;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: qd; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;;;;;;;; FFT specialization;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; an attempt to get FFT to run fast by removing tagging of aqd's etc. ;; this works, but is hackish. ;; for stuff that works, and maybe more comments, look at qd.lisp file. ;; Author: Richard Fateman, February, 2006 ;; quad-double extension for common lisp based on QD {Hida, Li, Bailey} ;; This file must be loaded after packs.lisp. ;; it must be loaded along with ga.[lisp,fasl] and ;; "qd.dll" (defpackage :qd (:use :ga :cl) (:shadowing-import-from :ga "+" "-" "/" "*" "expt" ;... n-ary arith "=" "/=" ">" "<" "<=" ">=" ;... n-ary comparisons "1-" "1+" "abs" "incf" "decf" "min" "max" sin cos tan asin acos atan log ;; these are trickier, 1 or 2 args. exp sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh sqrt tocl numerator denominator expt ) (:export into) ) (in-package :qd) ;(eval-when (compile) (load "ga.fasl")) (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0))) ) (eval-when (compile load eval) (ff:def-foreign-type cqd (:array :double)) (ff:def-foreign-type cdd (:array :double)) (ff:def-foreign-type mpz (cl::* :int)) ;; the next two programs don't have the right ;; effect in Allegro CL on windows x86, and so ;; we rewrote the c_qd_xxx programs to call fpu_fix_start ;; something like this might work in other lisps, though #-Allegro (ff:def-foreign-call (fpu_fix_start "fpu_fix_start") ;set rounding modes ((cw (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) #-Allegro (ff:def-foreign-call (fpu_fix_end "fpu_fix_end") ;restore rounding modes ((cw (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_comp "c_qd_comp");; compare returns -1 0 1 for < = > ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (cl::* :int))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_copy_into "c_qd_copy");; ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_pi "c_qd_pi");; produce a value for pi ((target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_rand "c_qd_rand");; produce a random value ((target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_atan2 "c_qd_atan2") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_sincos "c_qd_sincos") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targets (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_sincosh "c_qd_sincosh") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targets (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_npwr "c_qd_npwr") ;; qd to an integer power ((base (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (expon :int) (targetc (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; The routines for add, mul, sub, div are defined via defarithmetic macro. ;; The routines for sin cos tan etc. are defined via r macro. ;; These macros to expand into ff interfaces as well as methods. ;; because of special issues of 2 or 1 arg atan and log, we define ;; them here. (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_log "c_qd_log") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_atan "c_qd_atan") ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_add_double "c_qd_add_qd_d") ; qd + double ; sometimes useful ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 :double) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; We could extend the list of operations with other entry points as ;; needed. There are 120 external entry points for qd and dd ;; routines. We don't support access to the dd routines because ;; we suspect that -- as long as you are incurring the overhead ;; for the linkage -- the difference between dd and the higher ;; precision qd is small. ;; An programmer with a strong incentive to gain the most efficiency ;; might wish to access the raw qd routines rather than use the ;; overloaded +,*, etc. like qd_mul. The amount to be gained by this ;; is not very great compared to the normal lisp syntax plus two tricks: ;; see below for dsetv and with-temps. ;;Since we want to tag these guys as a QD we do this: (defstruct aqd (q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0.0d0 ;; next line is Allegro-specific :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable) :type (simple-array double-float (4)))) ;; Here q is the "guts" of the representation, an array of doubles. ;; The structure "aqd" provides a wrapper or tag so that ;; we can hang methods on it, like print-object, +, * etc. (defmethod print-object ((a aqd) stream)(format stream "~a" (qd2string a))) ;; This next defmethod says that if the compiler needs to ;; dump any qd objects into a file for later re-loading, the form ;; to use is to just reconstruct the ordinary aqd object. ;; (this is a standard ANSI CL idiom). (defmethod make-load-form ((a aqd)&optional environment) (make-load-form-saving-slots a :environment environment)) ;; The next program converts a qd number to a lisp rational. There is ;; probably a "more efficient" way to do this, but I doubt there ;; is a much shorter program! note denom is a power of 2 (defmethod ga::outof ((x aqd))(qd2lisp x)) (defmethod qd2lisp((x aqd)) (or (excl::nan-p (aref (aqd-q x) 0)) ; if qd contains a NaN, use it. (apply #'cl::+ (map 'list #'rational (aqd-q x))))) (defmethod qd2lisp(y) y) ; not a qd. just return it. ;; To convert from an ordinary lisp "real" number, use the "into" function. ;; Note that this is qd::into, distinct from "into" programs in other ;; packages. The optional 2nd arg says we already have a place for ;; this number, so in that case we don't need to allocate a new one. ;;; USE THIS FUNCTION, into (defun into(r &optional (where (make-aqd))) (lisp2qd r where)) ;; The following methods REQUIRE a place to put the answer, and so ;; are less convenient to use directly. (defmethod lisp2qd((x aqd) (ans aqd)) ;make a fresh copy (let ((inx (aqd-q x)) (ina (aqd-q ans))) (dotimes (i 4 ans)(declare (fixnum i))(setf (aref ina i)(aref inx i))))) (defmethod lisp2qd((x rational) (ans aqd)) ;to encode a lisp rational, divide num/den (setf (aqd-q ans) (aqd-q (/ (into (numerator x))(into (denominator x))))) ans) (defmethod lisp2qd((x fixnum) ans) ;small integers are easy. (lisp2qd (coerce x 'double-float) ans)) (defmethod lisp2qd ((x float) (ans aqd)) ;single-float or double-floats fit here (let* ((in (aqd-q ans))) (loop for i from 1 to 3 do (setf (aref in i) 0.0d0)) (setf (aref in 0) (coerce x 'double-float)) ans)) (defmethod lisp2qd ((x integer) res) ;integer but not fixnum ;; bignum integers that are shorter than a double-float fraction are easy. (if (< (cl::abs x) #.(cl::expt 2 53)) (lisp2qd (coerce x 'double-float) res) ;; the rest of this code is for when x is a bignum with more bits. ;; We convert it, 52-bit section by 52-bit section (let* ((ans (aqd-q res)) (s (signum x)) (shifter (aqd-q (into 1))) ;initially, shift by 1 (newdig 0) (shiftam (aqd-q (into(cl::expt 2 52))) )) (if (< s 0)(setf x (- x))) (loop while (> x 0) do (setf newdig (logand x #.(cl::1- (cl::expt 2 52)))) (setf newdig (aqd-q (into newdig))) ; grab some bits (qd_mul shifter newdig newdig) ;newdig now a qd (setf x (ash x -52)) ;remove them from x (qd_add ans newdig ans) (qd_mul shifter shiftam shifter)) (if (< s 0)(qd_mul ans (into -1) ans)) res))) ;; should be faster ways of shifting and changing sign in the above. ;; Converting from qd to lisp to a decimal (or other base) string we ;; look at the first n decimal digits of a fraction, also show exponent. ;; We only use base 10 in qd2string, which is used in the default print method. (defun decimalize(r n &optional (base 10)) ; r rational number >=0 (let ((expon (if (cl::= r 0) -1 (cl::floor(cl::log (cl::abs r) base) )))) (values (signum r) (round (cl::*(cl::abs r) (cl::expt base (cl::- n expon)))) (cl::1+ expon)))) ;; make a formatted output . Something like this does the job (defparameter *qd-digits-to-show* 66) ; MAX number of digits to show. Trailing zeros are omitted. (defmethod qd2string((x aqd)) ;; check if x is a NaN (if (excl::nan-p (aref (aqd-q x) 0)) "NaN(qd)" (multiple-value-bind (s r e h) ;h is extra variable (decimalize (qd2lisp x) *qd-digits-to-show* 10) (format nil "~a0.~aQ~s" (if (cl::< s 0)"-" "") (string-right-trim "0" (subseq (setf h(format nil "~a" r)) 0 (cl::min (length h) *qd-digits-to-show*)) ) e)))) (defmacro defarithmetic (op pgm) (let ((two-arg (intern (concatenate 'string "two-arg-" (symbol-name op)) :ga )) (c-entry (concatenate 'string "c_"(symbol-name pgm)))) ;; (format t "~% defining ~s" two-arg) `(progn (ff:def-foreign-call (,pgm ,c-entry);; associate, for example, qd_mul with c_qd_mul ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (op2 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4)))) :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) ;; new defmethods for qd. .. note order of args different from gmp (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 aqd)) (let* ((r (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a1 (aqd-q arg1)) (a2 (aqd-q arg2))) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm a1 a2 in) r)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 real) (arg2 aqd)) (let* ((r (into arg1)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a2 (aqd-q arg2))) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm in a2 in) r)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 real)) (let* ((r (into arg2)) (in (aqd-q r)) (a1 (aqd-q arg1) )) (declare (optimize speed) (type(simple-array double-float (4)) in a1 a2)) (,pgm a1 in in) r)) (setf (get ',op 'argnum) 2) ;used by with-temps, dsetv (setf (get ',op 'qd-program) ',pgm) ;used by with-temps, dsetv ;;(setf (get ',two-arg 'qd-program) ',pgm) ;used after macroexpand-all ;;(setf (get ',two-arg 'argnum) 2) ))) (defarithmetic + qd_add) (defarithmetic - qd_sub) (defarithmetic * qd_mul) (defarithmetic / qd_div) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd)(n integer)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_npwr (aqd-q base) n (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;; this special case doesn't fit into defarithmetic macro. (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd) (n aqd)) (exp (* n (log base)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base aqd) (n real)) (exp (* (into n) (log base)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-expt ((base real) (n aqd)) (exp (* n (log (into base))))) ;; do analogous stuff for other entry points of interest from qd.dll ;; the call to ff:def-foreign-call is specific to allegro common lisp. ;; Someone else may translate these into an alternative like UFFI. (defmacro r (op);; (let ((fun-name (intern op :ga )) (cqd-name (format nil "c_qd_~a" op)) (qd-symb (intern (format nil "qd_~a" op)))) `(progn (ff:def-foreign-call (,qd-symb ,cqd-name) ((op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float (4))) (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float (4))));reverse order from gmp :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) (defmethod ,fun-name ((arg aqd)) (let* ((h (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q h))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) in)) (,qd-symb (aqd-q arg) in) h)) ;;(compile ',fun-name) (setf (get ',fun-name 'argnum) 1) (setf (get ',fun-name 'qd-program) ',qd-symb) ))) (r abs) (r sin ) (r cos ) (r tan ) (r exp ) (r log10) (r asin ) (r acos ) ;(r atan ) (r sinh ) (r cosh ) (r tanh ) (r asinh) (r acosh) (r atanh) (r sqrt ) ) ;end of eval-when (r neg) ;need to put in ga. ;(r floor qd_floor) ;(r ceil qd_ceil) ;; more still. ;; Here's how to work with atan and log, which in Lisp can take one or two args. ;;(defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a real)(b real)) (cl:atan a b)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a aqd)(b aqd)) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q b)(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan((a aqd)b) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q (into b))(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-atan(a (b aqd)) (let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan2 (aqd-q (into a))(aqd-q b)(aqd-q ans )) ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a aqd)(b (eql 10))) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_log10 (aqd-q a)(aqd-q ans))ans)) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a aqd)(b real)) (/ (ga::one-arg-log a)(ga::one-arg-log (into b)))) (defmethod ga::two-arg-log((a real)(b aqd)) (/ (ga::one-arg-log (into a))(ga::one-arg-log b))) (defmethod ga::one-arg-log((r aqd)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_log (aqd-q r) (aqd-q ans)) ans)) (defmethod ga::one-arg-atan((r aqd)) (let ((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_atan (aqd-q r) (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;;; comparisons ;;; the c_qd_comp function does not return a value; it sets the return in a box. ;;; allocate the space for that return value, one time, and re-use it. (eval-when (compile load eval) (defvar compare-box (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32) :initial-element 0 :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable)) (defmacro defcomparison (op val) (let ((two-arg (intern (concatenate 'string "two-arg-" (symbol-name op)) :ga)) ) ;; (format t "~% defining ~s" two-arg) `(progn ;; only extra methods not in ga are defined here. ;; qd_comp returns -1 0 1 for < = > (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 aqd)) (declare (special compare-box)) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) ;; (format t "~%a1=~s, a2=~s, compare a1 ~s a2 =~s" arg1 arg2 ',op (aref compare-box 0)) (member (aref ,compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=)) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 real) (arg2 aqd)) (declare (special compare-box)) (let ((arg1 (into arg1))) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) (member (aref compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=))) (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 aqd) (arg2 real)) (declare (special compare-box)) (let ((arg2 (into arg2))) (qd_comp(aqd-q arg1)(aqd-q arg2) compare-box) (member (aref compare-box 0) ,val :test #'=))) ',op))) (defcomparison = '(0)) (defcomparison > '(1)) (defcomparison < '(-1)) (defcomparison /= '(-1 1)) ;; not equal is either less or greater (defcomparison >= '(0 1)) (defcomparison <= '(0 -1)) ) ;; In subsequent parts of the file we will be re-using storage, ;; or at least proposing to do so. In such a programming context ;; we need to, at least occasionally, make a private copy of something. ;; Here's how. (remember, this is qd::copy). (defmethod copy((a aqd))(make-aqd :q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-contents (aqd-q a) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (defmacro copy_mac(a) `(make-aqd :q (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :initial-contents (aqd-q ,a) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) ;; maybe this is worth doing. ;; accumulating a qd by adding in smaller lisp double-floats. (defmethod addqd_d ((a aqd) (d real)) ;;qd+fixnum, qd+flonum, only good to double-precision (let* ((targ (make-aqd)) (in (aqd-q targ))) (qd_add_double (aqd-q a) (coerce d 'double-float) in) targ)) (defmethod ga::1+((a aqd)) (addqd_d a 1.0d0)) (defmethod ga::1-((a aqd)) (addqd_d a -1.0d0)) ;;; We want to make better use of the state-based programs like qd_mul. ;;; Assuming aqd... for a, b, and c: (dsetv a (+ b c)) destroys the value in a. ;;; Compare this to (setf a (+ b c)) which creates a new value and points a to it. (defmacro dsetv (targ ex) ;; try (dsetv a (+ b c)) ;; should be faster than (setf a (+ b c)). maybe 2X. ;; All the logic below is done during macro-expansion, ;; which means it is usually done at compile time. Run time ;; is therefore not penalized. If you use dsetv from an interpreted ;; program it will be slow, however, because it will do the macro ;; expansion followed by the execution, each time it is used. (cond ((atom ex) `(into ,ex ,targ)) ((eq (car ex) 'into) `(into ,@(cdr ex) ,targ)) (t ;; try this ;; (setf ex (macroexpand-all ex)) (let* ((op (car ex)) (args (cdr ex)) (the-op (get op 'qd-program)) (argnum (get op 'argnum))) (cond ((not the-op);; not a previously listed op `(progn (let* ((lval ,targ) (a1 (aqd-q (,op ,@ args))) (tt (aqd-q lval))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 tt)) (qd_copy_into a1 tt) lval) )) ((not (eql argnum (length args))) (error "dsetv was given operator ~s which expects ~s args, but was given ~s -- ~s" op argnum (length args) args)) (t (case argnum (1;; one argument. `(progn ;; (assert (aqd-p ,targ)) ; if you want to check at runtime (let ((a1 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(car args))))) ;;(a1 (aqd-q ,(car args))) (tt (aqd-q ,targ))) (declare (optimize speed)(type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 tt)) ;; could also check other args for being type qd ;; could also allow for args to be si, ui, dd, etc. ;; could also check number of args to be appropriate for operation (,the-op a1 tt)) ,targ)) (2 `(progn ;; (assert (aqd-p ,targ)) (let ( (a1 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(car args))))) ;(a1 (aqd-q ,(car args))) (a2 (aqd-q ,(macroexpand `(with-temps ,(cadr args))))) ;; (a2 (aqd-q ,(cadr args))) (tt (aqd-q ,targ))) (declare (optimize speed)(type (simple-array double-float (4)) a1 a2 tt)) (,the-op a1 a2 tt)) ,targ)) (otherwise (error "argnum is wrong for op ~s " op)) ))))))) ;; What about (dsetv a (+(* r s) x)) ? The above code will just ;; make an unnecessary box for (* r s). See with-temps, below, ;; for a way to avoid unnecessary boxing. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;more efficiency hackery follows.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; make a pile of qd frames, so allocating/deallocating is done at compile time. ;; The intention is to obviate the need to find a place to store the results, ;; knowing that the results will be used only once. ;; One thought --- we could allocat a stack of qds. ;;(defparameter qdstack (make-array 100 :element-type 'aqd :initial-element (make-aqd) ;; :weak t ;; not all lisps have this option. affects garbage collection. ;; :fill-pointer 100 :adjustable t)) ;;(dotimes (i 100)(setf (aref qdstack i) (into i))) ; just put something there so we can see it ;; When computing, take temporary locations off that stack; ;; when finished, restore the fill pointer. ;; Or we could just allocate a few private "registers" say, for a function, or an inner loop, ;; and re-use them, if we are in a loop. No need to tell anyone else about a few temp locations, ;; especially if they are GC'd when truly inaccessible. That's what is below. #+ignore (defmacro with-temps(expr) (let ((*names* nil) (*howmany* 0)) (labels ((genlist(n)(loop for i from 1 to n collect (into i))) ;make a list of fresh qd items (ct1 (r) ;; count temporaries needed (cond ((numberp r) (incf *howmany*)) ((not (consp r)) r) (t (incf *howmany*) (mapc #'ct1 (cdr r))))) (maketemps(r) ;change r=(+ a (* b c)) to temp storage . (cond ((numberp r) (into r)) ((atom r) r) ((get (car r) 'argnum); known operator `(dsetv ,(pop *names*) ,(cons (car r)(mapcar #'maketemps (cdr r))))) ;; just a symbol name? maybe aref? better be the right type, aqd. (t r)))) (ct1 expr); count the temporaries (setf *names* (genlist *howmany*)) (maketemps expr)))) ;; hacking it (defmacro with-temps(expr) (let ((*names* nil) (*howmany* 0)) (labels ((genlist(n)(loop for i from 1 to n collect (into i))) ;make a list of fresh qd items (ct1 (r) ;; count temporaries needed (cond ((numberp r) (incf *howmany*)) ((not (consp r)) r) (t (incf *howmany*) (mapc #'ct1 (cdr r))))) (maketemps(r) ;change r=(+ a (* b c)) to temp storage . (cond ((numberp r) (into r)) ((atom r) r) ((get (car r) 'argnum); known operator `(dsetv ,(pop *names*) ,(cons (car r)(mapcar #'maketemps (cdr r))))) ;; just a symbol name? maybe aref? better be the right type, aqd. (t r)))) (setf expr (macroexpand expr)) (ct1 expr) ;; (ct1 expr); count the temporaries (setf *names* (genlist *howmany*)) (maketemps expr)))) ;; try (pprint (macroexpand '(with-temps (+ x (* 3 z))))) ;; or (defun hypot(x y)(copy (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y)))))) ;; need the call to copy to make a copy of the result before calling hypot again. ;; set up the environment for with-temps and dsetv here (eval-when (compile load eval) #+ignore ;; this is now set up by r, defarithmetic? (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 1)) '(abs sin cos tan exp log10 asin acos sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh sqrt into with-temps)) #+ignore (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 2)) '(+ * - /)) (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 2)) '(atan2 log2)) ;; for now assume they are given only one arg and if they are given 2 signal an error with dsetv. (mapc #'(lambda(h) (setf (get h 'argnum) 1)) '(atan log)) ) ;; just in case you need both sin and cos, or sinh and cosh. (defmethod sincos1((a aqd)(s aqd)(c aqd)) (let ((a-in (aqd-q a))(s-in (aqd-q s))(c-in (aqd-q c))) (qd_sincos a-in s-in c-in))) (defmethod sincosh1((a aqd)(s aqd)(c aqd)) (let ((a-in (aqd-q a))(s-in (aqd-q s))(c-in (aqd-q c))) (qd_sincosh a-in s-in c-in))) (defmethod sincos((a aqd)) (let* ((s (make-aqd)) (c (make-aqd))) (sincos1 a s c) (values s c))) (defmethod sincosh((a aqd)) (let* ((s (make-aqd)) (c (make-aqd))) (sincosh1 a s c) (values s c))) (defun compute-pi()(let((ans (make-aqd))) (qd_pi (aqd-q ans)) ans)) ;; dqlist is an ordinary lisp list of the ;; coefficients in a polynomial. The last item in the list ;; is the constant coefficient. All coeffs are aqd objects. ;; (setf testpoly (list (into 5) (into 3) (into 1))) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 ;; (setf x (into 1)) ;; (defun polyevalqd (qdlist x) (let ((sum (make-aqd))) (dolist (i qdlist sum) (setf sum (with-temps (+ i (* x sum))))))) ;; takes about 250ms for 100 iterations of eval of qones at two #+ignore (defun polyeval (qdlist x) ;; about 10% slower, but uses 40X more CONS storage, 85X more other bytes (let ((sum (make-aqd))) (dolist (i qdlist sum) (setf sum (+ i (* x sum)))))) ;; pe is the same functionality as polyeval. ;; possibly a teensy bit faster. Benchmarks show no difference. 2/18/06 RJF ;; some test data: #+ignore (progn (setf ones (loop for i from 1 to 999 collect (expt -1 (1+ i)))) (setf qones (mapcar #'into ones)) (setf dones (mapcar #'(lambda(s)(* s 1.0d0)) ones)) (setf FA (qdlist2flatarray (reverse qones))) 'done) #+ignore (progn (format t "~%testp1") (time (test-p1 10000)) (format t "~%testp2") (time (test-p2 10000)) (format t "~%testp3") (time (test-p3 10000))) ;; (time (pe qones (into 2))) ;; (time (dotimes (i 1000)(pe qones (into 2)))) ;; (time (polyevali ones 2)) ;; (setf targ (into 0)) ;; (setf intarg (adq-q targ)) ;; (qd_polyeval fones 998 (aqd-q (into 2)) intarg) ;; (setf tones '(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)) ;; (setf qones (mapcar #'into tones)) ;; (qd_polyeval fones 8 (aqd-q (into 2)) intarg) ;; (defun pe (qdlist x) (let* ((sum (make-aqd)) (insum (aqd-q sum)) (inx (aqd-q x))) (dolist (i qdlist sum) (qd_mul insum inx insum);; (qd_add insum (aqd-q i) insum)))) ;; takes about 260 ms (defun pe-emptyloop ;; an empty loop just for timing (qdlist x) (let* ((sum (make-aqd)) (insum (aqd-q sum)) (inx (aqd-q x))) (declare (ignore inx insum)) (dolist (i qdlist sum)(declare (ignore i)) 2 ;; (qd_mul insum inx insum);; nil ;; (qd_add insum (aqd-q i) insum) ))) ;; A carefully declared polynomial eval using ;; Lisp double-floats. I don't see how to make this more optimized. (defun polyevald (dlist x) (let ((sum 0.0d0)) (declare (double-float sum x) (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i dlist sum) (declare (double-float i)) (setf sum (the double-float (cl::+ i (the double-float (cl::* x sum)))))))) ;; this is about 150 X faster than the QD versions. (defun polyevaldclos (dlist x) ;; try with double-floats, let the CLOS work. Look at two-arg expansion ;; this takes 220 ms, so it is not compiled so well. (let ((sum 0.0d0)) (declare (double-float sum x) (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i dlist sum) (declare (double-float i)) (setf sum (+ i (* x sum))) ;;(setf sum (ga::two-arg-+ i (ga::two-arg-* x sum))) ;;same as above line. ))) (defun polyevali (ilist x) ;; polynomial eval that works for ANY lisp numbers (let ((sum 0)) (declare (optimize (speed 3)(debug 0))) (dolist (i ilist sum) (setf sum (cl::+ i (cl::* x sum)))))) ;; this is about 9X faster than QD. ;;(defun test-p1 (n)(dotimes (i n)(polyevald dones 2.0d0))) ;;(defun test-p2 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevalqd qones two)))) ;;(defun test-p3 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevalqfX FA 998 two)))) ;;(defun test-p4 (n)(let ((two (into 2)))(dotimes (i n)(polyevali ones 2)))) ;;; Here's some non-operative programs for windows x86 Allegro. ;;; maybe useful for other lisps wehre fpu_fix_start can be called once at the ;;; beginning of a seuence of QD operations, instead of before EACH operation. ;; For Allegro we changed code in c_qd.cpp to call fpu_fix_start as needed. ;;(defvar *rndmodecw* (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32) :initial-element 0)) ;;(defmacro fpu_start ()'(fpu_fix_start *rndmodecw*) ) ;stores old control word in *rndmodecw* ;;(defmacro fpu_end ()'(fpu_fix_end *rndmodecw*)) ;;; some more testing programs are in the file test-qd.lisp, which should be nearby. (eval-when (compile load eval) (ff:def-foreign-call (qd_polyevalflat "c_qd_polyevalflat") ( (op1 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) ;; length is really 4X (1+ op2) (op2 :int) ;;degree of polynomial. (op3 (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))) ;x (target (:array :double) (simple-array double-float(4))));; the answer :returning :void :arg-checking nil :call-direct t :strings-convert nil)) (defun qdlist2flatarray(L) (let* ((n (length L)) (ans (make-array (* 4 n) :element-type 'double-float :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable )) ;no need to initialize (index 0)) (dolist (qditem L ans) (setf (subseq ans index (cl::incf index 4)) (aqd-q qditem))))) (defun flatten(L)(qdlist2flatarray L)) ;; (setf tones '(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)) ;; (setf qones (mapcar #'into tones)) ;; (setf fones (qdlist2flatarray (reverse qones))) ;; (qd_polyeval fones 8 (aqd-q (into 2)) intarg) (defun polyevalqfX (FA n x) ;;precomputed. FA is flat array, n is (1- length/4) x is aqd (let* ((targ (into 0)) (intarg (aqd-q targ)) (inx (aqd-q x))) (declare (optimize speed) (type (simple-array double-float (4)) FA intarg inx) (fixnum n) (aqd x) ) (qd_polyevalflat FA n inx intarg) targ)) (defun polyevalqf(L x) ;more of a top-level program, should be fast! (polyevalqfX (qdlist2flatarray (reverse L)) (1- (length L)) (into x))) ;; #| ;; if you compute something but want to keep the result around until GC, it ;; is important to make a copy of the result. Otherwise it may be overwritten. ;; E.g. the third version below will overwrite the previous value returned. ;; This badness "optimization" happens only when hypot is compiled. ;;(defun hypot(x y)(copy (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y))))));; ok ;;(defun hypot(x y) (sqrt (with-temps (+ (* x x)(* y y))))) ;; also ok ;;(defun hypot(x y) (with-temps (sqrt (+ (* x x)(* y y))))) ;; bad, at least if compiled |# ;; A BUNCH OF PROGRAMS PLAYING QD GAMES and ROOTFINDING. ;; Refining a polynomial root via Newton's method. ;; First, deriv computes the derivative of a polynomial, in a list. ;; recall that we can create a polynomial as a list: ;; (setf testpoly (list 5 3 1)) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 ;; or as a QD polynomial ;; (setf testpoly (list (into 5) (into 3) (into 1))) ;; 5*x^2+3*x+1 (defun deriv(coefs) ;given coefs of a polynomial. return coefs of derivative. (let ((ans nil) (i 0)) (dolist (c (cdr (reverse coefs)) ans) (push (* (incf i) c) ans)) ans)) ;; a fairly general Newton iteration requiring three parameters, and some optional ones. ;; f is a function to evaluate f(x), ;; df is a function to evaluate f'(x). ;; x, a starting point, ;; optional: threshold for absolute value of f at which to stop, ;; optional: iters, a maximum number of iterations. ;; oneroot uses whatever arithmetic is appropriate, based on what f and df use. (defun oneroot (f df x threshold iters &aux fval) (dotimes (i iters (error "rootfinder failed to converge. Residual is ~s after ~s iterations." fval i)) (setf fval (funcall f x)) (if (< (abs fval) threshold) (return (values x fval i)) ;return x, residual and iteration count (decf x (/ fval (funcall df x)))))) ;; if we replace (decf x (/ fval (funcall df x))) ;; by (dsetv x (with-temps (- x (/ fval (funcall df x)))))))) ;; this would save 2 allocated temporaries per iteration. ;; Next, set up a call to oneroot given a list of coefficients representing ;; a polynomial. polyrootd makes everything computing in (real) double-float. ;; defaults are provided, so all you need is the list and a starting point. ;; the inputs coefs and x may be given as exact integers, floats, rationals. ;; example (polyrootd '(1 0 -2) 1); returns 1.4142135623730951d0, i.e. sqrt(2) (defun polyrootd (coefs x &optional (threshold 1.0d-14) (iters 20)) (setf coefs (mapcar #'(lambda(z)(coerce z 'double-float))coefs)) (let ((dp (deriv coefs))) (oneroot #'(lambda(x)(polyevald coefs x)) #'(lambda(x)(polyevald dp x)) (* 1.0d0 x) (* 1.0d0 threshold) iters))) ;; this is the same functionality, but using higher (QD) precision. ;; the inputs coefs and x may be given as exact integers, floats, rationals. ;; (polyrootqd '(1 0 -2) 1); returns sqrt(2), but if you want more precision: ;; (polyrootqd '(1 0 -2) 1 1.0d-60) returns ;;0.141421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973796Q1 ;;maybe this should be called qd:polyroot. (defun polyrootqd (coefs x &optional (threshold 1.0d-15) (iters 20)) (setf coefs (mapcar #'into coefs)) (let ((dp (deriv coefs))) (oneroot #'(lambda(x)(polyevalqd coefs x)) #'(lambda(x)(polyevalqd dp x)) (into x) (into threshold) iters))) (defun qd_random( &optional (where (make-aqd))) (qd_rand (aqd-q where)) where) ;; ONEROOT is considerably more versatile: it can find ;; root of other functions, not just polynomials. ;; (defun tt (x)(- (cos x) x)) ;; easy near 0.73 ;; (defun ttd(x) (- (+ (sin x) 1)) ) ;; (oneroot #'tt #'ttd (into 0) (into 1.0d-64) 20) ;; (oneroot #'tt #'ttd 0.0d0 1.0d-38 20) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FFT!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (eval-when (compile load eval) ; Fourier Transform Spectral Methods ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;Routines translated with permission by Kevin A. Broughan from ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Numerical Recipies in Fortran Copyright (c) Numerical Recipies 1986, 1989;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Modified by Ken Olum for Common Lisp, April 1996;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; notes 4/27/05, RJF. ;; more notes, 2/28/06 RJF. Converting h:/lisp/fft.lisp to QD arithmetic. ;; see comments at lisp/fft.lisp. ;; We use four1 only ;; the input data will be overwritten by the result. ;; the inverse fft is indicated by :isign -1, though it must be ;; multiplied by 1/nn to work. ; functions: ; four1: fourier transform (FFT) in one dimension (defun newzero() (make-array 4 :element-type 'double-float :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable :initial-element 0.0d0 )) ;;; omit headers for aqd. (defun v2dfa(a &optional (m (length a)) ) ;;coerce a vector of QD numbers of length m to a QD array of length ;; 2m, since here complex numbers are stored in 2 adjacent QD ;; locations. (let* ((k (length a)) (ans (make-array (cl::* 2 m):allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable )) (h nil)) (declare (fixnum k)) (dotimes (i k) ;just copy the actual numbers, or convert? (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (aref ans (cl::* 2 i)) (if (arrayp (setf h (aref a i))) h (aqd-q(qd::into h)))) ;; here we convert. (setf (aref ans (cl::1+ (cl::* 2 i))) (newzero))) (loop for i fixnum from (* 2 k) to (1-(* 2 m)) do (setf (aref ans i) (newzero))) ans)) (defun dfa2v(a &optional (m (/ (length a)2))) ;; Coerce real parts back to integers, more or less. a is an an ;; array of even length. If you know that there are trailing zeros, ;; set the actual length with the optional second parameter m. (let* ((k (/ (length a) 2)) (ans (make-array m :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (declare (fixnum k)) (dotimes (i m ans) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (aref ans i)(round (ga::outof (make-aqd :q (aref a (cl::* 2 i)))) k)))))) ;;(dfa2v (v2dfa #(256 256 256) 4)) ;; --> #(64 64 64 0) is correct. ;; this works! (defun polymultfftqd(r s) ;;compute the size Z of the answer. Z is a power of 2. ;; compute complex array r, increased to size S ;; compute complex array r, increased to size S ;; compute two FFTs ;; multiply pointwise ;; compute inverse FFT * 1/n ;; convert back to array and return answer (let* ((lr (length r)) (ls (length s)) (lans (+ lr ls -1)) (z (ash 1 (ceiling (log lans 2)))) ; round up to power of 2 (rfft (four1 (v2dfa r z) z)) (sfft (four1 (v2dfa s z) z)) (ans (make-array (* 2 z) :allocation :lispstatic-reclaimable))) (dotimes (i (* 2 z))(setf (aref ans i) (newzero))) (prodarray rfft sfft z ans) ;; put the answer in ans (dfa2v(four1 ans z :isign -1) lans) )) (defparameter t1 (newzero)) (defparameter t2 (newzero)) (defparameter t3 (newzero)) (defparameter place-e (newzero)) (defparameter place-o (newzero)) (defun prodarray(r s len ans) ;; r and s are the same length arrays ;; compute, for i=0, 2, ..., len-2 ;; ans[i]:= r[i]*s[i]-r[i+1]*s[i+1] ;; real part ;; ans[i+1]:=r[i]*s[i+1]+s[i]*r[i+1] ;; imag part (declare (fixnum len)) (let ();;((ans (make-array (* 2 len)))) (dotimes (i len ans) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((ind (cl::* 2 i)) (ind1 (1+ ind)) (a (aref r ind)) (b (aref r ind1)) (c (aref s ind)) (d (aref s ind1)) ) (declare ;(type aqd a b c d) (fixnum ind ind1 i)) (qd_mul a c t1) (qd_mul b d t2) (qd_sub t1 t2 place-e) (qd_mul a d t1) (qd_mul b c t2) (qd_add t1 t2 place-o) (qd_copy_into place-e (aref ans ind)) (qd_copy_into place-o (aref ans ind1)) ans )))) (defparameter qdtwopi (aqd-q (ga::/ (qd::into 165424160919322423196824703508232170249081435635340508251270944637 ) (qd::into 26328072917139296674479506920917608079723773850137277813577744384)) )) (defparameter onehalf (aqd-q(/ (qd::into 1) (qd::into 2)))) (defparameter two (aqd-q (qd::into 2))) (defparameter mintwo (aqd-q (qd::into -2))) (defparameter minone (aqd-q (qd::into -1))) ;;0.62831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419498891846Q1 ;;; this is a fairly generic FFT that works, but not optimized much. ;;; we leave it here just in case you want to copy it for other ;;; generic arithmetic packages ;; hacking four1 for speed, keeping space consumption down ;; not using aqds but just raw arrays of floats (defun four1 (data nn &key (isign 1)) (declare (type fixnum nn isign)) (prog ((wr (newzero)) (wi (newzero)) (wpr (newzero)) (wpi (newzero)) (wtemp (newzero)) (theta (newzero)) (halftheta (newzero)) (cost (newzero)) (tempr (newzero)) (tempi (newzero)) (one (newzero)) (temprx 0) (tempix 0) (t1 (newzero))(t2 (newzero)) (j 0) (n 0) (m 0) (mmax 0) (istep 0)) (declare (fixnum j n m mmax istep)) (setf (aref one 0) 1.0d0) (setf n (cl::* 2 nn)) (setf j 1) (do ((i 1 (cl::+ i 2))) ((cl::> i n)) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (cl::> j i) (setf temprx (aref data (cl::1- j))) (setf tempix (aref data j)) (setf (aref data (cl::1- j)) (aref data (cl::1- i))) (setf (aref data j) (aref data i)) (setf (aref data (cl::1- i)) temprx) (setf (aref data i) tempix)) (setf m (cl::floor n 2)) label1 (when (and (cl::>= m 2) (cl::> j m)) (setf j (cl::- j m)) (setf m (cl::floor m 2)) (go label1)) (setf j (cl::+ j m))) (setf mmax 2) label2 (when (cl::> n mmax) (setf istep (cl::* 2 mmax)) ;;(dsetv theta (into (cl::* isign mmax))) (setf (aref theta 0)(coerce (cl::* isign mmax) 'double-float)) (setf (aref theta 1) 0.0d0) (setf (aref theta 2) 0.0d0) (setf (aref theta 3) 0.0d0) ;;(dsetv theta(with-temps (/ qdtwopi theta))) (qd_div qdtwopi theta theta) ;; (dsetv halftheta(with-temps (* 1/2 theta))) (qd_mul onehalf theta halftheta) (qd_sincos halftheta wpr cost) (qd_mul wpr cost cost) (qd_mul cost two wpi) ;; (dsetv wpi (with-temps (* 2(* wpr cost)))) ;; 2*sin(t/2)*cos(t/2) (qd_mul wpr wpr wpr) (qd_mul mintwo wpr wpr) ;;(dsetv wpr (with-temps (* -2 (* wpr wpr)))) ;;(dsetv wr one) (setf (aref wr 0) 1.0d0) (setf (aref wr 1) 0.0d0) (setf (aref wr 2) 0.0d0) (setf (aref wr 3) 0.0d0) ;;(dsetv wi zero) (setf (aref wi 0) 0.0d0) (setf (aref wi 1) 0.0d0) (setf (aref wi 2) 0.0d0) (setf (aref wi 3) 0.0d0) (do ((m 1 (cl::+ m 2))) ((cl::> m mmax) t) (declare (fixnum m)) (do ((i m (cl::+ i istep))) ((cl::> i n) t) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf j (cl::+ i mmax)) ;;(dsetv tempr (with-temps (- (* wr (aref data (cl::1- j))) ;; (* wi (aref data j))))) (qd_mul wr (aref data (cl::1- j)) t1) (qd_mul wi (aref data j) t2) (qd_sub t1 t2 tempr) ;; (dsetv tempi (with-temps (+ (* wr (aref data j)) (* wi (aref data (cl::1- j)))))) (qd_mul wr (aref data j) t1) (qd_mul wi (aref data (cl::1- j)) t2) (qd_add t1 t2 tempi) ;; (dsetv (aref data (cl::1- j))(- (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr)) (qd_sub (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr (aref data (cl::1- j))) ;;(dsetv (aref data j)(- (aref data i) tempi)) (qd_sub (aref data i) tempi (aref data j)) ;;(dsetv (aref data (cl::1- i)) (+ (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr)) (qd_add (aref data (cl::1- i)) tempr (aref data (cl::1- i))) ;;(dsetv (aref data i) (+ (aref data i) tempi)) (qd_add (aref data i) tempi (aref data i)) ) ;;(dsetv wtemp wr) (qd_copy_into wr wtemp) ;;(dsetv wr (with-temps (+ (+(* wr wpr) (* (* -1 wi) wpi)) wr))) (qd_mul minone wi t1) (qd_mul t1 wpi t1) (qd_mul wr wpr t2) (qd_add t1 t2 t1) (qd_add t1 wr wr) ;;(dsetv wi (with-temps (+ (+ (* wi wpr) (* wtemp wpi)) wi))) (qd_mul wtemp wpi t1) (qd_mul wi wpr t2) (qd_add t1 t2 t1) (qd_add t1 wi wi) ) (setf mmax istep) (go label2)) (return data))) #| what the answer should be ... (defun t1()(polymultfftqd #(1 2 3 4 5 6) #(7 8 9)));; test (t1) #(7 22 46 70 94 118 93 54) (four1 (v2dfa #(1 2 3 4 5 6) 16) 16) ;; except higher precision #(21.0d0 0.0d0 4.203712543852026d0 17.12548253340269d0 -9.656854249492387d0 2.999999999999995d0 1.4918055861931159d0 -4.857754915068683d0 2.999999999999997d0 4.0d0 ...) (defun randpol(n m) (let ((ans (make-array n)) (lim (expt 2 m))) (dotimes (i n ans)(setf (aref ans i)(random lim))))) (setf r (randpol 512 332)) (setf qr (map 'vector #'into r)) (setf qrn (map 'vector #'aqd-q qr)) (time (progn (polymultfftqd qrn qrn) nil)) |# #| Important timing results regarding overhead of aqd wrapping. ;;NO AQD WRAPPING of (time (dotimes (i 10)(progn (polymultfftqd qrn qrn) nil))) ;; on windsor no wrapping. ; cpu time (non-gc) 2,143 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 170 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 2,313 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 2,524 msec ; space allocation: ; 92,678 cons cells, 21,913,752 other bytes, 2,493,180 static bytes ;; windsome, a 2.5GHz pentium 4 is about the same.. .. 2,578 ms. ;; with AQD wrapping (time (dotimes (i 10)(progn (polymultfftqd qr qr) nil))) ; on windsor ; cpu time (non-gc) 2,634 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 591 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 3,225 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 3,375 msec ; space allocation: ;185,182 cons cells, 28,758,256 other bytes, 3,746,240 static bytes ;; windsome, a 2.5GHz pentium 4 is only a little faster .. 2,975 ms. nil So, 25% faster with no wrapping, on windsor, pentium 3. more like 15% faster on pentium 4. |#