I am a Senior Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division) and an Adjunct Faculty of the EECS (CS Division) at UC Berkeley. At LBNL, I am part of the Performance and Algorithms group. At UC Berkeley, I am part of the SLICE lab. I am also the Director of Sparsitute, a DOE Mathematical Multifaceted Integrated Capability Center (MMICC) focusing on sparse computations.

I work on high-performance graph analysis and libraries, parallel sparse matrix computations, communication-avoiding algorithms, with applications in machine learning and computational genomics. Up-to-date information about current projects, students, and postdocs can be found in my research team's website: PASSION Lab.

Previously, I was an Alvarez Fellow. LBNL recently ran a workshop in celebration of 20th year of Alvarez fellowshop. My unusually shallow genealogy includes only three lineal ascendants. We recently ran a workshop in celebration of John R. Gilbert's scientific contributions.

You can pronounce my first name like this. The "ı" in my first name is a lowercase dotless i ({\i} in LaTeX, ı in HTML and U+0131 in UTF-8). You can contact me at abuluc@lbl.gov