "c_qd_atan") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_add_double "c_qd_add_qd_d") ; qd + double ; sometimes useful ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 :double) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; We could extend the list of operations with other entry points as ;; needed. There are 120 external entry points for qd and dd ;; routines. We don't support access to the dd routines because ;; we suspect that -- as long as you are incurring the overhead ;; for the linkage -- the difference between dd and the higher ;; precision qd is small. ;; An programmer with a strong incentive to gain the most efficiency ;; might wish to access the raw qd routines rather than use the ;; overloaded +,*, etc. like qd_mul. The amount to be gained by this ;; is not very great compared to the normal lisp syntax plus two tricks: ;; see below for dsetv and with-temps. ;;Since we want to tag these guys as a QD we do this: (defstruct aqd (q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0.0d0 ;; next line is Allegro-specific :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable) :type (simple-array double-float (4)))) ;; Here q is the "guts" of the representation, an array of doubles. ;; The structure "aqd" provides a wrapper or tag so that ;; we can hang methods on it, like print-object, +, * etc. (defmethod print-object ((a aqd) stream)(format stream "~a" (qd2string a))) ;; This next defmethod says that if the compiler needs to ;; dump any qd objects into a file for later re-loading, the form ;; to use is to just reconstruct the ordinary aqd object. ;; (this is a standard ANSI CL idiom). (defmethod make-load-form ((a aqd)&optional environment) (make-load-form-saving-slots a :environment environment)) ;; The next program converts a qd number to a lisp rational. There is ;; probably a "more efficient" way to do this, but I doubt there ;; is a much shorter program! note denom is a power of 2 (defmethod ga::outof ((x aqd))(qd2lisp x)) (defmethod qd2lisp((x aqd)) (or (excl::nan-p (aref (aqd-q x) 0)) ; if qd contains a NaN, use it. (apply #'cl::+ (map 'list #'rational (aqd-q x))))) (defmethod qd2lisp(y) y) ; not a qd. just return it. ;; To convert from an ordinary lisp "real" number, use the "into" function. ;; Note that this is qd::into, distinct from "into" programs in other ;; packages. The optional 2nd arg says we already have a place for ;; this number, so in that case we don't need to allocate a new one. ;;; USE THIS FUNCTION, into (defun into(r &optional (where (make-aqd))) (lisp2qd r where)) ;; The following methods REQUIRE a place to put the answer, and so ;; are less convenient to use directly. (defmethod lisp2qd((x aqd) (ans aqd)) ;make a fresh copy (let ((inx (aqd-q x)) (ina (aqd-q ans))) (dotimes (i 4 ans)(declare (fixnum i))(setf (aref ina i)(aref inx i))))) (defmethod lisp2qd((x rational) (ans aqd)) ;to encode a lisp rational, divide num/den (setf (aqd-q ans) (aqd-q (/ (into (numerator x))(into (denominator x))))) ans) (defmethod lisp2qd((x fixnum) ans) ;small integers are easy. (lisp2qd (coerce x 'double-float) ans)) (defmethod lisp2qd ((x float) (ans aqd)) ;single-float or double-floats fit here (let* ((in (aqd-q ans))) (loop for i from 1 to 3 do (setf (aref in i) 0.0d0)) (setf (aref in 0) (coerce x 'double-float)) ans)) (defmethod lisp2qd ((x integer) res) ;integer but not fixnum ;; bignum integers that are shorter than a double-float fraction are easy. (if (< (cl::abs x) #.(cl::expt 2 53)) (lisp2qd (coerce x 'double-float) res) ;; the rest of this code is for when x is a bignum with more bits. ;; We convert it, 52-bit section by 52-bit section (let* ((ans (aqd-q res)) (s (signum x)) (shifter (aqd-q (into 1))) ;initially, shift by 1 (newdig 0) (shiftam (aqd-q (into(cl::expt 2 52))) )) (if (< s 0)(setf x (- x))) (loop while (> x 0) do (setf newdig (logand x #.(cl::1- (cl::expt 2 52)))) (setf newdig (aqd-q (into newdig))) ; grab some bits (qd_mul shifter newdig newdig) ;newdig now a qd (setf x (ash x -52)) ;remove them from x (qd_add ans newdig ans) (qd_mul shifter shiftam shifter)) (if (< s 0)(qd_mul ans (into -1) ans)) res))) ;; should be faster ways of shifting and changing sign in the above. ;; Converting from qd to lisp to a decimal (or other base) string we ;; look at the first n decimal digits of a fraction, also show exponent. ;; We only use base 10 in qd2string, which is used in the default print method. (defun decimalize(r n &optional (base 10)) ; r rational number >=0 (let ((expon (if (cl::= r 0) -1 (cl::floor(cl::log (cl::abs r) base) )))) (values (signum r) (round (cl::*(cl::abs r) (cl::expt base (cl::- n expon)))) (cl::1+ expon)))) ;; make a formatted output . Something like this does the job (defparameter *qd-digits-to-show* 66) ; MAX number of digits to show. Trailing zeros are omitted. (defmethod qd2string((x aqd)) ;; check if x is a NaN (if (excl::nan-p (aref (aqd-q x) 0)) "NaN(qd)" (multiple-value-bind (s r e h) ;h is extra variable (decimalize (qd2lisp x) *qd-digits-to-show* 10) (format nil "~a0.~aQ~s" (if (cl::< s 0)"-" "") (string-right-trim "0" (subseq (setf h(format nil "~a" r)) 0 (cl::min (length h) *qd-digits-to-show*)) ) e)))) (defmacro defarithmetic (op pgm) (let ((two-arg (intern (concatenate 'string "two-arg-" (symbol-name op)) :ga )) (c-entry (concatenate 'string "c_"(symbol-name pgm)))) ;; (format t "~% defining ~s" two-arg) `(progn (ff:def-foreign-call (,pgm ,c-entry);; associate, for example, qd_mul with c_qd_mul ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; new defmethods for qd. .. note order of args different from gmp (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 aqd)) (let* ((r (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a1 (aqd-q arg1)) (a2 (aqd-q arg2))) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm a1 a2 in) r)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 real) (arg2 aqd)) (let* ((r (into arg1)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a2 (aqd-q arg2))) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm in a2 in) r)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 real)) (let* ((r (into arg2)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a1 (aqd-q arg1) )) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm a1 in in) r)) (setf (get ',op 'argnum) 2) ;used by with-temps, dsetv (setf (get ',op 'qd-program) ',pgm) ;used by with-temps, dsetv (setf (get ',two-arg 'qd-program) ',pgm) ;used after macroexpand-all (setf (get ',two-arg 'argnum) 2) ))) (defarithmetic + qd_add) (defarithmetic - qd_sub) (defarithmetic * qd_mul) (defarithmetic / qd_div) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd)(n integer)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_npwr (aqd-q base) n (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;; this special case doesn't fit into defarithmetic macro. (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd) (n aqd)) (exp (* n (log base)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd) (n real)) (exp (* (into n) (log base)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base real) (n aqd)) (exp (* n (log (into base))))) ;; do analogous stuff for other entry points of interest from qd.dll ;; the call to ff:def-foreign-call is specific to allegro common lisp. ;; Someone else may translate these into an alternative like UFFI. (defmacro r (op);; (let ((fun-name (intern op :ga )) (cqd-name (format nil "c_qd_~a" op)) (qd-symb (intern (format nil "qd_~a" op)))) `(progn (ff:def-foreign-call (,qd-symb ,cqd-name) ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float (4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float (4))));reverse order from gmp :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (defmethod ,fun-name ((arg aqd)) (let* ((h (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q h))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) in)) (,qd-symb (aqd-q arg) in) h)) ;;(compile ',fun-name) (setf (get ',fun-name 'argnum) 1) (setf (get ',fun-name 'qd-program) ',qd-symb) ))) (r abs) (r sin ) (r cos ) (r tan ) (r exp ) (r log10) (r asin ) (r acos ) ;(r atan ) (r sinh ) (r cosh ) (r tanh ) (r asinh) (r acosh) (r atanh) (r sqrt ) ) ;end of eval-when (r neg) ;need to put in ga. ;(r floor qd_floor) ;(r ceil qd_ceil) ;; more still. ;; Here's how to work with atan and log, which in Lisp can take one or two args. ;;(defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a real)(b real)) (cl:atan a b)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a aqd)(b aqd)) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q b)(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a aqd)b) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q (into b))(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan(a (b aqd)) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q (into a))(aqd-q b)(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a aqd)(b (eql 10))) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_log10 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q ans))ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a aqd)(b real)) (/ (ga::one-arg-log a)(ga::one-arg-log (into b)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a real)(b aqd)) (/ (ga::one-arg-log (into a))(ga::one-arg-log b))) (defmethod ga::one-arg-log((r aqd)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_log (aqd-q r) (aqd-q ans)) ans)) (defmethod ga::one-arg-atan((r aqd)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan (aqd-q r) (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;;; comparisons ;;; the c_qd_comp function does not return a value; it sets the return in a box. ;;; allocate the space for that return value, one time, and re-use it. (eval-when (compile load eval) (defvar compare-box (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32) :initial-element 0 :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable)) (defmacro defcomparison (op val) (let ((two-arg (intern (concatenate 'string "two-arg-" (symbol-name op)) :ga)) ) ;; (format t "~% defining ~s" two-arg) `(progn ;; only extra methods not in ga are defined here. ;; qd_comp returns -1 0 1 for < = > (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 aqd)) (declare (special compare-box)) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) ;; (format t "~%a1=~s, a2=~s, compare a1 ~s a2 =~s" arg1 arg2 ',op (aref compare-box 0)) (member (aref ,compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 real) (arg2 aqd)) (declare (special compare-box)) (let ((arg1 (into arg1))) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) (member (aref compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=))) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 real)) (declare (special compare-box)) (let ((arg2 (into arg2))) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) (member (aref compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=))) ',op))) (defcomparison = '(0)) (defcomparison > '(1)) (defcomparison < '(-1)) (defcomparison /= '(-1 1)) ;; not equal is either less or greater (defcomparison >= '(0 1)) (defcomparison <= '(0 -1)) ) ;; In subsequent parts of the file we will be re-using storage, ;; or at least proposing to do so. In such a programming context ;; we need to, at least occasionally, make a private copy of something. ;; Here's how. (remember, this is qd::copy). (defmethod copy((a aqd))(make-aqd :q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-contents (aqd-q a) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (defmacro copy_mac(a) `(make-aqd :q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-contents (aqd-q ,a) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) ;; maybe this is worth doing. ;; accumulating a qd by adding in smaller lisp double-floats. (defmethod addqd_d ((a aqd) (d real)) ;;qd+fixnum, qd+flonum, only good to double-precision (let* ((targ (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q targ))) (qd_add_double (aqd-q a) (coerce d 'double-float) in) targ)) (defmethod ga::1+((a aqd)) (addqd_d a 1.0d0)) (defmethod ga::1-((a aqd)) (addqd_d a -1.0d0)) ;;; We want to make better use of the state-based programs like qd_mul. ;;; Assuming aqd... for a, b, and c: (dsetv a (+ b c)) destroys the value in a. ;;; Compare this to (setf a (+ b c)) which creates a new value and points a to it. ;; dsetv, data driven (defmacro dsetv (targ ex) ;; try (dsetv a (+ b c)) ;; should be faster than (setf a (+ b c)). maybe 2X. ;; All the logic below is done during macro-expansion, ;; which means it is usually done at compile time. Run time ;; is therefore not penalized. If you use dsetv from an interpreted ;; program it will be slow, however, because it will do the macro ;; expansion followed by the execution, each time it is used. (cond ((atom ex) `(into ,ex ,targ)) ((eq (car ex) 'into) `(into ,@(cdr ex) ,targ)) ((eq (car ex) 'setq) (let ((gg (gensym))) ;; need to protect against capturing z in (setq z ..)) `(let ((,gg ,(with-temps (caddr ex)))) (qd_copy_into (aqd-q ,gg) (aqd-q ,(cadr ex))) ,gg))) (t (let* ((op (car ex)) (args (cdr ex)) (the-op (get op 'qd-program)) (argnum (get op 'argnum))) (cond ((not the-op);; not a previously listed op ` (let* ((lval ,targ) (a1 (aqd-q (,op ,@ args))) (tt (aqd-q lval))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 tt)) (qd_copy_into a1 tt) lval)) ((not (eql argnum (length args))) (error "dsetv was given operator ~s which expects ~s args, but was given ~s -- ~s" op argnum (length args) args)) (t (case argnum (1;; one argument. `(let ((a1 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(car args))))) ;;(a1 (aqd-q ,(car args))) (tt (aqd-q ,targ))) (declare (optimize speed)(type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 tt)) ;; could also check other args for being type qd ;; could also allow for args to be si, ui, dd, etc. ;; could also check number of args to be appropriate for operation (,the-op a1 tt) ,targ)) (2 `(let ((a1 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(car args))))) ;(a1 (aqd-q ,(car args))) (a2 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(cadr args))))) ;; (a2 (aqd-q ,(cadr args))) (tt (aqd-q ,targ))) (declare (optimize speed)(type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 a2 tt)) (,the-op a1 a2 tt) ,targ )) (otherwise (error "argnum is wrong for op ~s " op)) ))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;more efficiency hackery follows.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; make a pile of qd frames, so allocating/deallocating is done at compile time. ;; The intention is to obviate the need to find a place to store the results, ;; knowing that the results will be used only once. ;; One thought --- we could allocat a stack of qds. ;;(defparameter qdstack (make-array 100 :element-type 'aqd :initial-element (make-aqd) ;; :weak t ;; not all lisps have this option. affects garbage collection. ;; :fill-pointer 100 :adjustable t)) ;;(dotimes (i 100)(setf (aref qdstack i) (into i))) ; just put something there so we can see it ;; When computing, take temporary locations off that stack; ;; when finished, restore the fill pointer. ;; Or we could just allocate a few private "registers" say, for a function, or an inner loop, ;; and re-use them, if we are in a loop. No need to tell anyone else about a few temp locations, ;; especially if they are GC'd when truly inaccessible. That's what is below. (defmacro with-temps(expr) (let ((*names* nil) (*howmany* 0)) (labels ((genlist(n)(loop for i from 1 to n collect (into i))) ;make a list of fresh qd items (ct1 (r) ;; count temporaries needed (cond ((numberp r) (incf *howmany*)) ((not (consp r)) r) (t (incf *howmany*) (mapc #'ct1 (cdr r))))) (maketemps(r) ;change r=(+ a (* b c)) to temp storage . (cond ((numberp r) (into r)) ((atom r) r) ((get (car r) 'argnum); known operator `(dsetv ,(pop *names*) ,(cons (car r)(mapcar #'maketemps (cdr r))))) ;; just a symbol name? maybe aref? better be the right type, aqd. (t r)))) (setf expr (macroexpand expr)) (ct1 expr) ;; (ct1 expr); count the temporaries (setf *names* (genlist *howmany*)) (maketemps expr)))) ;; try (pprint (macroexpand '(with-temps (+ x (* 3 z))))) ;; or (defun hypot(x y)(copy (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y)))))) ;; need the call to copy to make a copy of the result before calling hypot again. ;; set up the environment for with-temps and dsetv here (eval-when (compile load eval) (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 2)) '(atan2 log2 setq)) ;; for now assume they are given only one arg and if they are given 2 signal an error with dsetv. (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 1)) '(atan log)) ;; (defun qd_setq (a b)(qd_copy_into b a) b) ) ;; just in case you need both sin and cos, or sinh and cosh. (defmethod sincos1((a aqd)(s aqd)(c aqd)) (let ((a-in (aqd-q a))(s-in (aqd-q s))(c-in (aqd-q c))) (qd_sincos a-in s-in c-in))) (defmethod sincosh1((a aqd)(s aqd)(c aqd)) (let ((a-in (aqd-q a))(s-in (aqd-q s))(c-in (aqd-q c))) (qd_sincosh a-in s-in c-in))) (defmethod sincos((a aqd)) (let* ((s (make-aqd)) (c (make-aqd))) (sincos1 a s c) (values s c))) (defmethod sincosh((a aqd)) (let* ((s (make-aqd)) (c (make-aqd))) (sincosh1 a s c) (values s c))) (defun compute-pi()(let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_pi (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;; dqlist is an ordinary lisp list of the ;; coefficients in a polynomial. The last item in the list ;; is the constant coefficient. All coeffs are aqd objects. ;; (setf testpoly (list (into 5) (into 3) (into 1))) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 ;; (setf x (into 1)) (defun polyevalqd (qdlist x) (let ((sum (make-aqd))) (dolist (i qdlist sum) (setf sum (with-temps (+ i (* x sum))))))) ;; takes about 250ms for 100 iterations of eval of qones at two #+ignore ;; just for comparison with above. (defun polyeval (qdlist x) ;; about 10% slower, but uses 40X more CONS storage, 85X more other bytes (let ((sum (make-aqd))) (dolist (i qdlist sum) (setf sum (+ i (* x sum)))))) ;; pe is the same functionality as polyeval. ;; possibly a teensy bit faster. Benchmarks show no difference. 2/18/06 RJF ;; some test data: #+ignore ;;setting up tests (progn (setf ones (loop for i from 1 to 999 collect (expt -1 (1+ i)))) (setf qones (mapcar #'into ones)) (setf dones (mapcar #'(lambda(s)(* s 1.0d0)) ones)) (setf FA (qdlist2flatarray (reverse qones))) 'done) #+ignore (progn (format t "~%testp1") (time (test-p1 10000)) (format t "~%testp2") (time (test-p2 10000)) (format t "~%testp3") (time (test-p3 10000))) ;; (time (pe qones (into 2))) ;; (time (dotimes (i 1000)(pe qones (into 2)))) ;; (time (polyevali ones 2)) ;; (setf targ (into 0)) ;; (setf intarg (adq-q targ)) ;; (qd_polyeval fones 998 (aqd-q (into 2)) intarg) ;; (setf tones '(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)) ;; (setf qones (mapcar #'into tones)) ;; (qd_polyeval fones 8 (aqd-q (into 2)) intarg) ;; ;; A carefully declared polynomial eval using ;; Lisp double-floats. I don't see how to make this more optimized. (defun polyevald (dlist x) (let ((sum 0.0d0)) (declare (double-float sum x) (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i dlist sum) (declare (double-float i)) (setf sum (the double-float (cl::+ i (the double-float (cl::* x sum)))))))) ;; this is about 150 X faster than the QD versions. (defun polyevaldclos (dlist x) ;; try with double-floats, let the CLOS work. Look at two-arg expansion ;; this takes 220 ms, so it is not compiled so well. (let ((sum 0.0d0)) (declare (double-float sum x) (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i dlist sum) (declare (double-float i)) (setf sum (+ i (* x sum))) ;;(setf sum (ga::two-arg-+ i (ga::two-arg-* x sum))) ;;same as above line. ))) (defun polyevali (ilist x) ;; polynomial eval that works for ANY lisp numbers (let ((sum 0)) (declare (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i ilist sum) (setf sum (cl::+ i (cl::* x sum)))))) ;; this is about 9X faster than QD. ;;(defun test-p1 (n)(dotimes (i n)(polyevald dones 2.0d0))) ;;(defun test-p2 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevalqd qones two)))) ;;(defun test-p3 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevalqfX FA 998 two)))) ;;(defun test-p4 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevali ones 2)))) ;;; Here's some non-operative programs for windows x86 Allegro. ;;; maybe useful for other lisps wehre fpu_fix_start can be called once at the ;;; beginning of a seuence of QD operations, instead of before EACH operation. ;; For Allegro we changed code in c_qd.cpp to call fpu_fix_start as needed. ;;(defvar *rndmodecw* (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32) :initial-element 0)) ;;(defmacro fpu_start ()'(fpu_fix_start *rndmodecw*) ) ;stores old control word in *rndmodecw* ;;(defmacro fpu_end ()'(fpu_fix_end *rndmodecw*)) ;;; some more testing programs are in the file test-qd.lisp, which should be nearby. (eval-when (compile load eval) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_polyevalflat "c_qd_polyevalflat") ( (op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) ;; length is really 4X (1+ op2) (op2 :int) ;;degree of polynomial. (op3 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) ;x (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))));; the answer :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil)) (defun qdlist2flatarray(L) (let* ((n (length L)) (ans (make-array (* 4 n) :element-type 'double-float :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable )) ;no need to initialize (index 0)) (dolist (qditem L ans) (setf (subseq ans index (cl::incf index 4)) (aqd-q qditem))))) (defun flatten(L)(qdlist2flatarray L)) (defun polyevalqfX (FA n x) ;;precomputed. FA is flat array, n is (1- length/4) x is aqd (let* ((targ (into 0)) (intarg (aqd-q targ)) (inx (aqd-q x))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) FA intarg inx) (fixnum n) (aqd x) ) (qd_polyevalflat FA n inx intarg) targ)) (defun polyevalqf(L x) ;more of a top-level program, should be fast! (polyevalqfX (qdlist2flatarray (reverse L)) (1- (length L)) (into x))) #| ;; if you compute something but want to keep the result around until GC, it ;; is important to make a copy of the result. Otherwise it may be overwritten. ;; E.g. the third version below will overwrite the previous value returned. ;; This badness "optimization" happens only when hypot is compiled. ;;(defun hypot(x y)(copy (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y))))));; ok ;;(defun hypot(x y) (sqrt (with-temps (+ (* x x)(* y y))))) ;; also ok ;;(defun hypot(x y) (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y))))) ;; bad, at least if compiled |# ;; A BUNCH OF PROGRAMS PLAYING QD GAMES and ROOTFINDING. ;; Refining a polynomial root via Newton's method. ;; First, deriv computes the derivative of a polynomial, in a list. ;; recall that we can create a polynomial as a list: ;; (setf testpoly (list 5 3 1)) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 ;; or as a QD polynomial ;; (setf testpoly (list (into 5) (into 3) (into 1))) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 (defun deriv(coefs) ;given coefs of a polynomial. return coefs of derivative. (let ((ans nil) (i 0)) (dolist (c (cdr (reverse coefs)) ans) (push (* (incf i) c) ans)) ans)) ;; a fairly general Newton iteration requiring three parameters, and some optional ones. ;; f is a function to evaluate f(x), ;; df is a function to evaluate f'(x). ;; x, a starting point, ;; optional: threshold for absolute value of f at which to stop, ;; optional: iters, a maximum number of iterations. ;; oneroot uses whatever arithmetic is appropriate, based on what f and df use. (defun oneroot (f df x threshold iters &aux fval) (dotimes (i iters (error "rootfinder failed to converge. Residual is ~s after ~s iterations." fval i)) (setf fval (funcall f x)) (if (< (abs fval) threshold) (return (values x fval i)) ;return x, residual and iteration count (decf x (/ fval (funcall df x)))))) ;; if we replace (decf x (/ fval (funcall df x))) ;; by (dsetv x (with-temps (- x (/ fval (funcall df x)))))))) ;; this would save 2 allocated temporaries per iteration. ;; Next, set up a call to oneroot given a list of coefficients representing ;; a polynomial. polyrootd makes everything computing in (real) double-float. ;; defaults are provided, so all you need is the list and a starting point. ;; the inputs coefs and x may be given as exact integers, floats, rationals. ;; example (polyrootd '(1 0 -2) 1); returns 1.4142135623730951d0, i.e. sqrt(2) (defun polyrootd (coefs x &optional (threshold 1.0d-14) (iters 20)) (setf coefs (mapcar #'(lambda(z)(coerce z 'double-float))coefs)) (let ((dp (deriv coefs))) (oneroot #'(lambda(x)(polyevald coefs x)) #'(lambda(x)(polyevald dp x)) (* 1.0d0 x) (* 1.0d0 threshold) iters))) ;; this is the same functionality, but using higher (QD) precision. ;; the inputs coefs and x may be given as exact integers, floats, rationals. ;; (qd::polyroot '(1 0 -2) 1); returns sqrt(2), but if you want more precision: ;; (qd::polyroot '(1 0 -2) 1 1.0d-60) returns ;;0.141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973796Q1 ;;this is called qd:polyroot. You may prefer other ways to do it, ;;e.g. mpfr::polyroot or some interval method, or some method ;; computing derivatives. (defun qd::polyroot (coefs x &optional (threshold 1.0d-15) (iters 20)) (setf coefs (mapcar #'into coefs)) (let ((dp (deriv coefs))) (oneroot #'(lambda(x)(polyevalqd coefs x)) #'(lambda(x)(polyevalqd dp x)) (into x) (into threshold) iters))) (defun qd_random( &optional (where (make-aqd))) (qd_rand (aqd-q where)) where) ;; ONEROOT is considerably more versatile: it can find root of other ;; functions, not just polynomials. ;; (defun tt (x)(- (cos x) x)) ;; easy near 0.73 ;; (defun ttd(x) (- (+ (sin x) 1)) ) ;; (oneroot #'tt #'ttd (into 0) (into 1.0d-64) 20) ;; (oneroot #'tt #'ttd 0.0d0 1.0d-38 20) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FFT!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (eval-when (compile load eval) ; Fourier Transform Spectral Methods ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;Routines translated with permission by Kevin A. Broughan from ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Numerical Recipies in Fortran Copyright (c) Numerical Recipies 1986, 1989;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Modified by Ken Olum for Common Lisp, April 1996;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; notes 4/27/05, RJF. ;; more notes, 2/28/06 RJF. Converting h:/lisp/fft.lisp to QD arithmetic. ;; see comments at lisp/fft.lisp. ;; We use four1 only ;; the input data will be overwritten by the result. ;; the inverse fft is indicated by :isign -1, though it must be ;; multiplied by 1/nn to work. ; functions: ; four1: fourier transform (FFT) in one dimension (defun v2dfa(a &optional (m (length a)) ) ;;coerce a vector of QD numbers (or lisp numbers) of length m to a ;; QD array of length 2m, since here complex numbers are stored in 2 ;; adjacent QD locations. (let* ((k (length a)) (ans (make-array (cl::* 2 m) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable )) (zz (qd::into 0)) (h nil)) (declare (fixnum k)) (dotimes (i k) ;just copy the actual numbers, or convert if needed (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (aref ans (cl::* 2 i)) (if (aqd-p (setf h (aref a i))) h (qd::into h))) ;; here we convert. (setf (aref ans (cl::1+ (cl::* 2 i))) (copy zz))) (loop for i fixnum from (* 2 k) to (1-(* 2 m)) do (setf (aref ans i) (copy zz))) ans)) ;; (v2dfa #(30 40 50) 4) ;; --> #(0.3Q2 0.Q0 0.4Q2 0.Q0 0.5Q2 0.Q0 0.Q0 0.Q0) (defparameter *zz* (qd::into 0)) (defparameter *one* (qd::into 1)) (defun dfa2v(a &optional (m (/ (length a)2))) ;; Coerce real parts back to integers, more or less. a is an an ;; array of even length. If you know that there are trailing zeros, ;; set the actual length with the optional second parameter m. (let* ((k (/ (length a) 2)) (ans (make-array m :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (declare (fixnum k)) (dotimes (i m ans) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (aref ans i)(round (ga::outof (aref a (cl::* 2 i))) k))))) ;;(dfa2v (v2dfa #(256 256 256) 4)) ;; --> #(64 64 64 0) is correct. ;; this works! (defun polymultfftqd(r s) ;;compute the size Z of the answer. Z is a power of 2. ;; compute complex array r, increased to size S ;; compute complex array r, increased to size S ;; compute two FFTs ;; multiply pointwise ;; compute inverse FFT * 1/n ;; convert back to array and return answer (let* ((lr (length r)) (ls (length s)) (lans (+ lr ls -1)) (z (ash 1 (ceiling (log lans 2)))) ; round up to power of 2 (rfft (four1 (v2dfa r z) z)) (sfft (four1 (v2dfa s z) z)) (ans (make-array (* 2 z) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (dotimes (i (* 2 z))(setf (aref ans i) (copy_mac *zz*))) (prodarray rfft sfft z ans) (dfa2v(four1 ans z :isign -1) lans))) (defun polysquare(r) ;;just square the polynomial r. saves one fft. so you can compare times. (let* ((lr (length r)) (lans (+ lr lr -1)) (z (ash 1 (ceiling (log lans 2)))) ; round up to power of 2 (rfft (four1 (v2dfa r z) z)) (ans (make-array (* 2 z) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (prodarray rfft rfft z ans) (dfa2v(four1 ans z :isign -1) lans))) #+ignore (defun polytime(r s) ;; this shows that much of the time is in v2dfa etc (let* ((lr (length r)) (ls (length s)) (lans (+ lr ls -1)) (z (ash 1 (ceiling (log lans 2)))) ; round up to power of 2 (r1 (v2dfa r z)) (s1 (v2dfa s z)) (sfft 0) (rfft (four1 r1 z))) ;; (start-profiler) (time (progn (setf sfft (four1 s1 z)) (setf sfft (four1 s1 z)) (setf sfft (four1 s1 z)) (setf sfft (four1 s1 z)) (setf sfft (four1 s1 z)))) ;; (show-flat-profile) ;;(prod (prodarray rfft sfft z )) ;;(ans (time(four1 prod z :isign -1))) ) ;;(dfa2v ans lans) ) #+ignore (defun polytime2(r) ;; this shows that much of the time is in v2dfa etc (let* ((lr (length r)) (lans (+ lr lr -1)) (z (ash 1 (ceiling (log lans 2)))) ; round up to power of 2 (r1 (v2dfa r z)) (start-profiler) (rfft (time (four1 r1 z))) (prod (prodarray rfft rfft z rfft)) (ans (four1 prod z :isign -1))) (show-flat-profile) (dfa2v ans lans))) ;; Utility to copy an array because this fft will clobber input. ;; We don't use it here, but here's a way to write it. ;; (defun copyarray (a)(make-array (length a):initial-contents a)) (defun prodarray(r s len ans) ;; r and s are the same length arrays ;; compute, for i=0, 2, ..., len-2 ;; ans[i]:= r[i]*s[i]-r[i+1]*s[i+1] ;; real part ;; ans[i+1]:=r[i]*s[i+1]+s[i]*r[i+1] ;; imag part (declare (fixnum len)) (let () ;;((ans (make-array (* 2 len)))) (dotimes (i len ans) (let* ((ind (* 2 i)) (ind1 (1+ ind)) (a (aref r ind)) (b (aref r ind1)) (c (aref s ind)) (d (aref s ind1))) (declare ;(type aqd a b c d) (fixnum i ind ind1)) (setf (aref ans ind)(copy(with-temps (- (* a c)(* b d))))) (setf (aref ans ind1)(copy(with-temps (+ (* a d)(* b c))))))))) (defparameter qdtwopi (ga::/ (qd::into 165424160919322423196824703508232170249081435635340508251270944637 ) (qd::into 26328072917139296674479506920917608079723773850137277813577744384)) ) (defparameter onehalf (/ (qd::into 1) (qd::into 2))) ;;0.62831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419498891846Q1 ;;; this is a fairly generic FFT that works, but not optimized much. ;;; we leave it here just in case you want to copy it for other ;;; generic arithmetic packages #+ignore (defun four1 (data nn &key (isign 1)) (declare (type fixnum nn isign)) (prog ((wr (copy *zz*)) (wi (copy *zz*)) (wpr (copy *zz*)) (wpi (copy *zz*)) (wtemp (copy *zz*)) (theta (copy *zz*)) (tempr (copy *zz*)) (tempi (copy *zz*)) (j 0) (n 0) (m 0) (mmax 0) (istep 0)) (declare ;;(type aqd wr wi wpr wpi wtemp theta tempr tempi) (fixnum j n m mmax istep)) (setf n (* 2 nn)) (setf j 1) (do ((i 1 (+ i 2))) ((> i n) t) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (> j i) (setf tempr (aref data (1- j))) (setf tempi (aref data j)) (setf (aref data (1- j)) (aref data (1- i))) (setf (aref data j) (aref data i)) (setf (aref data (1- i)) tempr) (setf (aref data i) tempi)) (setf m (floor (/ n 2))) label1 (when (and (>= m 2) (> j m)) (setf j (- j m)) (setf m (floor (/ m 2))) (go label1)) (setf j (+ j m))) (setf mmax 2) label2 (when (> n mmax) (setf istep (cl::* 2 mmax)) (setf theta (/ qdtwopi (* isign mmax))) (setf wpr (* -2 (expt (sin (* 1/2 theta)) 2))) (setf wpi (sin theta)) (setf wr (copy *one*)) (setf wi (copy *zz*)) (do ((m 1 (+ m 2))) ((cl::> m mmax) t) (declare (fixnum m)) (do ((i m (+ i istep))) ((> i n) t) (declare (type fixnum i)) (setf j (+ i mmax)) (setf tempr (- (* wr (aref data (1- j))) (* wi (aref data j)))) (setf tempi (+ (* wr (aref data j)) (* wi (aref data (1- j))))) (setf (aref data (1- j)) (- (aref data (1- i)) tempr)) (setf (aref data j) (- (aref data i) tempi)) (setf (aref data (1- i)) (+ (aref data (1- i)) tempr)) (setf (aref data i) (+ (aref data i) tempi))) (setf wtemp wr) (setf wr (+ (* wr wpr) (* (* -1 wi) wpi) wr)) (setf wi (+ (* wi wpr) (* wtemp wpi) wi))) (setf mmax istep) (go label2)) (return data))) ;; hacking four1 for speed, keeping space consumption down (defun four1 (data nn &key (isign 1)) (declare (type fixnum nn isign)) (prog ((wr (copy_mac *zz*)) (wi (copy_mac *zz*)) (wpr (copy_mac *zz*)) (wpi (copy_mac *zz*)) (wtemp (copy_mac *zz*)) (theta (copy_mac *zz*)) (halftheta (copy_mac *zz*)) (cost (copy_mac *zz*)) (tempr (copy_mac *zz*)) (tempi (copy_mac *zz*)) (one (copy_mac *one*)) (zero (copy_mac *zz*)) (temprx 0) (tempix 0) (j 0) (n 0) (m 0) (mmax 0) (istep 0)) (declare (fixnum j n m mmax istep)) (setf n (cl::* 2 nn)) (setf j 1) (do ((i 1 (cl::+ i 2))) ((cl::> i n)) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (cl::> j i) (setf temprx (aref data (cl::1- j))) (setf tempix (aref data j)) (setf (aref data (cl::1- j)) (aref data (cl::1- i))) (setf (aref data j) (aref data i)) (setf (aref data (cl::1- i)) temprx) (setf (aref data i) tempix)) (setf m (cl::floor n 2)) label1 (when (and (cl::>= m 2) (cl::> j m)) (setf j (cl::- j m)) (setf m (cl::floor m 2)) (go label1)) (setf j (cl::+ j m))) (setf mmax 2) label2 (when (cl::> n mmax) (setf istep (cl::* 2 mmax)) (dsetv theta (into (cl::* isign mmax))) (dsetv theta(with-temps (/ qdtwopi theta))) (dsetv halftheta(with-temps (* 1/2 theta))) (qd_sincos (aqd-q halftheta)(aqd-q wpr)(aqd-q cost)) (dsetv wpi (with-temps (* 2(* wpr cost)))) ;; 2*sin(t/2)*cos(t/2) (dsetv wpr (with-temps (* -2 (* wpr wpr)))) (dsetv wr one) (dsetv wi zero) (do ((m 1 (cl::+ m 2))) ((cl::> m mmax) t) (declare (fixnum m)) (do ((i m (cl::+ i istep))) ((cl::> i n) t) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf j (cl::+ i mmax)) (dsetv tempr (with-temps (- (* wr (aref data (cl::1- j))) (* wi (aref data j))))) (dsetv tempi (with-temps (+ (* wr (aref data j)) (* wi (aref data (cl::1- j)))))) (dsetv (aref data (cl::1- j)) (- (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr)) (dsetv (aref data j) (- (aref data i) tempi)) (dsetv (aref data (cl::1- i)) (+ (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr)) (dsetv (aref data i) (+ (aref data i) tempi))) (dsetv wtemp wr) (dsetv wr (with-temps (+ (+(* wr wpr) (* (* -1 wi) wpi)) wr))) ;;(dsetv wr (with-temps (+ (* wr wpr) (* -1 wi wpi) wr))) (dsetv wi (with-temps (+ (+ (* wi wpr) (* wtemp wpi)) wi))) ;;(dsetv wi (with-temps (+ (* wi wpr) (* wtemp wpi) wi))) ) (setf mmax istep) (go label2)) (return data))) ) #| what the answer should be ... (defun t1()(polymultfftqd #(1 2 3 4 5 6) #(7 8 9)));; test (t1) #(7 22 46 70 94 118 93 54) (four1 (v2dfa #(1 2 3 4 5 6) 16) 16) ;; except higher precision #(21.0d0 0.0d0 4.203712543852026d0 17.12548253340269d0 -9.656854249492387d0 2.999999999999995d0 1.4918055861931159d0 -4.857754915068683d0 2.999999999999997d0 4.0d0 ...) (defun randpol(n m) (let ((ans (make-array n)) (lim (expt 2 m))) (dotimes (i n ans)(setf (aref ans i)(random lim))))) (setf r (randpol 512 332)) (setf qr (map 'vector #'into r)) (time (progn (polymultfftqd r r) nil)) (time (progn (polymultfftqd qr qr) nil)) |#