(1) Use "substitution" to solve L*x=b where L = [ 1 0 0 ] b = [ 3 ] [ 2 1 0 ] [ -4 ] [ 4 3 1 ] [ 0 ] (2) Use "substitution" to compute L^{-1}, where L is given above. (3) In lecture we showed that the number of arithmetic operations needed to compute an LU decomposition of an n x n matrix with rank n was 2/3*n^3 + lower order terms, i.e. terms proportional to n^2 or n. (3a) How many more arithmetic operations does it take, given the LU decomposition of A, to compute A^{-1}? The method to use is for each column e_j of the identity matrix, solve Ax = e_j for x = column j of A^{-1}. Use substitution with the L and U factors to solve this equation. Recall that the P_L and P_R factors only involve reordering, no arithmetic operations. Your answer should be of the form "c1*n^c2 + lower order terms", where c1 and c2 are constants you need to determine. Add 2/3*n^3 to your answer to determine the total number of arithmetic operations to compute the inverse of an invertible n x n matrix. (3b) Now suppose A is m x n with rank r (the general case). How many arithmetic operations are needed to compute the LU decomposition?