In class, I presented a variant of the Pedersen VSS secret sharing scheme with the following features: (1) The dealer signs each share. (2) If Alice receives a share that doesn't satisfy the "check equation", she broadcasts an accusation against the dealer, and includes the signed share. (3) If someone tries to maliciously broadcast a false accusation against the dealer, an honest dealer should respond by publishing the correct share. Then, third-party observers can decide who is cheating. Someone asked an entirely reasonable question: Given that shares are already signed, why bother with step (3)? It looks like step (3) is unnecessary. However, step (3) is indeed necessary. It turns out that it is (1) that is unnecessary! The idea of signing shares has a serious flaw. A malicious dealer can simply decline to send anything to Alice. Then Alice has not received her share, so she is being cheated -- but she has no way to convince anyone else of this fact. Signing doesn't really do much good. Perhaps I can be forgiven for this confusion. I went back to the literature, and found that Pedersen's original Eurocrypt '91 paper suggested using (1)+(2): signatures and accusations, but no revealing of accuser's shares. Later, Gennaro, Jarecki, Krawczyk, and Rabin noticed the defect in Pedersen's scheme (see their Eurocrypt '99 paper), and they presented a corrected protocol that replaces the signatures with a more complex version of (3). That's why the signatures weren't present in my notes -- signatures don't adequately protect against malicious dealers. I should have trusted my notes, not my memory. I apologize for the error. Ok, so say we omit the signatures. Why do we bother with step (3)? The reason: we're trying to build a verifiable secret sharing scheme that will provide a consistent sharing, even if the dealer is malicious. At the end of the sharing protocol, either all honest parties should abort, or else all honest parties should succeed and the honest parties (if there are at least t of them) should have a consistent sharing of some secret x. Of course, x is only guaranteed to remain secret, or to be uniformly distributed, if the dealer is honest; if the dealer is malicious, we still require a consistent sharing of some x, but x might be arbitrarily chosen by the attacker and might not be secret at all. I should perhaps elaborate on how Bob decides whether to abort or decide that the protocol has succeeded: (4) if Bob sees at least t accusations, or if the dealer publishes a share that doesn't match the check equations, then Bob aborts; otherwise, Bob accepts this as a successful sharing. Ok, so here's the reason why the dealer must publish the shares of accusers. Suppose we have exactly t honest parties; Alice is one of the honest parties. Also, we have a malicious dealer who gives bogus values (or no values at all) to Alice, but otherwise behaves correctly. Alice will accuse the dealer, but she'll be the only one. If we don't require the dealer to publish Alice's share, then all the other honest parties will think the sharing protocol has succeeded, but when it comes time to try to recover the secret, they won't be able to: they only have t-1 shares of the secret (Alice has nothing that is of any help). So if we leave out step (3), the problem is that honest parties might accept even though they haven't received a consistent sharing that will allow them to recover some secret. This probably makes it obvious how step (3) fixes the problem. In the above example, the dealer must broadcast Alice's correct share (otherwise all the honest parties will abort), and then the honest parties will be able to recover the valid secret (since they have t-1 shares from the other honest parties, plus Alice's published share). Summary so far: If we use (2), (3), and (4) (and omit the signatures), we get a protocol that is perfectly secure for the purpose I talked about in class, namely, verifiable secret sharing. Also, we can use it for distributed VSS: party i generates a secret x[i] and plays the role of dealer to share x[i] among all the parties; then, we kick out all the cheating dealers (those for whom the sharing protocol aborted) and take a sum of the shares from the remaining parties; and, if at least one of the parties behaves honestly, this will be a secure VSS. It turns out that things get a little trickier when we take this scheme and use it as a subroutine as part of a larger protocol. One example is distributed key generation, where the goal is for n parties to compute a private key x and a public key y = g^x, where x is shared in a Shamir t-out-of-n way across the n parties and kept secret from all coalitions of less than t parties. It's not too hard to extend Pedersen's scheme to get a plausible protocol for this; for instance, we can have party i publish y[i] = g^x[i], and then compute y as the product of y[i]'s. However, if we're not extremely careful, such a scheme can easily end up having subtle security bugs, where an adversary can bias the final public key y by manipulating the set of disqualified players in clever ways. Consequently, the way we choose who to disqualify and what we do when accusations are broadcast turns out to be delicate and important. Many published suggestions have turned out to be broken. I won't go into further details, but you can read the following (very well-written) paper: Gennaro, Jarecki, Krawczyk, Rabin, "Secure Distributed Key Generation for Discrete-Log Based Cryptosystems", Eurocrypt '99. To spare you the details, I'll give you the bottom line: (3)+(4) turns out to be the "right" thing to do when using Pedersen's VSS scheme as a subprotocol within the distributed key generation protocol. In short, my notes were right after all. And now you know why I presented it that way (with (2)+(3)): not only is what I showed you sufficient for obtaining a secure VSS scheme, but it's also the "right" thing to do if you want to use Pedersen's VSS scheme for other applications. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.