CS 267 Final Projects
pFIGS: Parallel Fragment-Indexed Gene Search
Abraham Anderson, Andrew Geweke, Demetri Moustakas
A Design for a Scalable Sparse Matrix Factorization System
E. Jason Riedy
Parallel All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Andras Ferencz, Benjamin Diament
Parallelized Finite Difference Method in Boiling Bubble Simulation
Erik Machnicki,
Chen-li Sun, and
Xiaogang Zhang
Distributed Radiance with Point Cloud Caching on NOW
Michael Chu, Yury Krotov, Mengqi Ye
Central Polynomials, Weak Identities and Parallel Computers in Matrix Algebras
Trevor Perrin and Plamen Koev
Implementing Particles into TERRA
Dave Stegman
Ti-PETSc: Integrating Titanium with PETSc
Dr. Yun He, Ben Liblit, and C.J. Lin
Parallel Minimum Matching Algorithm For Weighted Bipartite Graphs
Heyning Cheng,
Je-Luen Li
Object-based Distributed Shared Memory in Java
Steven Ross, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo
Multigrid on an Irregular Domain
Jon Wilkening