David Wagner
(daw@cs, 733 Soda Hall,
Mon Wed, 1:00-2:30pm, 310 Soda
Office Hours:
Wagner: 2:30-3pm MW after class, 310 Soda or 733 Soda
See the schedule of lectures. This is a research-focused class. Each class will focus on a particular topic. You will read 2-3 research papers on the topic; the class itself will be a mix of lecture and class discussion.
You should prepare to work on a class project performing independent research. You're expected to form small groups of 2-3 people. Projects may cover any topic of interest in systems security, interpreted broadly (it need not be a topic discussed in class); ties with your current research are encouraged. The project proposal is due Monday, October 10, at 8pm. You will present your work at the poster session (Friday, December 9, 2-4pm, in the 6th floor hallway), and a final project report will be due at the end of the semester (Tuesday December 13, 6pm).
Please see the project page for more details about the project, project proposal, and potential project ideas.
Please send the instructor a brief (1-2 paragraphs) summary of progress on the research project by Wed Nov 16.
There will be approximately 2-3 homework assignments throughout the semester. They will appear on the course webpage as they are assigned. Homework due dates will be enforced strictly. Late homeworks will not be accepted.
Work on your own when doing homeworks. You may use any source you like (including other papers or textbooks), but if you use any source not discussed in class, you must cite it.
You will be expected to write scribe notes for one lecture. I will arrange the scribe at the beginning of each lecture. If you were chosen to scribe, email me an PDF file with your scribe notes within one week after the lecture you are assigned to scribe. Here is a latex template you may use if you wish.
See the schedule for the list of readings.
You are required to read each paper before lecture. In addition, you will be required to write a brief summary of each paper you read. Your summary should list:
You must enter your paper summary into the course wiki. (I don't plan to accept paper summaries on paper or by email.) You'll need to use your CalNet password to log into BSpace to get access to the course wiki. Paper summaries are due by 11am the morning before the class when the reading is due.
We will be discussing attacks. None of this is in any way an invitation to undertake these in any fashion other than with informed consent of all involved parties. If in any context you are uncertain about where to draw the line, come talk with me first.