* Intro, guidelines, databases, projects What are the hard problems? * Physiology of vision * Perception low-level, mid-level, high-level vision mid-level: Gestalt Grouping cues high-level: top-down processing, data-driven Cavanagh + Weinheimer * Low-level vision (texture) Olshausen & field Plenoptic Function (adelson) Martin & Fowlkes boundry detector Puzicha et al (Color/texture similarity metics) Oliva & Torralba (statistics of scenes and/or Epatial envelope) Walker & Malik (texture for scene discrimination) Bag of words for objects (Winn et al, Curska et al, etc) * Statistics of Natural Images Plenoptic function (adelson) learning gabors + NMF Torralba, statistics of scenes Laura Walker, texture for scene discrimination * Dealing with Texture Pb Puzicha bag of words? * Correspondences Distance Transform, Schanfer dist Shape Context, Geometric Blur Berg Marius * Intrinsic images + Marr (?) Retinex Adelson, theatre workshop Sinha, Adelson: World of painted polyhedra Finlayson Weiss Freeman intrinsic Oliva&Torralba Hoiem MRF (?) + Andrew Ng (3D) Zhu et al, Image Parsing Learning Image Features Stauffer & Grimson ICA NMF * Dealing with data Isomap LLE Style vs. Content AAM (Cootes & Taylor) + Blinz & Vetter NMF * Segmentation NCut + Weiss + Weiss, Ng + Meila (random walk) Mean-shift DD-MCMC GraphCuts * Recognition boosting Schniderman & Kanade Viola & Jones Vidal-Naquet, Ullman (2003) Torralba, Sharing Features * Segmentation + Recognition Larry Zitnik's superpixels Ulman's horses xren's horses ObjCut Schiele * Tracking Toyama & Blake Particle Filtering ? Condensation (Isard & Blake) Ramanan, Strike a Pose Torr, ICCV '05 * image + words Kobus Barnard Berg & Berg (Names and Faces) * Object Category Discovery LSA, pLSA, LDA FeiFei Josef Fergus