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Please see my Undergraduate Game Theory Research Group GamesCrafters for the current state of the project.
UC Berkeley Undergraduate Game Theory Research Group
led by Dan Garcia
Spring 2002
"Every game ever invented by mankind, is a
way of making things hard for the fun of it!"
-- John Ciardi
Welcome to Dan Garcia's Spring 2002 Undergraduate Game
Theory research page. The overall goal of this project is to involve
freshmen and sophomores in an enjoyable research project, learn
about game theory, hash tables, efficient representations and
user interfaces through a software project in C. Each team of
students chooses a game to add to Gamesman
and throughout the semester they implement the internal C and
Tcl/Tk programming interface.
Spring 2002 Gamesmen and Alumni
Back Row: Peter Tretheway, Erwin Vedar, Farzad Eskafi,
Dave Le, Isaac Greenbride, Dan Garcia, James Chung, Alex Perelman,
Atilla Gyulassy, Sunil Ramesh
Front Row: Thomas Yiu, Edwin Mach, Alex Kozlowski, Mike
Savitsky, Kevin Ha, Babak Hamadini
Missing: Todd Segal, David Shultz, Greg Krimer, Chi Huynh,
David Chen, Ling Xiao
Instructor |
Garcia |
Students |
(CHess Endgame Awesome Teacher) |
Todd Segal |
Game Databases, Loopy Code
Coordinator |
Sunil Ramesh |
Final Project
"Shall we play a game?" |
David Schultz |
Greg Krimer |
Gamesmen |
Fox and Geese |
Sergey Kirshner |
James Chung |
Critical Mass |
Peterson Tretheway |
Cross |
Thomas Yiu |
The L Game |
Alex Kozlowski |
Mike Savitsky |
Toi |
Farzad Eskafi |
Erwin Vedar |
Rubik's Infinity |
Chi Huynh |
Edwin Mach |
Joust |
Isaac Greenbride |
Dave Le
Mike Jurka |
Three Spot |
Attila Gyulassy |
Kevin Ha |
Shift-Tac-Toe |
David Chen |
Ling Xiao |
Lite-3 |
Babak Hamadani |
Alex Perelman |
Fall 2001 Gamesmen
Back Row: Thomas Yiu, Isaac Greenbride, Dan Garcia,
Farzad Eskafi, Chi Huynh, Erwin Vedar, Edwin Mach, Mike Savitsky,
James Chung, Alex Kozlowski
Carried: Dave Le
Missing: Peter Tretheway, Todd Segal, David Shultz, Greg
How to create your own game
module in 10 easy steps
0 - Read about and install
- Goal: Read about and install Gamesman on their computer
- Resources:
- Gamesman
WWW page
- Bring with you to the meeting
- Any questions you have about Gamesman or the install
- At the meeting we learned
- Basics of game theory
- Many different games from which to choose for the final project
1 - Choose your game &
think of different rules
- Goal: To choose your game and think of different rules
that would be possible for it
- Resources (Game Theory Bible -- the ultimate reference!)
- Elwyn Berlekemp, John H. Conway, and Richard K. Guy. Winning
Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, Volume 1,2. Academic Press
Inc., 1982. (red and blue books)
- Resources (Game Theory Books)
- Franco Agostino and Nicola Alberto DeCarlo. Intelligence
Games. Simon and Schuster, 1985.
- Andrea Angiolino. Super Sharp Pencil & Paper Games.
Sterling Publishing Co, Inc., 1995.
- John D. Beasley. The Mathematics of Games. Oxford
University Press, 1989.
- R. C. Bell. Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations.
Oxford University Press, 1979.
- R. C. Bell. The Boardgame Book. Exeter Books, 1983.
- Robbie Bell and MIchael Cornelius. Board Games Round the
World: A Resourse Book for Mathematical Investigations. Cambridge
University Press, 1988.
- Gyles Brandreth. The World's Best Indoor Games. Pantheon
Books, 1981.
- Matthew J. Costello. The Greatest Games of All Time.
John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
- Jon Freeman. The Playboy Winner's Guide to Board Games.
Playboy Press, 1979.
- Frederic V. Grunfeld. Games of the World : how to make
them, how to play them, how they came to be. UNICEF, 1975.
- Karl-Heinz Koch. Pencil & Paper Games. Sterling
Publishing Co., Inc., 1992.
- Pentagram. Pentagames. Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1990.
- David Pritchard. Brain Games. Penguin Books Ltd.,
- Eric Solomon. Games with Pencil and Paper. Dover,
- At the meeting: we learned about TicTacToe
- Two-way hash function for positions
- Position is represented as an integer
- Each of the 9 slots is one of three values, Blank (0), O(1)
or X(2)
- Thus, the position is considered a 9-digit ternary number,
from 0 to 39-1
- Two-way hash function for moves
- Move is represented as an integer
- A number from 0 to 8 for the particular move depending on
the slot chosen
- How Position = DoMove(Position, Move) is implemented
- return(Position + WhoseTurn(Position) * 3Move)
- WhoseTurn(Position) returns 1 if it's O's turn and
2 if it's X's turn
- This works because the position must have a blank in the
Move slot, we're just adding that particular digit to
the Position number
2 - Create hash function for
your game
- Goal: To come up with the hash functions for positions
and moves for your game
- Resources:
- Dan's scheme and C libraries (coming soon)
- At the meeting we...
- Analyzed the hash functions for several games
- Alex and Mike's L-Game
- Farzad and Erwin's Chung Toi
- Isaac and Dave's Joust
- Discussed the four types of optimized hash functions (chapter
6 of Dan's
Gamesman thesis)
- Given C(n,k) is combination of n choose
k items
- Given Sum(from,to,expression) is a summation of
expression with variables bound in from to
- Given Pi(from,to,expression) is a product of expression
with variables bound in from to to.
- Rearranger
- Game in which O pieces are rearranged in slots
- n = Rearranger(slots, O)
- = C(slots,O)
- RearrangerOX (also known as RearrangerPartisan)
- Game in which O O-pieces and X X-pieces
are rearranged in slots slots.
- n = RearrangerOX(slots, O, X)
- = C(slots,O+X) * C(O+X,O)
- Dartboard
- Game in which players take turns putting pieces (up to a
maximum of MaxPieces) on the slots but don't move them.
- n = Dartboard(slots, MaxPieces)
- = Sum(i=0,i=MaxPieces,C(slots,i))
- = 2^slots (when MaxPieces = slots)
- DartboardOX (also known as DartboardPartisan)
- Game in which players take turns putting their own X or O
pieces (up to a maximum of MaxPieces) on the slots but don't
move them.
- n = DartboardOX(slots, MaxPieces)
- = Sum(i=0,i=MaxPieces,C(slots,i)*C(i,i/2))
- Discussed how to encode & decode a number with digits
of different bases to represent different independent components
of our game
- General idea
- What if you had bottles which could contain different integer
amounts of liquid, and you wanted to count all the possible ways
the bottles could be semi-filled with integer amounts of water?
- Example: you have three bottles which can hold 2, 4 and 3
units of liquid. The first can hold 0 or 1 unit (remember, it
has to be semi-filled, being filled isn't allowed), the second
can hold 0, 1, 2 or 3 units, and the last can hold 0, 1 or 2
- Since they are all independent variables, the number of ways
they can be filled is 2 * 4 * 3 = 24 ways.
- We'll number them from 0 to 23:
2 4 3 : N
0 0 0 : 0
0 0 1 : 1
0 0 2 : 2
0 1 0 : 3
0 1 1 : 4
0 1 2 : 5
0 2 0 : 6
0 2 1 : 7
0 2 2 : 8
0 3 0 : 9
0 3 1 : 10
0 3 2 : 11
1 0 0 : 12
1 0 1 : 13
1 0 2 : 14
1 1 0 : 15
1 1 1 : 16
1 1 2 : 17
1 2 0 : 18
1 2 1 : 19
1 2 2 : 20
1 3 0 : 21
1 3 1 : 22
1 3 2 : 23
- We can think of representing a particular filling as a set
of rational numbers - the numerator represents what is currently
in each bottle and the denominator represents what the bottle
can hold.
- So, for example, if they are all as full as possible, they'd
contain: (1/2, 3/4, 2/3) units
- We want to be able to go from the particular fillings to
a number (hash) and from a particular number to the fillings
- If the current digits, or numerators are n0,
n1, ... nk
- ...and the bases, or denomenators are are d0,
d1, ... dk
- The hash function is
- N = n0 + d0n1 + d0d1n2
+ ... + d0d1*...*dk-1nk
- N = Sum(i=0,i=k,Pi(j=0,j=i-1,dj)ni)
- Example hash function:
- Given (2,4,3) bases and values (1,3,2) [also represented
as (1/2,3/4,2/3)]- last one above, what is N?
- N = 2 + 3*3 + 1*4*3 = 23
- The unhash function is
- n0 = N % d0
- n1 = (N / d0) % d1
- n2 = (N / d0d1) % d2
- ...
- nk = (N / Pi(i=0,k-1,di) % dk
- Example hash function:
- Bases are 2,4,3, N = 23, whare are n0, n1,
- n0 = 23 % 3 = 2
- n1 = (23 / 3) % 4 = 3
- n2 = (23 % 3 * 4) % 2 = 1
- Thus the digits are (1,3,2), the last one in the table above!
3 - Start coding your text-based
game (in C)
- Goal: To start coding your text-based game (ignore
the graphics component for now)
- You should start coding your hash functions and the main
interface subroutines (here are the primary ones):
- InitializeDatabases()
- POSITION DoMove(thePosition, theMove)
- GetInitialPosition(initialPosition)
- PrintComputersMove(computersMove,computersName)
- VALUE Primitive(position)
- PrintPosition(position,playerName,usersTurn)
- MOVELIST *GenerateMoves(position)
- PrintMove(theMove)
- Roughly, here is how you should proceed
- Find a shortened name (< 6 letters) for your game
- Example: ttt for Tic-Tac-Toe, chung for
Chung Toi, etc.
- Look at which of the 4 games already implemented most closely
approximates your own
- For most of you, this will be Tic-Tac-Toe
- Copy these files (ttt.c and ttt.h if you're
basing it on Tic-Tac-Toe)
- Edit the Makefile to include your game (make an
entry for your game -- take the example from ttt)
- Ignore delete all the code dealing with symmetry!
- If your game is loopy, make sure you set BOOLEAN kLoopy
- Edit the rest of the C code to implement your game
- Read Chapter 5 of Dan's
Gamesman thesis
- Bring any questions you have about your implementation to
the meeting
- Resources:
- Gamesman
source code examples: m1210.c, mdodgem.c, mttt.c,
- Chapter 5 of Dan's
Gamesman thesis
- Dan's scheme and C libraries (coming soon)
- At the meeting...
- We'll address your implementation questions
- We talked about the four big pieces of this project:
- Coding the text-based version
- Coding the graphical version
- Performing analysis of your game
- Documenting everything -- code, www pages, analysis.
- We talked about how each game is going to represent moves
and positions in a text-based manner. Example for Tic-Tac-Toe:
- Moves = number from 1 to 9
- Position as shown below (- = blank)
( 1 2 3 ) : X X O
LEGEND: ( 4 5 6 ) TOTAL: : - O -
( 7 8 9 ) : - O X (Dan should Tie in 3)
4 - Finish coding your text-based
game (in C)
- Goal:
- To finish the implementation of your text-based game in C
- Resources:
- Gamesman
source code: m1210.c, mdodgem.c, mttt.c,
- At the meeting...
- We'll demo all your programs!
5 - Design your graphics interface
- Goal: To begin coding your game's graphic interface.
Think of how you'll...
- draw your pieces
- interact with your pieces
- display all of the moves at once (through value-moves)
- Resources:
- At the meeting...
- We'll analyze your designs
- We'll teach you how the Tcl/Tk code works
6 - Start coding your graphics
game (in Tcl/Tk)
- Goal: To start coding your graphics game in Tcl/Tk
- Install Tcl/Tk on
your Unix system if it isn't there already
- Start from the basics: Tcl interactions first, then draw
the pieces
- Resources:
- Tcl/Tk site to install
it to your system
- Then, view a demo of all the widgets as follows (pay particular
attention to the canvas widget!)
unix% cd /usr/sww/lib/demos
unix% wish -f widget
- Gamesman
Tcl/Tk source code
- Xmttt - Tcl/Tk Tic-Tac-Toe module
- gamesman.tcl - Tcl/Tk library code
- At the meeting...
- We'll answer any questions you have
7 - Continue coding your graphics
game (in Tcl/Tk)
- Goal: To continue coding your graphics game in Tcl/Tk
- You should be finished by next week
- Resources:
- At the meeting...
- We'll answer any questions you have
8 - Finish coding your graphics
game (in Tcl/Tk)
- Goal: To finish coding your project
- Resources:
- At the meeting...
- We'll look at & play your games!!
9 - Merge, WWW documentation,
writeup, analysis
- Goal: To merge your code with Gamesman, and finish
up your writeup
- Your writeup should be put on your WWW site in HTML format
- Resources:
- At the meeting...
- We'll discuss your analysis and writeup
WWW Maven: Dan
Garcia (
Send me feedback