% For "Applied Numerical Linear Algebra" % Illustrates Theorem 3.3, Part 8 % Written by James Demmel, Oct 6, 1995 % Modified, Jun 2, 1997 % % Demonstration of mapping of unit 2D sphere under a % 3-by-3 linear transformation, using the SVD % Input: 3-by-3 matrix a % Output: image (ellipsoid) of unit sphere under a, % and principle axes of the ellipsoid % hold off, clg theta1=(0:2*pi/1000:2*pi); mm=max(size(theta1)); circle1=[cos(theta1);sin(theta1)]; m=20; theta2=(0:2*pi/m:2*pi); [u,s,v]=svd(a); s=diag(s); nrm=max(s); i=1; for theta = theta2, circle2=v*[sin(theta)*ones(1,mm);cos(theta)*circle1]; ellipse=a*circle2; plot3(ellipse(1,:),ellipse(2,:),ellipse(3,:),'.w'); if i==1, i=2; axis(1.0*nrm*[-1,1,-1,1,-1,1]); axis('square') hold on end end plot3([0,s(1)*u(1,1)],[0,s(1)*u(2,1)],[0,s(1)*u(3,1)],'b-') plot3([0,s(2)*u(1,2)],[0,s(2)*u(2,2)],[0,s(2)*u(3,2)],'r-') plot3([0,s(3)*u(1,3)],[0,s(3)*u(2,3)],[0,s(3)*u(3,3)],'g-') title('Image of 2D sphere under multiplication by 3-by-3 A')