CS267: Lecture 4, Jan 28 1999
More about Shared Memory Processors and Programming
We begin with basic performance tradeoffs in parallel
programming by using the simple example of summing
n numbers in parallel.
Then we describe shared memory architectures
in a little more detail than the last lecture,
including the cache coherence problem,
discuss the shared memory programming model
using Solaris threads, barriers and locks,
and finally discuss an example called
Sharks and Fish in some detail.
This lecture was given by the TA, Fred Wong.
Lecture Notes
Primary Readings
Notes from the Lecture 6 from CS267, Spring 1996
Secondary Readings and References
An Introduction to Programming with Threads
Andrew Birrell
SUN Threads Page, useful
documentation, papers, programming tips, etc. for programming with
Barrier code written using SUN threads discussed in class
Sharks and Fish,
detailed programming examples of several simple physical simulations written in
several programming models, including shared memory