CS 261: Computer Security
Class Format
The class is research oriented.
In each class,
the instructor will give a
lecture based on materials from 2 to 3 selected papers.
Then, there will be
1-2 short student presentations on additional reading materials.
Students should prepare to work on a class project.
Students should form groups of size 2 to 3 by the end of the 2nd lecture.
The project proposal is due at the end of the 4th lecture.
Students will give project presentations and submit a final project
report at the end of the semester.
Here is a list of some possible ideas.
and here is the project proposal requirements.
15% Class participation
15% Reading notes and critique
15% Scribe notes
15% Short presentation, here is the schedule of the short presentations, and here is the requirements.
40% Project
Scribe Notes
The template for scribe notes is here with the Makefile. Pls read the comments in the beginning of the file to follow the naming convention for your files. Thanks!
Homework submission
Weekly written assignments based on the readings can be found on the course schedule and reading list page. These assignments should be turned in by 5pm
on Tuesday (the day before class). Students should submit a hard copy
to Dawn's office (675 Soda), as well as email a copy to cs261.s11@gmail.com. It's important that you finish these assignments on time, since we will discuss the questions during class.
Mailing List
The mailing list for this class is gocs261@googlegroups.com.
Please request membership here: http://groups.google.com/group/gocs261 ,
with your name and year in the request.
* For undergraduate students who may be interested in taking this class, please note that the class is designed for graduate students even though we may occasionally admit undergraduate students. If you are still interested in taking this class, please come to the first lecture in the spring and see me at the end of the first lecture. Thanks!
The above information is subject to change.