Some Recent Talks by David E. Culler
Building Operating System Services (BOSS). International Smart Buildings in a Smart Grid Workshop, Green Tech Center, Vejle Denmark. June 25, 2014.
UCB Software Defined Buildings -
International Collaboration Towards Sustainable Energy Networks. Grand Opening, Green Tech Center, Vejle Denmark, June 24, 2014.
An Operating System Architecture for CyberPhysical Systems in Buildings and Grids - steps toward sustainable energy networks, NetSys Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, May 9, 2014.
From WSN to the Internet of Every Thing - steps toward sustainability, Keynote, QualComm Research Day, April 29, 2014.
An Operating System Architecture for CyberPhysical Systems in Buildings and Grids - steps toward sustainable energy networks, CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series, April 9, 2014.
Towards a Reference OS Architecture for CPS's in buildings and grids.
2014 NSF CPS Reference Architectures Workshop.
March 26, 2014
From WSN to the Internet of Everything - steps toward sustainability. Okawa Prize
Commemorative Symposium, Kyoto University, Tokyo, Japan. March 6, 2014
a CyberPhysical Systems approach to making the built environment Better and more sustainable, Accenture Labs, Feb 21, 2014.
Distributed Operating System Design in a CyberPhysical World
towards Sustainable energy networks. Keynote,
III Simposssio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Sistemas Computacionais (SBESC),
Niteroi, Brazil, Nov. 4, 2013.
- Software Defined Buildings - a computer systems approach to making the built environment better and more sustainable, MIT Dertouzos Distinguished Lecture, May 2, 2013
- Pervasive Communication and Interaction to make the Built Environment Better and more Sustainable, Keynote IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, March 20, 2013.
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a role for Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, Institute Lecture, Jan 9, 2013.
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a role for Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kampur, Distinguished Lecture, Jan 7, 2013.
- Sustainable Energy Networks - The Distributed Computing and Networking Challenging of the Real World, Keynote, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDN2013), Mumbai, India, Jan 5, 2013.
- Sustainable Energy Networks - a Sensys Grand Opportunity, Keynote, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2012) Nov. 7, 2012.
- ... to where the puck will be ... Sustainable Energy Networks, Clean Tech to Market (C2M), UC Berkeley, Sept. 5, 2012.
- What would the CA grid be like at 60% renewables?" EETD Seminar, April 10, 2012
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a role for Information Technology, Keynote, Beyond the Info-plosion, University of Tokyo, Jan. 17, 2012
- An Information-Centric path to a Demand-Centered Grid, Innovation Frontiers, transatlantic science week 2011, Berkeley CA, Oct. 26, 2011.
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a role for Information Technology , MIT Series on Computational Methods for Sustainability, Oct 20, 2011
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a role for Information Technology , Turing Lecture, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Science, Tsinghua Huniversity, Sept 28, 2011
- The Internet of Every Thing - steps toward sustainability Keynote, China Computer Federation Technical Committee on Sensor Network (CWSN 2011), Sept. 26, 2011.
- Testimony before the California Legislature Assembly Select Committee on California's Clean Energy Economy, Aug. 4 2011.
- Working together to put CPS Technology on the Sustainability Table Plennary, NSF CyberPhysical Systems PI Meeting, Aug. 2, 2011
- Doing Nothing Well - the essense of Green Computing Keynote, 2nd International Green Computing Conference, July 26, 2011
- Enabling a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure - a CPS Grand Challenge CPS Week Plennary Keynote, April 13, 2011.
- A CS Systems View of the real world CITRIS/INRIA joing workshop on a Vision and Stragegy for Tomorrow's Research Challenges, May 23, 2011.
- Beyond the Lamplight - Lessons from Making Sensor Nwetworks Real Keynote, NSF Workshop on Pervasive Computing at Scale (PeCS), Jan 27, 2011
- Rethinking the Energy Infrastructure from an IT Perspective Distinguished Lecture, University of Washington, Dec. 7, 2010
- 6LoWPAN IPSO Alliance Webinar, Nov. 2010
- Efficient Supply-Following Loads: the Key to a Cooperative Grid The Philomathia Foundation Symposium at Berkeley: Pathways to a Sustainable Future, Nov. 2010.
- Towards an Aware Energy Infrastructure Microsoft Research Asia, Faculty Summit 2010, Oct. 18 2010, Shanghai China.
- The Internet of Every Thing - a step toward sustainability , Keynote,
The 12th Computing in the 21st Century Conference, jointly hosted by Microsoft Research Asia and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Oct. 20 2010.
- Results from the Cory Hall Building-to-Grid (B2G) Testbed , Final Review Presentation to CEC, Sept. 24, 2010
- Rethinking the Energy Infrastructure from an IT Perspective, UC Merced EECS Technical Seminar Series, April 2010
- Rethinking the Energy Infrastructure from an IT Perspective, U Penn CIS Distinquished Lecture, Dec. 2009
- A Computer Scientist View on the Energy Problem,
CITRIS i4energy Seminar Series, Oct 2009, with Randy Katz
- LoCal:
Rethinking the Energy Infrastructure using Internet Design Principles,
Renewable Energy Microgrid Research Workshop, June 2009.
- LoCal: A Network Architecture for Localized Electrical Energy
Reduction, Generation, and Sharing, CITRIS European Research Exchange,
Siemens HQ, Munich Germany, May 2009.
- Brown
Bag Buildings, LBNL/UCB Building Innovations Workshop, Feb. 2009
- Instrumentation Internet / Real-World Web, Siemens-UCB Research
Exchange, April 2009
- Harnessing
IT to Green Buildings - UCB as a Living Laboratory, UCB/IBM
Research Forum, Mar 2009
- TinyOS
– Time to ROLL - (Routing over Low power and Lossy Networks)
Keynote 1st European TinyOS Technology Exchange, Feb 2009 (video)
- Sensing the Internet Frontier - What's Next? ETH Zurich, Feb
- Closing the Cyber-Physical Gap - The Internet of Every Thing,
Keynote, Tech. Univ. Berlin Innovation Center in Human-Centered
Communications, Feb. 2009.
- A
View from the Bridge – Research Impact of Bringing Together WSNs and
Structural Health Monitoring, NSF Bridge Condition Monitoring
and Prognostication Workshop, Nov 2008.
- A
Networking View on Biz Models and Apps for WSN, BAIA Panel, UCB Oct
- Sensing
the Next Tier of the Internet, Keynote, ICCCN08, International
Conference on Computing and Communications Networks, July, 2008
- IP
is the Future of Ubiquitous Sensor Networks, Keynote TinyOS USN
applications workshop, July 2008, Seoul Korea
- Reuniting
Wireless Sensor Networks with the IP Architecture, Keynote 5th
Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad
Hoc Communications and Networks -- SECON 2008, June 2008.
- Low-Power Link Management - True IP Networking over IEEE
802.5.4, Bosch Research, 2008
- New IETF 6LoWPAN Standard Moves Wireless Sensor Networks into
the IP Mainstream , Sensor Expo, June 2008
- Wireless Sensor Networks –10 years from research to reality,
CISCO Network Architecture Group, May 2008
- System
Research Perspective - through a Sensys lens, Sensys SoapBox
Presentation, Nov. 2007
- TinyOS
and Low Power Wireless Networking – A Study in Realistic Abstraction,
Sigmobile Outstanding Achievement Award Lecture, Thirteenth Annual
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Sept. 2007
- Sensors – The Next Tier of the Internet, BSAC IAB Wireless
Workshop: WSN, Cellular, Sensors, Sept. 2007.
- Real-World
Web Services, IBM-CITRIS Meeting, Oct. 2007.
- How
Dataflow is opening the Internet Frontier, Dataflow-to-synthesis
Retrospective, MIT, May 2007 (Celebration of Arvind's 60th)
- Sensing the Next Tier of the Internet, Google Tech Talk, May
- Building Sensor Applications as Wiress Web Services - wireless
sensor networks move onto the Internet. Sensors Expo, June 12,
- Wireless Sensing - the
Internet's Front-Tier. [ppt]
FCRC 2007 Keynote with Deborah Estrin. June 11, 2007.
- Future of the Real-World Wireless Web, BEARS 2007
- Home Networks in a World of Embedded
Web Services, Home
Networking Technologies Workshop, Korean Electronics Show, Oct. 2006
- The Next Tier of the Internet, BroadNets 2006, Keynote, Oct
- Wireless Sensor Networks as the Next Tier of the Internet,
Sensors Expo, June 2006.
- Wireless
Sensor Networks as the Next Tier of the Internet, Keynote EII
Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks for Enterprise Information
Infrastructure, Univ. of Sydney, Feb 2006.
- Challenges
Ahead for Wireless Sensor Networks, ICIRO, Brisbane AU, Feb 2006.
- Impact
of Sensor Networks on Future InterNetDesign, NSF FIND Info Meeting,
- Sensor Networks - The Next Tier of the Internet, Keynote, BU
Sensor Network Consortium, "What's
Real and What Lies Ahead" Nov. 18, 2005.
- Distributed Computation in the Physical World. ICDCS
2005: Keynote, June 7 2005
- Toward the sensor network macroscope. MobiHoc
2005 Keynote, May 25, 2005
- Wireless Sensor Networks - Where Parallel and Distributed
Processing Meets the Real World. IPDPS
2005 Keynote, April 5, 2005
- Wireless Sensor Networks - the Next IT
Revolution, KES 2004, Oct 7, 2004.
- Design Challenges in Instrumenting the World with TinyOS,
DoCoMo Lab USA, DML Workshop, Aug. 2004.
- Privacy and Sensor Networks, Center for Privacy workshop, April
- Experience with Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks - and - Why
Sensor Design is Missing the Mark, BSAC spring retreat, Mar 2004.
- Design Challenges in Instrumenting the World with Sensor
Networks, UCSB Distinguished Lecture, Mar 2004.
- PlanetLab - an Open Laboratory
for Introducing Disruptive Technology into the Internet. Keynote,
Network Outlook 2003.
- Computing Goes Pervasive,
UCB Computer Science Division, 30th Anniversary, Feb 28, 2004
- Wireless Sensor Nets -
EECS and Beyond, Berkeley EECS Annual Reseach Symposium, Feb 27,
- Networking the Physical World, SC2003
State of the Field Presentation, Nov 19, 2003
- TinyOS Sensor Network
Deployments, CITRIS Founding Corp. Members Meeting, UCSC, Oct. 2003.
- PlanetLab: a worldwide testbed
for distributed computing, Invited talk, DISC 2003, 17th
International Conference on Distributed Computing, Oct. 2003 (see it at
CMU End System Multicast)
- PlanetLab - Nurturing the Next
Generation Internet, UCB College of Eng. Distinguished Alumnae,
Sept, 2003
- NSF ECS Workshop on Wireless Networked Sensor and Actuator
Systems, Sept 2003
- Design Challenges in Instrumenting the Physical World with
Sensor Networks, Distinguished Lecture, IBM Almaden, July 2003
- DARPA NEST MidTerm Demo, July 2003
- PlanetLab: an Open Community Testbed for
Services, USITS keynote, Mar 2003.
- Networking
Physical World - System Challenges in Vast Networks of Tiny Devices , NSF
Distinguished Lecture, Feb. 2003
- Networking
the Physical World: systems challenges in vast networks of tiny devices,
UCSD Distinguished Lecture, Feb 2003
- DARPA NEST PI Meeting, Feb 2003
- MOT tutorial on network embedded systems, Nov 2002.
- Smart Dust and Tinyos: Hardware and Software of Networked
Academy of Engineering, Oct 2002
- Intel Research Berkeley & Extreme Networked Systems,
Frontiers of
Information Systems, 8/13/2002
- Programmable Packets in the
Internet, DARPA Workshop on Programmable Packets for Intelligent
- Interconnecting CITRIS and the Physical World, Citris Founding
Members Meeting, 6/11/2002
- Towards a Distributed Test-Lab
Services, UCB Workshop on Network Testbeds, 6/7/02
- Networks of Tiny Devices Embedded in the
Physical World,
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Workshop
III: "Massively Distributed Self-Organizing Networks", May 2002
- DARPA NEST PI Meeting, Feb 5, 2002
- Networks of Tiny Devices embedded in the
Physical World,
Computing and Telecommunications Technology Board meetings, 1/25/2002
- Networks of Tiny Devices embedded in an Energy Constrained World,
Workshop with California Energy Commission, 1/17/2002
- Towards Understanding Vast Networks of Tiny Devices, BWRC,
- EMSOFT 2001 Workshop on Embedded Software, A
Approach to Embedded Software for Tiny Devices, Oct 10
- Intel MRL Systems Forum, Language
inspired by Networks of Tiny Devices, Oct 5
- EECS Week: Network day panel: Ubiquitous
Devices, Sept 17
- EECS Week: Berkeley labs panel, Intel
Extreme Interconnected Systems Lab, Sept 19
- EECS Week: Visions and Impact, Extreme
Systems: Large Self-Organized Networks of Tiny Wireless Sensors,
- Wireless OEP progress,
meeting, Sept 11, 2001
- Convergence at the Extremes – HPDC meets
Sensors, HPDC Invited Talk, Aug 2001
- Endeavouring to build
Networks of
Tiny Devices, June 2001 Endeavour/Citris Retreat
- Emergence
of Extreme Networked Devices USC Distinguished Lecture, Feb 28,
- Evolution
of High_performance Cluster Architecture NPACI All Hands Meeting,
27, 2001
- What's
new in TinyOS Devices Endeavour Retreat, Jan 9, 2001
- Case
of Open Infrastructure Services in Java, Java Grande 2000 keynote
- Tiny
wireless workshp
- Engineering
Analysis of Parallel Codes, LLNL ISCR, May 2000
Panel on the 10 Hottest Topics in Parallel and Distributed Processing
- Developing
a Cluster Stratgy for NPACI, All Hands Meeting, Feb 2000
- Endeavour
Retreat 1/20/2000
- Sensitivity
Based Performance Analysis Tools, 11/5/99
- Operating
System Architecture for Incredibly Diverse Devices, Endeavour
- Titan
Final Presentation @ NSF PI meeting (8/7/99)
- Summer
Institute on Invisible Computing (July 1999)
- Frontiers
of Distributed Information Processing (June 1999), Ninja
- Expedition
- Ninja
- Lucent and Siemens visits mar 1999
- Lucent
Millennium mar 1999
- PostPC
ARPA discussion, 2/25/99
- EECS Conference (ILP) PostPC Session
Cluster Panel, All hands meeting, 1/29/99
and the Post-PC Era, ISRG Retreat, 1/11/99
- Torwards
a Service Architecture for Internet-Scale Systems ATT Labs
- Directions
in EECS Computing and Networking
Beyond, Workshop on Clusters and Computational Grids for Scientific
Computing, Sept. 4, 1998
- Cluster Architectures and the NPACI Berkeley NOW, NPACI Summer
Aug. 19, 1998. (powerpoint)
- "High Performance Clusters", (part1:
Performance) (part2:
Generality) SPAA/PODC Invited Tutorial, June 28, 1998
- Berkeley NOW Project Finale, UCB, June 15, 1998 (ppt)
- ISPACE, Ninja MiniRetreat, June 9, 1998 (ppt)
- The Berkeley NOW Project, Sun Tour of Innovation, UC Berkeley,
May 1
1998 (powerpoint)
- What’s So Different about Cluster Architectures?, IPPS
98 Keynote, March 31, 1998 (powerpoint)
- Architectural Interactions in High Performance Clusters, 2nd
Runtime systems for Parallel Processing, March 30, 1998 (ppt, postscript)
- Millennium: Cluster Technology for Computational Science and
20th Annual COE ILP Conference, UCB, Mar. 12, 1998 (ppt)
(postcript -
- Breakthroughs and Challenges ahead in Computer Architecture, SC97
Opening, Mar 12 1998 (ppt)
- Pleiades: The Titan Clustered Storage and Information Server, CS
lunch, 9/8/97
- Teaching Parallel Computing on the Berkeley NOW, Second
Forum on Parallel Computing Curricula, June 1997.
- "Virtual Networks in Clusters: Beyond the Personal
Supercomputer", Intel
Supercomputer Users Group, June 1997.
- "Panel Discussion: Will Commodity Cluster Computing Render MPPs
Obsolete?", Intel
Supercomputer Users Group, June 1997.
- "Parallel Computing on the Berkeley NOW", Featured Presentation,
Symposium on Parallel Processing, May 1997.
- NOW and the
Killer Network ,
- NOW and the
Killer Network ,
Keynote, Sun Technology Leadership Conference, April 1997
- Effects of
Overhead, Latency
and Bandwidth on a Cluster Architecture, presented at the Cluster
Computing Conference - CCC '97 March 9-11, 1997 Emory University,
Georgia, USA
- LogP
Performance Assessment
of Fast NIs with Active Messages Presented at Hot Interconnects
August 1995.
- A Case
overview of the research issues in the Berkeley NOW project. Presented
at Cornell University 2/23/95.
- Empirical
of the Cray T3D: A Compiler Perspective UC Davis, Dept. of Advanced
Science, 2/16/95.
- LogP Modeling
Presented at DIMACS parallel implementation challenge
- Efficient
in MPPs and NOWs, Scalable High Performance Computing Conference,
- Parallel-C??
The Split-C Perspective, Panel Session on Parallel C,
Upcoming Talks