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Dr. Dan Garcia : Full Frontal Nerdity

Dr. Dan Garcia (He/Him/His)

There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those.
-- Anonymous
(The Beauty and Joy of Computing)

Who am I? (Hi-from-Dan Sound) (short biography, curriculum vitæ)

I'm a Teaching Professor (aka Senior Lecturer SOE) in the Computer Science division of the EECS department at the University of California, Berkeley. I graduated with a Ph.D. from the same department in May 2000, where I worked with the OPTICAL project doing Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization. On the personal side, I'm married to the beautiful and brilliant Tao Ye and have two wonderful kids.


In the Spring of 2025, I'll be teaching CS10, the Beauty and Joy of Computing, co-teaching CS302 (Designing Computer Science Education) with Michael Ball, and co-teaching CS194-244 (EECS Star Assessments for Mastery Learning) with Armando Fox and Narges Norouzi. We (co-PIs Emeritus Teaching Prof Brian Harvey and Prof Tiffany Barnes of NC State) have trained over 1,000 high school teachers in the AP CS Principles version of the Beauty and Joy of Computing course using the awesome Snap! (Build Your Own Blocks) graphical programming environment and the Blown to Bits book.


I'm deeply interested and active in computer science education, having presented at the SIGCSE annual conference every year since 2001, and was honored to be chosen as an ACM Distinguished Educator in 2012, ACM Distinguished Speaker 2019-2025, SIGCSE Vice-Chair 2019-2022, SIGCSE Secretary 2022-2025, and CRA-WP Board member 2023-2026. I was humbled to be chosen (with my friend Prof Tiffany Barnes) as the program co-chair for SIGCSE 2017 and symposium co-chair for SIGCSE 2018 in Baltimore, MD. I was co-guest-editor (with Moti Ben-Ari and Tom Murphy) of the TOCE journal Special Issue on Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Computation, served on the GRE Computer Science Committee, and the Ensemble NSF project to create a website for computing educators. I recently served on the CRA Task Force on Teaching-Track Faculty, the ACM Education Council, the College Board's AP Computer Science: Principles development committee, TEALS Advisory Board, SRI's PACT Advisory Board, SMASH's Advisory Board, and CS PCK's Advisory Board. Locally, I have been the Faculty Supervisor for our 11 summer classes, charged with hiring and nurturing the best instructors to cover our summer courses. Finally, I was the higher education co-chair for CSforCA (CA advocacy for computer science) from 2019-2022, and I do everything I can to help our local CSTA chapter (CA-Golden Gate) thrive through monthly (ish) meetings I help facilitate on campus (and running CS4HS workshops in the summertime).

Active RAD (Research, Art & Development) Student Groups and Projects

I'm quite enthusiastic about the RAD (research, art & development) groups I advise. If you're interested in joining one of these groups (shown below), check their schedules for times and locations.

A's for All
R & D (and Advocacy)
Game Theory
BJC Curricular
3D Animation


(often wacky!)



(who are often wacky!)

Not-so-active RAD Projects

iOS Development
(iOS DeCal)
Weiner Lecture Archives (WLA) Time-lapse HD CS Illustrated Ensemble
Computing Portal

(who are often wacky!)


Spring 2025 Receiving P/F (S/U for grads) credit for doing great things with Dan

Who Are You? Course CCN Units
Academic Intern for CS10 or CS61C CS 197 see Chris Hunn

1 unit for every 3 hrs/wk you work

Undergrad student researcher with Dan CS 199‑40 (GamesCrafters)
CS 199‑41 (CS Ed R&D)
1 unit for every 3 hrs/wk you work
Grad student researcher with Dan CS 299-34
1 unit for every 3 hrs/wk you work
A TA for a class Dan teaches, or student facilitator for UCBUGG/iOS DeCals CS 399-007 13812 1 unit for every 10 hrs/wk you work

Upcoming Travel (when I'll be relatively out of touch)

* 2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03: (Week  11   WR   ) CRA-WP Board Mtg in Denver, CO
* 2025-04-05 - 2025-04-08: (Week  12 MT     ) EduComp Keynote in Juiz de Fora, BRAZIL
* 2025-05-06 - 2025-05-14: (Week RRR  TWRFSS) Faber 2025 in Olot, SPAIN
* 2025-05-15 - 2025-05-16: (Week Fin    RF  ) UCR Distinguished Lecture in Riverside, CA
* 2025-05-27 - 2025-05-30: (Week ---  TWRF  ) CSforALL in Peru in Lima, PERU
* 2025-06-04 - 2025-06-04: (Week ---   W    ) UCSC CSE Colloquium in Santa Cruz, CA
* 2025-06-05 - 2025-06-08: (Week ---    RFSS) ACW in Houston, TX
* 2025-06-20 - 2025-06-21: (Week ---     FS ) T3PN in Davis, CA
* 2025-08-06 - 2025-08-08: (Week ---   WRF  ) ACM-EC in Houston, TX

Spring 2025 Schedule

Dan Garcia : Schedule
in italics
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:00 UGSC

Working from home



Working from home



10:30 10:30


606 Soda
606 Soda
606 Soda










AAPB 160
AAPB 160
AAPB 160




2:00  CS194 STAR Assessments
606 Soda
606 Soda 





CS10 + CS302 + CS194
Office Hours
777 Soda


3:30   3:30
4:00 Dan CS Ed R&D
777 Soda
4:30 4:30
5:00 CS10
Staff Meeting
777 Soda
5:30 5:30

Teaching Awards

* 2025 UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award
* 2023 My Spring 2023 CS10 Course has 71% women (out of 105 students), shattering its own record for diversity
* 2022 Renewed as an ACM Distinguished Speaker
* 2019 Chosen as an ACM Distinguished Speaker
* 2019 In the 50 year history of SIGCSE, announced as the most prolific author, with 61 (2nd place was 42)
* 2018 My Spring 2018 CS10 Course has 63% women (out of 155 students), shattering its own record for diversity
* 2017 SAP Visionary Member Award
* 2017 Chosen as a Google CS4HS Ambassador
* 2017 My Spring 2017 CS10 Course has 60% women (out of 150 students), shattering its own record for diversity
* 2016 NCWIT's Undergraduate Research Mentoring (URM) Award
* 2015 Chosen to receive LPFI's Lux Award as "Tech Diversity Champion"
* 2015 Ten Most Popular MOOCs Starting in September 2015 and January 2016, Class Central
* 2013 My CS10 Course has 106 women and 104 men, the first time that more women than men took an introductory computer science course at UC Berkeley (since they started digitizing records in 1993, and most believe ever, since the numbers were very bad in the earlier years).
* 2013 Chosen as Top 5 Professors to take classes with at UC Berkeley
* 2012 Chosen as an ACM Distinguished Educator
* 2012 CS10 Listed as one of the famous courses at Cal
* 2012 Listed as 10 Really Awesome Computer Science Professors
* 2011 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing chosen as a NSF CE21 grant winner
* 2011 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing chosen as a UC Online Pilot
* 2010 CS10 : The Beauty and Joy of Computing chosen as one of five National Pilots for new non-majors computing course AP CS : Principles by College Board
* 2006 Highest HKN Teaching Effectiveness rating (6.7) of any EECS LowerDiv instructor, ever
* 2005 UC Berkeley Everyday / Unsung Hero
* 2005 CS Division IT Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
* 2004 Highest HKN Teaching Effectiveness rating (6.6) of any CS LowerDiv instructor, ever (tied w/1 other)
* 2002 CS Division Diane S. McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching
* 1997 UC Berkeley Most classes GSId in UC Berkeley history (16 classes in 6 years is believed to be the record -- since the rule was nobody can GSI more than 5 years -- but staff didn't realize that until I had GSId 6!)
* 1997 EECS Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor
* 1992 UCB Outstanding CS Graduate Student Instructor

Dan (or the BJC course he co-developed) in the News

* 2024-11-07 CS 10 Yelp: 考试3次Retake,还能看教授Rap热舞!, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association
* 2024-08-20 Dan Garcia: UC Berkeley Professor Discusses Game Theory, STEM Pathways With Rohan Sharma (video podcast)
* 2024-07-28 Dan Garcia Ph.D., Diversity in Computing, Texas Math Mundo (video podcast)
* 2023-12-01 Making the grade; EECS professors develop ‘A’s for All’ pilot, UC Berkeley College of Engineering
* 2023-11-13 3 Questions for UC Berkeley’s Oliver O’Reilly, Inside Higher Ed
* 2023-06-13 You're Doing it Wrong, No Such Thing: Education in the Digital Age podcast
* 2023-04-11 Member Spotlight: Dan Garcia, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin
* 2022-10-19 Excellence in STEM: Dr. Dan Garcia, IEEE Computer Society
* 2021-11-08 In Conversation: Prof Dan Garcia and National Forum Research Fellow Dr Brett Becker, Irish National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
* 2021-08-11 ‘Behind a paywall’: Students, faculty discuss trials, tribulations of paid materials, Daily Cal
* 2020-10-12 UC Berkeley computer science professor strives to engage students through creative prerecorded lectures, Daily Cal
* 2020-09-05 Cooperstown’s Dan Garcia Uses Talent For Mimickry To Keep E-Students Rapt, All Otsego
* 2020-09-05 Cal Professor's Creative Video Lessons Keep Students Engaged, NBC Bay Area (video)
* 2020-06-22 Professor Dan Garcia on Holding Students’ Attention to Stay on Track in Asynchronous Instruction, Medium post
* 2020-04-15 The Discipline That Is Transforming Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education
* 2019-12-23 Episode 2: Dan Garcia discusses Exam Creation, CS Ed Podcast (audio)
* 2018-10-24 美国“全民计算机教育运动”领导人丹·葛西亚:通过快乐编程来普及计算机教育, Central Radio and TV Station International Online (here's a translation)
* 2018-08-27 Female, minority students took AP computer science in record numbers, USA Today
* 2017-10-10 Engineers, Recruiters and Professors Weigh In: Future Programmers Need Writing Skills, Too, EdSurge
* 2017-10-01 The state of women in computer science: An investigative report, TechRepublic
* 2017-08-17 AP Computer Science Draws In More Girls, Minorities, EdTech
* 2017-07-31 AP Computer Science Principles Attract Diverse Students With Real-World Problems, KQED News
* 2017-07-25 The Beauty and Joy of Computing in San Francisco, Infosys Foundation USA Blog
* 2017-06-02 EECS department releases new grading guidelines, Daily Cal
* 2017-05-31 Campus announces David Culler interim dean of new Division of Data Sciences, Daily Cal
* 2017-04-04 Learning to Think Like a Computer, NY Times
* 2017-04-03 How Tech Companies Stake Out Hackathons for Future Stars, Bloomberg's Decrypted podcast (audio)
* 2017-03-24 And Then, Suddenly, Women Stopped Coding. What Happened In 1984?, ITSP Magazine, At the Intersection of Technology, Cybersecurity, and Society.
* 2017-03-14 This Pi Day, use math to beat your friends at classic toy games, PBS NewsHour
* 2017-02-16 Berkeley PhD's 4-Step Plan to a STEM Pipeline That Works for Everyone, Observer
* 2017-01-25 Transforming High School Computer Science: The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC), CITRIS Research Exchange (video)
* 2016-11-19 Microsoft program brings computer science to Windham High, Norwich, CT Bulletin
* 2016-11-17 The impact of course titles on student enrollment, phys.org
* 2016-11-14 What does a Hacker look like?, Daily Californian
* 2016-11-10 千人狂歡 最受歡迎的程式課, CommonWealth Taiwanese Magazine (here's a copy with translation)
* 2016-11-04 Melinda Gates And Regina Dugan On How To Get More Women Into Tech (And Keep Them), Fast Company
* 2016-10-19 Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Fall Semester 2016, LifeHacker
* 2016-08-25 New computer science course's challenge is finding qualified teachers to teach it, EdSource
* 2016-08-03 New AP Course in Computer Science Principles Aims to Make Tech Accessible, EdTech
* 2016-04-30 The industry that needs more women: Information and Communication Technology will have 100,000 new jobs by 2020, news.com.au
* 2016-03-13 Lack of diversity still the 'elephant in the Valley', festival told, Irish Times
* 2016-01-29 Kicking off Computer Science for All city will add AP classes, software programs, NY Chalkbeat
* 2016-01-14 Adding 'Beauty And Joy' To Obama's Push For Computer Science Teaching, NPR's All Things Considered (audio)
* 2015-10-02 Snap! and BJC in the Scratch constellation, Scratch Amsterdam documentary (video)
* 2015-09-16 CS for All: Fundamentals for Our Future, NYC Mayor's office (video with BJC teachers and Curriculum featured)
* 2015-09-10 Code.org trains 15,000 teachers in computer science, USA Today
* 2015-09-01 LPFI and UC Berkeley's "Beauty and Joy of Computing" Collaborate to Bring CS Principles to SMASH Scholars, LPFI Blog
* 2015-07-21 Will Teaching New Computer Science Principles Level the Playing Field?, EdSurge
* 2015-06-08 10 Wacky Educational Courses That Made Us Go 'Whaaa...?', ScoopWhoop
* 2015-05-15 OUSD Celebrates Collaboration with Intel on Computer Science Education & Career Pipeline, Oakland Unified School District
* 2015-05-07 Nice Ivy League Degree. Now if You Want a Job, Go to Code School, Bloomberg
* 2015-04-03 This Awesome New Documentary Is Tackling Sexism in the Tech Industry Head-On, Marie Claire
* 2015-03-30 Why women won't code is topic of new documentary, USA Today
* 2015-03-11 The Beauty and Joy of Computing in the Big Apple, NSF Discoveries
* 2015-02-26 Dan Garcia at TEDxBerkeley: The Beauty and Joy of Computing, TEDxBerkeley
* 2015-02-26 City receives $5.5M grant for AP classes in computer science that focus on STEM, New York Daily News
* 2014-12-05 Class Action: Gearing Up for the Hour of Code, NBC Bay Area (video)
* 2014-10-01 EdX To Offer High School Level Courses, Harvard Crimson
* 2014-10-01 Campaign launched to promote value of computer science education, the Lane Report
* 2014-09-16 Why top universities teach drag and drop programming, code.org
* 2014-08-27 California Shores up Support for Computer Science Education, Center for Digital Education
* 2014-08-07 Harvey Mudd's Klawe Draws Blueprint for Closing Gender Gap: Tech, Washington Post (with Bloomberg)
* 2014-07-23 CS4HS at Kean University provides high school teachers with tools for success, NJ Suburban News
* 2014-07-10 As Silicon Valley Earns Image as a Boys' Club of "Tech Bros," Score One for Diversity, Cal Alumni Association
* 2014-07-10 Colleges Work to Engage Women, Minorities in STEM Fields, US News and World Reports
* 2014-05-29 Local professors work to make tech world more diverse, KTVU news (with video)
* 2014-05-28 Computer science's diversity gap starts early, PBS NewsHour
* 2014-05-19 What better way to get ready for your final?, FOX KTVU Right This Minute (video)
* 2014-05-16 UC Berkeley Professor Drops Pre-Final Computer Science Rap, Huffington Post (with video)
* 2014-05-07 State senate passes bill to allow high school computer science classes to meet college admissions requirements, The Daily Californian
* 2014-04-22 Innovations in Teaching: The Beauty and Joy of Computing, Phi Beta Kappa News
* 2014-03-20 The New Face of Tech...Is Wearing Mascara, Verizon Wireless newscenter (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-03-07 Programming for all?, Linking and thinking on education
* 2014-03-03 One Small Tweak Made a World of Difference in This Computer Science Class, NationSwell (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-03-01 We need a moon shot to propel women into computer science careers, San Jose Mercury News (front page)
* 2014-03-01 CS KickStart gives budding female computer scientists a window to the programming world, San Jose Mercury News (photo only)
* 2014-02-26 Women in Tech: Ladies outnumber men in UC Berkeley computer class for the first time ever, Bustle (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-02-25 Foodies using technology to get tough reservations, ABC 7 News (with video)
* 2014-02-24 There Was a Major Step Forward for Women and Tech at Berkeley, Identities.Mic (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-02-24 For the First Time Ever, More Women Than Men Enroll in UC Berkeley Intro to CS, women2.0 (remix of TechCrunch article)
* 2014-02-22 Women Outnumber Men in Berkeley's Intro to Computer Science, bigthing (remix of TechCrunch article)
* 2014-02-22 Women Outnumber Men For The First Time In Berkeley's Intro To Computer Science, Y combinator Hacker News (remix of TechCrunch article)
* 2014-02-21 Women Outnumber Men For The First Time In Berkeley's Intro To Computer Science Course, TechCrunch
* 2014-02-21 For the First Time, Women Outnumber Men in a UC-Berkeley Computer Science Course, slate (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-02-21 In a First, Women Outnumber Men in Berkeley Computer Science Course, Wired (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-02-20 Emphasising the beauty and joy of computing for girls, Irish Times (remix of SF Chronicle article)
* 2014-02-18 Tech shift: More women in computer science classes, San Francisco Chronicle (front page)
* 2013-12-11 Hundreds of teens attend Computer Science Education Day at Cal, Contra Costa Times
* 2013-11-20 Online Education, berkeley science review
* 2013-11-17 UC unveils 20 new online courses for high-demand classes, The Daily Californian
* 2013-08-20 How to win at Connect Four every time! A link to a game solver that you can use on your smartphone or computer, Mind Your Decisions (blog)
* 2013-03-21 UC Berkeley aims to stay ahead of the curve in age of tech, The Daily Californian
* 2013-02-27 Professors see varying success in online courses, The Daily Californian (with video)
* 2013-01-08 One Professor's Approach to Online Learning: He's Learning Too, PBS NewsHour (with video)
* 2012-11-14 Compulsory Computing, The Daily Californian
* 2012-11-13 Female students still struggle to find foothold in engineering, computer science, The Daily Californian
* 2012-10-29 A Reboot in Recruiting Women Into Computer Science, The Chronicle of Higher Education
* 2012-09-09 UC Berkeley instructors develop new computer science course, The Daily Californian
* 2012-08-15 Lecture Lust: A list of famous courses at Cal, Daily Californina
* 2012-04-02 Giving Women the Access Code, NY Times
* 2012-03-19 Campus increases use of social media, online platforms for discussion, The Daily Californian
* 2012-02-20 UC inaugurates pilot program for online classes, The Daily Californian
* 2011-03-29 It's a Snap to find the Scratch to BYOB in class, Tom Murphy (Intel blog)
* 2010-08-19 Why Build Your Own Blocks?, Hélène Martin (blog)
* 2009-12-15 Oh! The Beauty and Joy of Computing, Berkeley Engineering

RAD Activities (archived)

* Computer Science Education (along with course development and diversity / community outreach)
* Computational Game Theory (I developed Gamesman under Prof. Elwyn Berlekamp!)
* Berkeley Graphics Recreational Computer Graphics & Animation (Here is some CGI I've done with textures and icons)
* Programming Mac OS X, iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads

Fun Interests

* Heart Candy (friends)
* Tao Ye, mi amor y esposa
* Dr. Michael Rehl, my best friend (since 1977!), who's now a Walnut Creek Chiropractor!
* Family and friends, although keeping up with email is difficult
* GTAT: Angie Schuett, Drew Roselli, Dan Rice and Fielding Mellish
* Ronnen Levinson, my fellow upstate NYer ex-housemate
* Would you believe I'm not the only Dan Garcia!
* (Icon of CCS Alumni) Cooperstown Central School (NY) Alumni
* Eye Candy (Television and Movies and Images)
* Anything by Aardman Animations (like Wallace & Gromit)
* Photography (I shoot Nikon)
* Body Candy (Sports and Recreation)
* Golf! (low:93, avg:100) My swing w/iron and wood 1, 2, 3 times has changed!! I once hit two birdies!
* Ultimate
* Hoops My high school hoops team finished fourth in the state and has been inducted into the school's athletics Hall of Fame!
* Rock Climbing at the RSF, Tilden Park and nearby parks
* Softball. My ex-teams: Badness 10000 and NP Complete Idiots (who went 8-0 in league play!). I batted, uh, pretty well
* Juggling I learned to do a 5-ball cascade!
* Brain Candy (Puzzles and Games and Learning)
* Puzzles (logic, math, programming, etc.) Books, videos and CDROMs I own
* My Atari 2600, 7800 & emulators. Wanna trade carts?
* Computer Games: TIM, Firestorm, Smart Games, MacMAME.
* Ear Candy (Music and Humor)
* Listening to Monty Python and memorizing sketches
* Jazz, Salsa, Classic Rock, Folk, Rap, Classical, Opera
* Woody Allen films, books, CDs Moose Kidnapped
* Richard Pryor, Steve Martin, Cheech & Chong, Eddie Murphy, Smothers Brothers, and other classic comedians
* Random Candy
* My Apple 3.0GHz 8-core 64GiB-RAM 1TB-HD Mac Pro and 2.6GHz 15-inch 16GiB-RAM MacBook Pro Retina (Ferris Sound)
* (Icon of SPAM) SPAM (the food)
* Puerto Rico (PR Flag) ¡Soy Borinqueño (de Nueva York)... Soy ¡Nuyorican!

Master's Students (either as primary advisor or second reader)

* 2025 Miller Hollinger
* 2025 Nakul Srikanth
* 2025 Connor Bernard
* 2024 Robert Shi Parallel Solving of Two-Player Tierable Abstract Strategy Games
* 2023 Zephyr An Omaly Asking for Dignity: A Case Study on Formal Complaints and Survival in the Institution
* 2023 Victor Huang CS 375: A Climate-First Approach to Training Student Teaching Assistants
* 2023 Cameron Cheung Techniques for Solving and Visualizing Large Games
* 2023 Fuzail Shakir Flextensions: Exploring the Impact of Flexible Extensions
* 2023 Connor "Cece" McMahon Discussion-like Lab Sections for the UC Berkeley CS61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture Course
* 2022 Peyrin Kao Developing Accessible and Equitable Remote Exams at Scale During the COVID-19 Pandemic
* 2022 Justin Yokota High Efficiency Computation of Game Tree Exploration in Connect 4
* 2022 Avery Liou GamesmanUni GUI Accessibility and Combinatorial Games
* 2022 Deanna Gelosi The Beauty and Joy of Physical Computing
* 2021 Renaldo Williams Code Patternz - A tool to record the programming process
* 2021 Bojin "Max" Yao Computer-Based Testing using PrairieLearn in BJC
* 2021 Anthony Ling GamesmanPuzzles: A Leap Into the Puzzles Domain
* 2021 Qitian Liao Automatic Detection of Interesting Cellular Automata
* 2020 Mansi Shah Exploring the Use of Parsons Problems for Learning a New Programming Language
* 2019 Lara McConnaughey An Analysis of Introductory Courses Affect on Student Sentiment and Stereotype Toward Computer Science
* 2019 Steven Hewitt Teaching with Reinforcement Learning: A Smarter AutoQuiz
* 2018 Yifat Amir A Data Analysis of Student Success and Motivations in the BJCx MOOC
* 2018 Zhiping "Patricia" Xiao AutoQuiz: an online, adaptive, test practice system
* 2016 Michael Ball λ -- An Autograder for Snap!
* 2015 Jonathan McKinsey Remote Pair Programming in a Visual Programming Language
* 2015 Zachary MacHardy Applications of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing to the Curation of Educational Videos
* 2014 Stephanie Rogers ACES: Automatic Evaluation of Coding Style
* 2014 Daniel Armendariz OCTAL: The Online Course Tool for Adaptive Learning
* 2012 Albert "Luke" Segars REGIS: A Tool for Building and Distributing Personalized Practice Problems
* 2009 Jeremy R Huddleston Advanced Digital Animation Curriculum Development: An Interdisciplinary Approach
* 2009 Ketrina Yim Computer Science Illustrated


* Fatherhood! 2005, 2009
* Ph.D. in Computer Science UCB 2000
* M.S. in Computer Science UCB 1995
* B.S. in Computer Science (VI-III) MIT 1990 (entered in Class of 1989) Baker House
* B.S. in Electrical Engineering (VI-I) MIT 1990 (entered in Class of 1989)
* N.Y.S. Regents Diploma from Cooperstown (NY) Central HS 1985
* Public Grade School Education from Public School 94 in 'da Bronx, NY (just like comedian Robert Klein!)

Life plan (Monty Python Sound)

* Be a super dad to my two kids, a super husband to my wife Tao, and a super son to my parents (writ large).
* Be the best computer science instructor I can be.
* Research my family genealogy
* Reduce personal entropy.
* Break 90 on the links (previous low: 93 on par 72 course)

Dan Garcia (ddgarcia@cs.berkeley.edu) This page last modified: 2025-03-23@14:21:05 PDT
Office: 777 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 94720-1776 (c) 510-517-4041 (f) 510-642-5775
Computer Science Dept., UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, (Bay Area)

Made With Macintosh | Berkeley | Computer Science View Dan Garcia's profile on LinkedIn

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