UC Berkeley EECS 219B (NTU number = DS 763CA) - Robert Brayton
This course is an advanced course
in the logic synthesis of digital system designs. It has been the training
ground for most of the Berkeley graduate CAD students and is taught
typically to first year graduate students and CAD visitors every spring
at Berkeley. Emphasis is placed on the methods for representation and manipulation
(including optimization) of logic. These methods form the basis of
most modern logic synthesis and verification systems.
The class starts with the basic notions of logic functions and
their representation in sum-of-products (SOP) form. Minimization of
such forms focuses on the more
fundamental algorithms which reappear in the latter parts of the course.
Both combinational and sequential logic are discussed. Methods
for representation and analysis of logic include the classical SOP and POS
forms, binary decision diagrams (BDD's), multi-level circuits, SAT clauses,
state transition graphs, and state transition relations. Extensions from
binary-valued logic to multi-valued logic allow generalizations to
analysis and solution of
discrete functions of discrete valued variables, suggesting a wide
variety of applications to discrete optimization problems
such as graph optimization, VLSI physical design, and
behavioral optimization. Interrelations between logic synthesis and different
CAD specialties such as testing, delay analysis/testing, verification,
and software compilation will be developed.
The goal of this course is to provide the student with
a working repertoire of different methods for logic representation,
manipulation, and optimization, for both
combinational and sequential logic. At the end
of the course the student should be able to view the design
of digital systems from a new perspective and
have access and understanding of
a suite of powerful tools that can be applied to
a wide variety of CAD for VLSI problems.
This course covers the synthesis of logic functions
at an advanced level. The course starts with basic theory
and develops towards the most modern methods where
practical issues of efficiency
and optimality in terms of area, speed, power and testability
are considered.
Some of the methods covered are: exact and heuristic methods
for two-level logic minimization, multi-valued minimization,
equivalence checking, multi-level logic optimization for area
performance and testability, test pattern generation and
redundancy removal, timing analysis, false path removal, delay
testing, state assignment and state minimization, retiming, and
sequential verification and testing.
43 hours of instruction.
(MWF 1 hour; color) Spring 1997
The course requires some mathematical sophistication. A course
or practical experience in digital logic design is recommended.
Reader of selected papers.
Course notes and reprints on material not covered in the Reader will be supplied by the Cal View program office at no charge. A complete set of transparencies for the entire course can be viewed at http://www-cad.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/HomePages/brayton/courses/219b/219b.html
approximately 9 homework assignments
2 mid-terms and 1 final exam.
The Berkeley synthesis system SIS and the logic minimization program
ESPRESSO are part of the homework problems and the subject of
some of the lectures. The student should
have access to these programs which are available by anonymous FTP
over the web.