Math 221 Class Survey, Fall 2004

Please fill out and turn in as soon as possible!

Full Name and Student ID number (if not a registered student, say so)

Phone, campus mail address, email address, URL (if you have one):

Enrolled, auditting, or undecided? 

Would you be interested in a discussion session? 

If yes, when are you NOT available?

Department, year in grad school: 

Do you have access to a workstation with Internet access and Matlab? 

Relevant computing background (machines, languages used): 

Relevant mathematics background (numerical analysis, linear algebra):

Why do you want to take this class? 

Please indicate your familiarity with the listed topics 
(Quite familiar, Somewhat familiar, Know what it is, Unfamiliar):



   Linear Independence

   Gaussian Elimination

   Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors