This problem set is due Friday, November 2, at 2pm.
Work on your own for this homework. You may use any source you like (including other papers or textbooks), but if you use any source not discussed in class, you must cite it.
Someone recently pointed out to me that Facebook and a few other websites have a rather fascinating feature in their login process: if you inadvertently have caps-lock turned on when entering your password, it will still log you in. For instance, if my password is h0rsebattery, then the system will also log me in if I enter H0RSEBATTERY as my password (but not H0rSeBaTTerY). This got me wondering how they implemented this feature and whether this feature is a security risk.
If Facebook stored each user's password in the clear in their database, it would be easy for them to provide this feature. They could check a password entered into their website against both the stored password and a capslocked-version of the stored password. However, storing passwords in the clear is a major security no-no. Fortunately, Facebook doesn't do this. (The conventional defense is to store a hash of the password instead of the password P itself. For example, a website might store the hash h(P), where h(.) is a cryptographic one-way hash function. When the user enters a password P', the system hashes it and then compares h(P') against the stored hash. However, with this conventional approach, if you have capslock on when you enter your password, the hashes won't match.)
My next thought was that maybe Facebook has some Javascript running in your browser that tests whether the caps-lock is enabled and, if so, undoes the effect of the capslock key. However, it turns out that this is not the case.
It also occurred to me that maybe Facebook is looking at the username, and if the username is in all capitals, they un-capslock the password before checking it against the hashed version. However, a quick test confirmed that this is not what they are doing: I can still log on with my username in all lowercase but with the capslock enabled when I type my password.
So, this is a bit of a puzzler. It raises an obvious question: is it possible to implement this feature, without major loss of security, and subject to the above constraints (no client-side Javascript, no uppercase/lowercase checks on the username, no passwords stored in the clear in persistent storage anywhere)? More precisely, please answer two variations of this question, for two different scenarios:
Steve proposes the following modified procedure for authenticating users on the web, to make password guessing attacks more expensive. When the user creates an account, they specify a username and password, just like is ordinarily done today. The primary difference comes in the login procedure.
To log in, the user and the website engage in a protocol, which works via the following sequence of steps:
I want you to analyze the security of this protocol under two different scenarios, but first, let me give you some background assumptions.
First, you can assume that the attacker can crack CAPTCHAs at the cost of $0.002 per CAPTCHA solved. (There is an underground market that will solve CAPTCHAs for you, and $2 per 1000 CAPTCHAs solved appears to be approximately the going rate.)
Second, you can assume that the site has ten million users. You can assume that users choose their passwords as following: 1% of users choose a random password with 10 bits of entropy (i.e., choose a password uniformly at random from a set of 1024 candidates), and 99% of users choose a random password with 20 bits of entropy (i.e., choose uniformly at random from a set of size 220). These sets are publicly known. (This model is based upon recent academic research; it is admittedly a massive simplification of user behavior, but appears to be roughly in the right ballpark.)
We can consider two different kinds of sites:
We can also consider two different kinds of attack goals:
In each of the four situations below, describe the lowest-cost attack you can find, estimate the cost of your attack, and estimate about how many requests the attacker has to make to the website in your attack. Your attack needs to have at least a 50% chance of success. By cost, I mean the amount of money the attacker has to spend to solve the CAPTCHAs. (Assume the attacker is not willing to solve CAPTCHAs himself; he uses the underground market to solve all CAPTCHAs. Assuming that bandwidth is free, so sending requests to the website does not cost anything.)
I wrote a setuid-root program that requires you to enter a secret password you can use the program's functionality. The code looks something like this:
int matches(char *s, char *t) { while (1) { if (*s != *t) return 0; if (*s == '\0') break; s++; t++; } return 1; } int main() { char pass[160], *rv, realpass[160]; FILE *f; /* Read secret password from the file. */ f = fopen("/etc/secretpassword", "r"); rv = fgets(realpass, sizeof(realpass), f); if (!rv) exit(1); /* Prompt user for their password. */ printf("Password: "); fflush(stdout); rv = fgets(pass, sizeof(pass), stdin); if (!rv) exit(1); printf("Thank you.\n"); fflush(stdout); /* Check password. */ if (!matches(pass, realpass)) { printf("Incorrect password.\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } /* Password was correct. Invoke the real functionality... */ go(); }My friend Angela points out that a malicious user can invoke this program, enter a guess at the password, and time how long the matches() function takes, by measuring the time from when the program prints Thank you to when it prints Incorrect password. (Good catch, Angela!)
Let's see if it's possible to use Angela's observation to work out the password. In particular, consider the following two scenarios. In both scenarios, the secret password contains a random sequence of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits and is 20 characters long.
Yi = 10 Xi + Eiwhere Ei represents some random noise due to inaccuracies in the measurement In particular, Ei is a random variable with a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1000 nanoseconds. Assume Ei is random and independent of everything else, and is different on each execution of the program (it has the same distribution, but there is an independent random variable per execution of the program). You can only observe Yi (you cannot observe Xi or Ei directly). Is it possible to recover the secret password on this machine? If yes, describe an attack that recovers the secret password and estimate about how many guesses your attack will need, on average, to recover the password. If no, explain why not.
You've been hired to design a protocol for a garage-door opener. There are two endpoints: the remote fob (a small battery-powered gadget that you put in your car), and the garage-door lifter (a device that is installed inside your garage and can open your garage door when you prompt it to do so). The remote and the lifter communicate by radio. When the user presses a button on their remote, it sends a signal to the lifter to open the garage door, so you can drive your car in.
You've been asked to design a secure protocol. We don't want random strangers to find some way to spoof a user's remote and get into their (locked) garage.
Unfortunately, there are strict engineering constraints imposed by cost and power limitations. The remote can store a 128-bit crypto key K in persistent storage, and we can assume the same crypto key can be initialized into the lifter's persistent storage as well. You can store up to 32 bits of additional information in persistent storage in the remote if you want, but that's it: no more. The remote can perform symmetric-key cryptographic operations, but public-key cryptography would cost too much and use up too much battery power, so you are not allowed to use any public-key scheme. The remote has a radio transmitter, but no receiver. Also, using the radio eats up a lot of battery power, so when the user presses a button on the remote, your protocol should require the remote to send no more than 64 bits of information over the radio waves. When the user presses the button on the remote, the remote can do a little bit of computation and send up to 64 bits of information, but to save power, the rest of the time it will be powered down and cannot perform any computation or remember any state (beyond the 128-bit key K and whatever is stored in the 32 bits of persistent storage). The remote does not have access to a clock, GPS, or random-number generator.
The lifter is plugged into AC power all the time, and it is always listening for something sent over the radio. When it receives a message, it can perform any reasonable amount of computation and store any reasonable amount of information in persistent storage that it wishes.