Selected posts and emails
General cryptography
Payer-anonymous micropayments
Using pseudorandomness without sacrificing forward secrecy
Discrete log bit security
Uniform security for Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Blinding Diffie-Hellman
Statistically distinguishing two random sources
Detecting Clipper backdoors
Comments on Digicash's ecash scheme
, and some clarifications:
PhD programs in cryptography
Random mappings
(beware: some errors found!)
Entropy measures
Combining ciphers
Fair coin flips by phone
, and later
my own question with a collision in
; see also
this note
Fixed points of DES
: a note on modes of encryption
The paranoid spy: optimal solutions to a secret-sharing problem
(beware: slight bugs found near the end)
A possible entropy crunching algorithm
Techniques for fast distributed/parallel modular exponentiation
Loss of entropy due to iteration of a hash function
Truncation attacks on Hash-then-Encrypt (for CBC mode encryption)
Attacks on Hash-then-Encrypt (for stream cipher encryption)
The need for MACs
Encrypt-then-Authenticate explained
Use AES, not Twofish
RC4 weak keys
Colston's stream cipher
(beware; some errors found)
DES with independent keys
Triple DES
Executing encrypted code
Extended-width-DES CBC-MAC
Hashing with SL_2
Variable size block ciphers
Efficiently iterable hash functions
The man-in-the-middle meets voice encryption
Factoring with a hint
, and an
earlier post
Comments on using discrete logs in GF(p^2), i.e. Lucas sequences
Breaking CBC when the key is used as IV
Breaking PCBC when the key is used as IV
HexaDES (a widened triple-DES variant) broken
Cryptanalysis of des|tran|des|tran|des
, Carl Ellison's 3-DES variant (note that
a more general attack
has been found by Paul Crowley)
Cryptanalysis of CISCO's "Private Link" encryption protocol
, as used in CISCO PIX routers
Pitfalls when extending hash functions
Speeding up dictionary attacks on MS Chap v2
Time-space tradeoffs in attacking 40-bit versions of MS Chap v2
Weaknesses in the WAP forum's WTLS protocol
Weaknesses in ciphers that use a variable number of rounds
Computer security
Exploiting security holes via the Web
Endpoint security
Netscape hole
, and
more explanation
Weak RNG in Netscape
Weakness in the Netware RNG?
A weakness in Lan Manager password security
A setuid nobody shell
Using ptrace for good and for evil
A,B,C combinatorics
Spaced objects
Prime sequences
A problem similar to difference sets (with applications to differential cryptanalysis) mostly solved
General computer programming
Postscript -> ascii translator
Passing file descriptors between processes
, and some
Interactive rsh
Process tracing and system call interposition
A note on banking privacy
A note on public transparency and the intelligence community