Computer Science 294
Virtual Reality

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Final Projects


Welcome to the Home Page for the CS294, the centralized place for information pertaining to the class Virtual Reality taught the Spring of 1997. We are affiliated with the Computer Science Division at the University of California, Berkeley.

Current state of the art in the main areas of VR will be covered: what is VR and why it works; drivers for the field are new technologies and exciting applications as entertainment, scientific visualization, telerobotics, surgery, and simulation and training; computer graphics rendering; and illusions of vision and perception generally that make VR feasible.

* Lecture: Tuesday / Thursday 2:00pm - 3:30pm 405 Soda
* Lab: 349 Soda and 111 Cory, 24/7 a kool-aid smile (i.e. Anytime)

Required Book

Stuart, Rory. The Design of Virtual Environments, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.

Recommended Book

Woodrow Barfied and Thomas A. Furness III, Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995.


There will be a volume of selected reprints as readings for the course.

Teaching staff

* Instructor : Brian A. Barsky (
785 Soda, x2-9838 (Office hours Tu/Th 5:00pm - 6:00pm)
* Instructor : Lawrence Stark (
485 Minor, x2-3621 (Office hours held in 784 Soda Tu/Th 3:30pm - 4:00pm)
* Teaching Assistant : Dan Garcia (
535 Soda, x2-9716 (Office hours Tu/Th 3:30pm - 4:00pm)
Here's his personal teaching page.
* Resource : Ted Blackmon (
485 Minor, x2-5309
* Resource : Frank Tendick (
263 Cory (Office hours Mo/We 3:00 - 4:00pm)
UCSF, 415-476-6100 x41834
* Reader : Richard Nelson (

Homework & Projects

* Project Status Report (New!) 97-04-02
* Homework #3 - Immersion/Interaction/Interest in 20 VR worlds (New!) 97-03-25
* Project Proposal Online Turnin
* 3D MRI project ideas
* Ted Blackmon's project ideas
* Projects related to Virtual Environments for Training in Surgery
* Homework #1 and #2 - Evaluate Rover and TR simulations
* Project information
* Getting started with VRML

Thanks to...

We'd like to give our sincere thanks to several companies/groups whose donations of hardware, software and resources make this course possible.

* Apple Computer
* Silicon Graphics
* Intergraph
* Sense-8
* Dimension-X
* Intel
* EECS Instruction


* Beyond Imaging: Creating the Near Future at Walt Disney Imagineering
* Alice: Interactive 3D Graphics for Windows 95

Directions to 486 Minor Hall

(Directions to 486 Minor Hall) The Rover and TR simulations will be held in 486 Minor Hall. The lab is located in the east building of the two building Minor Hall complex. 486 is on the second floor and the door is on the east side of the corridor and toward the south end of the hall. It should be open or unlocked and Amy will leave notes on the door(s).

WWW Maven: Dan Garcia ( (finger me) Send me feedback

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