CS 267 Lectures: Spring 2005
Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:
High Performance Programming on a Single Processor: Memory Hierarchies, Matrix Multiplication, and Automatic Performance Tuning
Lecture 2 (cont):
Automatic Performance Tuning (continuation of Lecture 2)
Lecture 3:
Parallel Machines and Programming Models
Lecture 4:
Shared Memory Machines and Programming; Example: Sharks and Fish
Sharks and Fish code
to discuss in lecture
Lecture 5:
Distributed Memory Machines and Programming
Guest Lecture on
MPI Progamming
by Bill Saphir, Chief Architect,
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Lecture 6
Sources of Parallelism and Locality in Simulation - part 1
Lecture 7 (part 1):
Sources of Parallelism and Locality in Simulation - part 2
Lecture 7 (part 2):
Tricks with Trees
Lecture 8:
Dense Linear Algebra - Parallel Matrix Multiply
Lecture 9:
Dense Linear Algebra - Parallel Gaussian Elimination
Lecture 10:
Graph Partitioning
Lecture 11:
Floating Point Arithmetic
Lecture 12: Guest Lecture by
Xiaoye Li
Sparse Linear Algebra
Lecture 13: Guest Lecture by
Katherine Yelick
Programming in UPC
Lecture 14:
Solving PDEs - the Poisson Equation (1)
Lecture 15:
Solving PDEs - the Poisson Equation (2)
Lecture 16: Guest Lecture by
David Skinner
Parallel Application Scaling, Performance and Efficiency
Lecture 17:
Hierarchical Methods for the N-Body Problem
Lecture 18:
Load Balancing
Lecture 19: Guest lecture by
Teresa Head-Gordon
Computational Biology
Lecture 20: Guest lecture by Michael Wehner on
Climate Modeling
Lecture 21:
Automatic Performance Tuning - Sparse Matrix Kernels
Lecture 22: Guest lectures by
Osni Marques
and Tony Drummond on the
ACTS Collection of Advanced CompuTational Software
The software itself is
Lecture 23: Guest lecture by
Julian Borrill
Computational Astrophysics - Analyzing Cosmic Background Radiation
Lecture 24: Guest lecture by
Katherine Yelick
The Digital Human
Lecture 25:
Unstructured Multigrid
, based on work of
Mark Adams
Lecture 26: Guest lecture by
Phil Colella
on Adaptive Mesh Refinement,
part 1
part 2
Lecture 27: Guest lecture by
David Anderson
Volunteer Computing
, the technology behind
Lecture 28: Guest lecture by
David Bailey
, Chief Technologist of
, on
Performance Needs and Tools for High Performance Computers (pdf)
Home page for
Performance Evaluation Research Center (PERC)
PERC survey paper on
Status of Performance Research (pdf)
Summary of PERC work on
Performance Tools (Word)
Paper by David Bailey and
Allan Snavely
Performance Modeling (pdf)
Lecture 29: Guest lecture by
Wes Bethel
, leader of the
LBNL Visualization Group
, on
Parallelism in Graphics