· LabelMe – a large database of over 10,000 annotated images with over 2,000 different object descriptions. Plus there is a fun labeling game to get the database.
· The PASCAL Object Recognition Database Collection
· Caltech 101 – labeled pictures of objects belonging to 101 categories.
· ESP game
· The Computer Vision Homepage contains an extensive list of other databases
· MIT databases for faces, pedestrians and cars
· GRAZ 02 database of segmentation masks for bikes people and cars
· UIUC Image Database for Car Detection
· ETH-80 database for object categorization
· Wordnet – Large searchable database of the relationships between different words. Useful for automatically determining what image annotations mean.
· Flickr has a large collection of searchable images which can be automatically downloaded using these Matlab scripts (requires the open-source command-line browser Lynx)
· has a
large collection of images of streets in major
· Webcams are another great source of freely available image data. Some tools for using them are available here:
o A script for logging webcams automatically using the Lynx browser
o A cron script that runs the webcam logging script every 10 minutes
o A script for using mencoder to make avi files from the captured images
Aerial images of the entire
Most recently updated on January. 16, 2006 by David Bradley
Site design courtesy of Serge Belongie.