CS261 Projects
General information
Your term project should address a research issue in
computer security and consist of the design
of some computer security system or technique,
or the analysis and possible improvement of some
existing system or technique. The main goal of the
project is to do original research on a problem of
interest in computer security.
You should work in a small group;
I expect that teams of approximately 2--3
will be appropriate for most projects.
Of course, expectations will
be adjusted according to the number of people in
your group.
I will not categorically rule out solo teams,
but I expect that working in groups will allow you
to tackle more substantial research issues.
If you have trouble finding a project
partner, I can help you get matched up with someone
else by maintaining a list of people seeking teammates.
Projects will be evaluated on the quality of their research
in computer security. At the end of the semester,
you will write a conference-style paper on your work.
See below for more details.
I expect that most projects will fall (more or less)
into one of two categories:
- Design. Design projects will usually attempt to solve
some interesting problem by proposing a design; implementing a prototype;
and using the implementation as a basis for evaluating the proposed
system architecture.
- Analysis. Analysis projects might, for example, study
some previously-proposed implementation technique,
existing system, or class of systems;
evaluate its security properties; find flaws, or strengths, in it;
and provide new insight into how to
build secure systems.
The research should be relevant to computer security,
but this will be interpreted broadly.
You are encouraged to find topics of interest to you;
feel free to be creative in selecting a project topic.
You're welcome to pick a topic that is connected to your
current research: for instance, if your primary research interest
is in digital libraries, you would be welcome to do a class project
on some aspect of security, cryptography, or privacy in digital libraries.
If you're at a loss for a project topic,
I've prepared a list of possible project topics that you
can peruse as examples of how to a pick a suitable project.
See below.
But don't feel limited to these suggestions!
They are intended only as examples.
You're welcome to come discuss possible project ideas with me,
if you like. I'm happy to make myself available to discuss projects.
A final suggestion: Aim high!
The top projects could lead to publication.
In past years, the best two or three projects
have consistently led to publications.
The process
You will write a concise (approximately 1 page)
project proposal that should clearly state the problem
you will be solving, the key challenges for new research,
your plan of attack (including milestones and dates),
and list relevant papers that you are aware of.
If there are any special resources you might need
from me, mention this as well.
The project proposal is due Friday October 24.
Here's how to submit your proposal.
You should put together a web page for your project;
currently all it needs to contain is the project members,
their email addresses, title of your project, and proposal.
Then just email the URL for your project web page to
by Oct 24th.
In mid-November I might ask you to write a concise status report
so I can make sure the projects are on-track.
I am always available to meet with any groups who would
like to discuss their project, request additional resources, or
ask for advice.
You will also be required to present your project
at a poster session, on Thursday, December 11, 10:30am-noon
in the Woz lounge.
Finally, a project report will be due on Thursday, December 18th
at 9am.
The final report
You are expected to write a technical paper, in the style
of a conference submission, on the research you have done.
State the problem you're solving, motivate why it is an
important or interesting problem, present your research
thoroughly and clearly, compare to any related work that
may exist, summarize your research contributions,
and draw whatever conclusions may be appropriate.
There is no page limit (either minimum or maximum),
and reports will be evaluated on
technical content (not on length), but I expect
most project reports will probably be between
7--15 pages long.
If you are not familiar with writing conference-style papers
in computer science (or even if you are), the following resources may help:
You may submit your project report electronically or on paper.
I prefer electronic submission, although you may choose either.
In either case, the deadline is the same.
If you submit electronically:
- Please use a format which is easily readable on Unix platforms:
HTML, Postscript, or PDF is fine.
- Place a link to the file on your project web page
here for the list of project web pages),
and send me email with the URL. I will send you confirmation of receipt.
If you submit on paper, place it in my mailbox in Soda Hall
(in the mailroom, or outside my office -- 629 Soda).
Example ideas for project topics
Note: Many of these examples are quite generic;
be sure to narrow down the topic substantially and propose
something concrete and focused.
If you are interested in any of the project topics below,
feel free to talk to me about it; I may be able to make some
more concrete suggestions.
Analysis and attacks
- Security analysis of HTML sanitization libraries
- There are many open-source libraries available that aim
to sanitize HTML (e.g., for RSS feeds). Following up on HW1 and
HW2, do a thorough security analysis of a suite of sanitization
libraries. What lessons did you find?
- Security auditing
- Evaluate the security of some widely-used or
under-scrutinized open-source package.
Report on your experiences and lessons.
How would you re-structure/re-implement the system to make it more
robust? What tools would have made your auditing task easier?
How effective are existing tools?
- Security review of published schemes
- Pick any recently published paper that proposes a new security
mechanism or scheme. Ask the authors for the code. Perform a careful
security review of the paper's scheme; does it meet the claims
made for it? To find recent papers, you could peruse recent proceedings
of Usenix Security, IEEE Security & Privacy, ACM CCS, ISOC Network
and Distributed System Security, or other security-related conferences.
Web security
- Web frameworks
- There are many frameworks and libraries out there
for building web services (especially for Java). Pick a handful
and analyze them in detail. Do they protect against common types
of web vulnerabilities? Compare them: which would be the best
choice, for a project where security is important?
- Ajax security
- Develop a way to detect vulnerabilities associated with
Ajax and client-side Javascript. For instance, many web services
split the code between the server and the client: some of the code
runs on the server side (e.g., as Java or PHP), and some of it runs
on the web browser (e.g., as Javascript provided as part of the
web page). Develop methods to detect vulnerabilities in these
kinds of web services. For instance, one common vulnerability
involves executing input validation code or other trusted logic on
the client instead of on the server; the problem is that the client
may be under the attacker's control and so the attacker may be
able to bypass that code.
- Taint-tracking for vulnerability detection
- Does taint-tracking improve the effectiveness of web
vulnerability scanners? Most web vulnerability scanners today
are black-box testing tools: they crawl a web site, try to send
malicious requests, and guess based upon the responses whether
the web site might have any vulnerabilities. If we could instrument
the web site's code with taint-tracking, this might find more
vulnerabilities (i.e., reduce the rate of vulnerabilities that
are overlooked). Is this true? You could try to evaluate
the question to see.
- Defenses against phishing
- There has been a great deal of research on defenses against
phishing. Can you improve upon any of them?
- Key management for SSL
- Today, one of the barriers to deploying SSL on small sites
is the cost of buying a SSL certificate; and there are questions
about whether these certificates add much value anyway (as the
CAs don't always do a lot of verification). An alternate model
might be to use a SSH-like key management paradigm (sometimes
called Key Continuity Management) -- but it's not clear how one
could make that work well in practice, on the web. You could take
a look at possible schemes for this.
Software security
- Inferring security annotations for C/C++ programs
- Microsoft has proposed
a set of annotations for C and C++
code intended to help avoid buffer overrun and similar vulnerabilities:
the programmer annotates their code with information about buffer
lengths and the like, and a static analysis tool checks those
annotations to detect possible bugs. See also
Deputy, an
open-source system from Berkeley with similar goals.
Writing these annotations can get a bit tedious.
Can you design a dynamic analysis tool that observes code as it
runs and infers SAL/Deputy annotations from how the code is used?
For instance, if you run the program on 1000 inputs, and in every
case, function f() is only called with null-terminated strings, you
might infer a SAL/Deputy annotating asserting that the argument to
f() is always null-terminated.
(See also Daikon,
though Daikon is a general-purpose tool; you can probably do a lot
better by focusing specifically on the kinds of properties that
SAL/Deputy are designed for.)
Tools like Valgrind, CIL, ltrace, etc. could be a good building
block for this project.
- Avoiding integer overflow vulnerabilities in Java
- Modern type-safe languages like Java improve on C/C++ by
eliminating many classes of vulnerabilities that have plagued C/C++
programs, but it does not eliminate integer overflow and integer
casting vulnerabilities.
One way to write Java code that is free of integer overflow bugs
is to use java.lang.BigInteger (infinite-precision integers) instead
of int. However, this introduces a notational burden and
makes code less readable: e.g., instead of writing x*(y+z) - 2, the
programmer must write x.times(y.plus(z)).minus(new BigInteger(2)).
Can you come up with an extension to Java that eliminates this
notational burden? For instance, you might build a tool that performs
source-to-source translation to transform the former short version
into the latter long version before compilation, allowing programmers
to use the ordinary binary operators with BigIntegers.
- Detecting algorithmic denial-of-service vulnerabilities
- An
algorithmic denial-of-service vulnerability
is a flaw that
allows an attacker to provide a carefully chosen input that will trigger
worst-case performance behavior in the application under attack and
deny service to legitimate users. For instance, at one point the
Apache web server had a flaw where URL parsing took time quadratic
in the number of "/" characters in the URL; by sending a URL consisting
of thousands of slashes, one could cause Apache to consume a huge
amount of CPU time. Develop a method to automatically detect these
kinds of bugs in application source code. For instance, you might
consider using Trend-prof
(see also this paper)
to detect performance anomalies, and try to infer attacks.
- Privilege separation
- Pick an interesting security-critical application that is currently
implemented monolithically. Investigate how to apply privilege
separation techniques to reduce the size of the TCB. Can you
implement your new design and evaluate its effectiveness? If you
were designing the application from scratch, how would you design it
to maximize its security? Any network client or server could be
a good candidate for investigation.
- Software verification tools for security
- Researchers have recently made dramatic improvements in tools
for software verification. See, e.g.,
and JML
(verification tools for Java)
and Spec#
(a verification tool for C#).
These tools allow programmers to verify properties, such as that
the program will never throw a NullPointerException,
ArrayIndexBoundsOutofBoundsException, or other runtime exception,
and that the program will never use uninitialized memory.
Since unexpected exceptions can cause surprising behavior (which is
dangerous in a security-critical program), these could be useful for
secure programming.
You might study how useful and expensive these are for security.
For instance, pick one or two security-critical applications written
in Java or C# and attempt to verify that they satisfy some useful
property (e.g., free of runtime exceptions). How many annotations
did you have to add? How much time or effort did it take? Did the
effort reveal any vulnerabilities? Or, you might try to see if you
can express any of the security requirements for those applications
into the JML/Spec# modelling language and see whether it is possible
to verify that those requirements are met by the code. Are the
JML/Spec# annotation languages rich enough to specify important security
policies? If not, what kinds of extensions would be useful for security?
Are the existing tools powerful enough to verify that code meets those
- Tools for vulnerability detection
- Study ways to build tools to help automate the process of
reviewing security-critical applications. Can you use runtime
testing, static analysis, model checking, formal verification,
or other techniques to detect any interesting classes of common
security holes? You may want to consult CWE's list of
classes of vulnerabilities for the past five years.
- Virtual machines for security
- Virtual machines (e.g., VMWare, Xen, etc.) seem to
provide a powerful mechanism for executing dangerous actions in an
isolated environment. How secure are existing commercial virtual
machines? How hard would
it be for a malicious guest application to defeat the VM and harm the
host OS? (For instance, an interesting project would be to look
at a few commercial or open source VMs and try to see if you can
break isolation.)
How would you design a high-assurance VM to be sure that
isolation could not be compromised and to make it as easy as possible
to verify that these security goals have been met?