;;; WHY BROKEN, 8/28/03 RJF?? ;;; fixed 5/8/05 ;;;USE POLYMULTX.CL in this directory for working polynomial pgms. ;; Using GMP (Gnu Multi Precision) from Allegro CL. (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0))) (declaim (inline svref = eql make-array))) ;; at home ;;(load "c:/gmp41/Debug/gmp41.dll") ;(load "c:/lisp/gmp-4.1-win32/libgmp-3.dll") ;(load "h:/lisp/gmp-4.1-win32/libgmp-3.dll") (eval-when (compile load eval) (ff:def-foreign-type mpz (* :int)) (ff:def-foreign-call (mpz_init "__gmpz_init") ((x (* :int))) :returning :int :arg-checking nil :call-direct t) (ff:def-foreign-call (mpz_set_str "__gmpz_set_str") ;changes value of mpz x. ((x mpz) (s (* :char)) (base :int)) :strings-convert t :returning :int :arg-checking nil) ;; :call-direct t (ff:def-foreign-call (mpz_get_str "__gmpz_get_str") ((s :int);;let it allocate the space (base :int) (op mpz)) :returning ((* :char) ) :arg-checking nil :call-direct t) (ff:def-foreign-call (mpz_get_d "__gmpz_get_d") ((x mpz)) :returning :double :arg-checking nil :call-direct t) (ff:def-foreign-call;; remove gmp number from memory (mpz_clear "__gmpz_clear") ((x mpz)) :returning :int :arg-checking nil :call-direct t) (ff:def-foreign-call;; remove gmp number from memory (mpz_cmp "__gmpz_cmp") ((x mpz) (y mpz) ); returns pos if x>y, zero if x=y, neg if x (x y) `(> ,x ,y)) ;; The next set of macro definitions supplies the arithmetic ;; for coefficients. In general, any domain that can support ;; the coefficient operations below is fair game for the package. ;; More advanced operations may place additional requirements ;; on the coefficient domain (E.g. they form an algebraic Ring or Field). (defmacro coef+ (x y) `(mp+ ,x ,y)) (defmacro coef* (x y) `(mp* ,x ,y)) ;; Tests for zero and unity are important, as are constructors (defmacro coefzero () `(create_mpz_zero)) ;; zero in the coefficient domain (defmacro coefzerop (x) `(and (coefp ,x) (eql 0 (aref (the(simple-array (signed-byte 32) (4)),x) 1)))) (defun coefzerofunp (x) (coefzerop x)) ;; to funcall, we need a function ;;; This product function preserves both arguments and returns the product ;;; of two polynomials. ;; p*: return the product of v1*v2 (defun p* (v1 v2) (declare (inline make-array)) (cond ((coefp v1) (p*cv v1 v2));; call function to multiply coef*poly ((coefp v2) (p*cv v2 v1));; call function to multiply poly*coef ((samevar v1 v2) ;; two polynomials in the same main variable ;; do n X m multiplications (let* ((ilim (1- (length v1))) ;;number of terms in v1 (jlim (1- (length v2))) ;;number of terms in v2 (index 0);;(index 0) (ival 0) ;; temp for v1[i] in loop below (res ;; the result array size, including header for var name (make-array (+ ilim jlim) :initial-element nil))) (declare (fixnum ilim jlim index i j)) (setf (svref res 0) (mainvar v1)) ;; set the variable name in result (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i ilim) res) (setq ival (svref v1 i)) ;; step through v1 (format t "~%ival = ~s" ival) (cond ((coefp ival) (do ((j 1 (1+ j))) ((> j jlim) res) (setf index (+ i j -1)) ;; fix 5/8/05 (let* ((ri (svref res index)) (v2j (svref v2 j))) (format t "~% v2j=~s ri=~s" (pr v2j) ri) (cond ((and (coefp v2j)(coefp ri)) (mpz_addmul ri v2j ival)) (t (format t "~% aha ri=~s" ri) (let* ((r (p* ival v2j)) ; (foom (format t "~% foom r=~s"(pr r))) (s (if (null ri) r (prog1 (p+ ri r) (forget-poly ri) (forget-poly r))))) (format t "~%s=~s spr=~s" s (pr s)) (setf (svref res index) s) )))))) (t ;; ival is not a coefficient (do ((j 1 (1+ j))) ((> j jlim) res) (let* ((ri (svref res index)) (r (p* ival (svref v2 j))) (s (if (null ri) r (prog1 (p+ ri r) (forget-poly ri) (forget-poly r))))) (setf (svref res index) s) ))))))) ((var> (mainvar v1) (mainvar v2)) (p*cv v2 v1)) (t (p*cv v1 v2)))) ;; p*cv: coefficient times polynomial vector; ;; preserves both inputs and although the result can ;; share substructure with the vector v, the top-level ;; vector is new. (true recursively) (defun p*cv (c v) (declare (inline make-array)) (cond ((coefp v) (coef* c v) ;; create a new number ) ((coefzerop c) (coefzero)) ;; 0 * anything is 0 ;; run down the length of the vector, multiplying. ;; p* is not destructive of its arguments either. (t (let* ((v v) (len (length (the simple-vector v))) (u (make-array len))) (declare (simple-vector v u) (fixnum len) (inline svref setf mainvar)) (setf (mainvar u) (mainvar v)) (do ((i (1- len) (1- i))) ((= i 0) u) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (svref u i) (p* c (svref v i))) ;;leave v around. ))))) (defun p+ (v1 v2) (cond ((coefp v1) (p+cv v1 v2)) ((coefp v2) (p+cv v2 v1)) ;; reverse args ((samevar v1 v2) ;; same main var (let ((lv1 (length (the simple-vector v1))) (lv2 (length (the simple-vector v2))) (v1 v1) (v2 v2)) ;; not redundant (declare (simple-vector v1 v2) (fixnum lv1 lv2)) (cond ((> lv1 lv2) (p+into v2 v1 lv2 lv1)) ;; v1 is longer (t (p+into v1 v2 lv1 lv2))))) ((var> (mainvar v1) (mainvar v2)) (p+cv v2 v1)) (t (p+cv v1 v2)))) ;; p+cv: add coeff to vector, (defun p+cv(c v) (if (coefp v)(coef+ c v) (let ((v (copy-seq v))) (declare (simple-vector v)) (setf (svref v 1)(prog1 (p+ c (svref v 1)) (forget-poly (svref v 1)) (forget-poly c))) v))) (defun p+into (v1 v2 shorter longer) (let (res) (declare (fixnum shorter longer) (simple-vector v1 v2 res) (inline dp+vv-zero-check)) (setq res (make-array longer :initial-contents v2)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((= i shorter) (pnorm res)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (svref res i) (prog1 (p+ (svref v1 i) (svref v2 i)) (forget-poly (svref v1 i)) (forget-poly (svref v2 i))))))) ;; pnorm converts a polynomial into a normal form in case it is ;; really zero or a constant or has trailing (high degree) zero ;; coeffs. pnorm is destructive. pnorm is Not recursive except ;; in converting constant terms to manifest non-vectors. ;; Assume x is an arbitrary main-variable index: ;; #(x 5) -> 5. #(x 5 4 3 0 0) -> #(x 5 4 3). #(x 0 0) -> 0. ;; #(x 0 1) -> #(x 0 1) [no change] ;; pnorm: return the normal form of x (defun pnorm (x) (if (coefp x) x (let ((x x) pos) (declare (simple-vector x) (fixnum pos) (inline position-if-not coefzerofunp delete-if)) (setq pos (position-if-not #'coefzerofunp x :from-end t)) (cond ((= pos 0) (coefzero)) ;; nothing left but the header: zero polynomial ((= pos 1) ;; just the constant itself (pnorm (svref x 1))) ;; constant polynomial ((= pos (1- (length x))) x) (t (delete-if #'coefzerofunp x :start pos) ))))) ;; p^v: this may seem like a dumb way to compute power, but it's not ;; Repeated multiplication is generally faster than squaring. In this ;; representation, binomial expansion, a good bet for sparse representation, ;; is only sometimes advantageous, and then not by very much, usually. #+ignore (defun p^ (x n) ;; x^n - n integer, x polynomial (cond ((integerp n) (cond ((minusp n) (error "negative powers not allowed")) ((zerop n) 1) ;; x^0 = 1 (even if x = 0) ((eql n 1) x) ;; x^1 = x (t (p* x (p^ x (1- n)))))) (t (error "only integer powers allowed")))) (defun p^ (x n) ;; x^n - n integer, x polynomial (cond ((integerp n) (cond ((minusp n) (error "negative powers not allowed")) ((zerop n) 1) ;; x^0 = 1 (even if x = 0) ((eql n 1) x) ;; x^1 = x (t (let ((r (p^ x (1- n)))) (prog1 (p* x r) (forget-poly r)))))) (t (error "only integer powers allowed")))) ;;;; testing (defparameter xp nil) (defparameter yp nil) (defparameter zp nil) (defparameter xyz nil) (progn (setf xp nil yp nil zp nil) (csetf xp (vector 1 (coefzero) (cs "1"))) ;;x (csetf yp (vector 2 (coefzero) (cs "1")));; y (csetf zp (vector 3 (cs"1") (cs "1") )) ;; z+1 ) (csetf xyz (p+ (p+ xp yp) zp)) ;; x+y+z+1 (defun pr(r)(cond ((coefp r)(if (coefp r) (gmp2lisp r) r)) ;; print the poly (t (cons (plookup (elt r 0)) (map 'list #'pr (subseq r 1)))))) (defun plookup(r) (elt '(? x y z) r) ) (defun fxyz () ;; re-create x+y+z+1 (let ((xp (vector 1 (coefzero) (cs "1")));;x (yp (vector 2 (coefzero) (cs "1")));; y (zp (vector 3 (cs"1") (cs "1") ));; z+1 ) (p+ (p+ xp yp) zp))) ;; answer for xyz ^ 4 pr.. #| (z (y (x 1 4 6 4 1) (x 4 12 12 4) (x 6 12 6) (x 4 4) 1) (y (x 4 12 12 4) (x 12 24 12) (x 12 12) 4) (y (x 6 12 6) (x 12 12) 6) (y (x 4 4) 4) 1) 14,736k 2.8+.422 sec = 3.3 33,508k 34,500k 52,436k ... 20 |# #| set up testing speed of multiply (defun t0 (m) (setq arand (random (expt 2 1024)) ag (lisp2gmp arand) target (coef* ag ag))) (defun t1(m) (declare (fixnum m)(special target ag)) (dotimes (i m)(mpz_mul target ag ag)))) |# ;; var should be #(1) for example (defun headit(var rest)(concatenate 'simple-array var rest)) ;; this is not right (defun p*1vark (pp qq);; karatsuba mult, one var (let ((plim (1- (length pp)));;number of terms in pp (qlim (1- (length qq)));;number of terms in qq ) (declare (special *karatlim*)) (if (< (min plim qlim) *karatlim*) (p*1var pp qq) ; don't use for small polys (let* ((var (subseq pp 0 1)) ; presumably same as main var in qq aa (h (truncate (max plim qlim) 2)) (A (headit var (subseq pp (1+ (min h plim)) plim))) (B (subseq pp 0 (1+(min h plim)))) ;;; I think we need to copy these arrays /contents... (C (headit var (subseq qq (1+(min h qlim)) qlim))) (D (subseq qq 0 (1+ (min h qlim)))) ; (foo (print (list 'foo A B C D))) (u (p+ A B)) (v (p+ C D)) ; (foo2 (print (list 'foo2 A B C D u v))) (U (p*1vark u v )) (TT (p*1vark A C)) (S (p*1vark B D))) ; (break "aha") (psub-into S U 0) ; change U to U-S (psub-into TT U 0) ; change U to U-S-T (setf aa (pshiftleft TT (ash h 1))) ;aa = T*x^(2h) (padd-into U aa h) ; change aa to T*x^(2h)+U*x^h (padd-into S aa 0) ; change aa to T*x^(2h)+U*x^h +S (pnorm aa) aa )))) (defun pshiftleft(p k) ; like multiplying by x^k ;; k is positive integer, p is a polynomial with header (let* ((oldlen (length p)) (newlen (+ oldlen k)) (newpoly (make-array newlen))) (dotimes (k newlen)(setf (aref newpoly k)(create_mpz_zero))) (do ((i (1- oldlen) (1- i))) ((<= i 0) ) (setf (aref newpoly (+ k i))(aref p i))) (setf (aref newpoly 0)(aref p 0)) newpoly)) (defun padd-into (p aa start) ;; hacked up a bit.. ;; p is shorter than answer aa ;; p is unchanged. aa is changed to aa+ p*x^start (declare (fixnum start)) (do ((i (+ (length p) start -1) (1- i))) ((< i start) aa) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((m (aref p (- i start)))) (mpz_add (aref aa i) (aref aa i) m))) aa) (defun psub-into (p aa start) ;; hacked up a bit.. ;; p is shorter than answer aa ;; p is unchanged. aa is changed to aa- p*x^start (declare (fixnum start)) (do ((i (+ (length p) start -1) (1- i))) ((< i start) aa) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((m (aref p (- i start)))) (mpz_sub (aref aa i) (aref aa i) m)) aa)) ;; this is not quite right (defun p*1var (v1 v2);; classical mult, one var (declare (inline make-array)) (let* ((ilim (1- (length v1)));;number of terms in v1 (jlim (1- (length v2)));;number of terms in v2 (index 0);;(index 0) (ival 0);; temp for v1[i] in loop below (res;; the result array size, including header for var name (make-array (+ ilim jlim) :initial-element nil))) (declare (fixnum ilim jlim index i j)) (setf (svref res 0) (mainvar v1));; set the variable name in result (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i ilim) res) (setq ival (svref v1 i));; step through v1 (do ((j 1 (1+ j))) ((> j jlim) res) (setf index (+ i j -1));; fix 5/8/05 (let* ((ri (svref res index)) (v2j (svref v2 j))) (if ri ;not nil (mpz_addmul ri v2j ival) ;; destructive addmul (setf (svref res index) (mp* ival v2j))))))))