This is the complete list of members for combblas::SpParHelper, including all inherited members.
AccessNFetch(DER *&Matrix, int owner, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin, MPI_Group &group, IT **sizes) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
BCastMatrix(MPI_Comm &comm1d, SpMat< IT, NT, DER > &Matrix, const std::vector< IT > &essentials, int root) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
BipartiteSwap(std::pair< KEY, VAL > *low, std::pair< KEY, VAL > *array, IT length, int nfirsthalf, int color, const MPI_Comm &comm) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
check_newline(int *bytes_read, int bytes_requested, char *buf) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
DebugPrintKeys(std::pair< KEY, VAL > *array, IT length, IT *dist, MPI_Comm &World) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
FetchBatch(MPI_File &infile, MPI_Offset &curpos, MPI_Offset end_fpos, bool firstcall, std::vector< std::string > &lines, int myrank) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
FetchMatrix(SpMat< IT, NT, DER > &MRecv, const std::vector< IT > &essentials, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin, int ownind) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
FreeWindows(std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
GatherMatrix(MPI_Comm &comm1d, SpMat< IT, NT, DER > &Matrix, int root) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
GetSetSizes(const SpMat< IT, NT, DER > &Matrix, IT **&sizes, MPI_Comm &comm1d) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
GlobalSelect(IT gl_rank, std::pair< KEY, VAL > *&low, std::pair< KEY, VAL > *&upp, std::pair< KEY, VAL > *array, IT length, const MPI_Comm &comm) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
KeyValuePSort(std::pair< KEY, VAL > *array, IT length, IT *dist, const MPI_Comm &comm) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
LockNFetch(DER *&Matrix, int owner, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin, MPI_Group &group, IT **sizes) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
LockWindows(int ownind, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
MemoryEfficientPSort(std::pair< KEY, VAL > *array, IT length, IT *dist, const MPI_Comm &comm) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
PostExposureEpoch(int self, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin, MPI_Group &group) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
Print(const std::string &s) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
Print(const std::string &s, MPI_Comm &world) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
PrintFile(const std::string &s, const std::string &filename) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
PrintFile(const std::string &s, const std::string &filename, MPI_Comm &world) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
ReDistributeToVector(int *&map_scnt, std::vector< std::vector< IT > > &locs_send, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &data_send, std::vector< std::array< char, MAXVERTNAME >> &distmapper_array, const MPI_Comm &comm) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
SetWindows(MPI_Comm &comm1d, const SpMat< IT, NT, DER > &Matrix, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin) | combblas::SpParHelper | static |
StartAccessEpoch(int owner, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin, MPI_Group &group) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
UnlockWindows(int ownind, std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |
WaitNFree(std::vector< MPI_Win > &arrwin) | combblas::SpParHelper | inlinestatic |