EXTRA v. 2.0: Software Library Extending CUDD Package: Release 2.3.1

This library has been developed to extend the functionality of the popular decision diagram package CUDD, distributed and supported by Fabio Somenzi. The library is not an independent package. It should be used together with the UNIX distribution of CUDD Release 2.3.1 or Windows port of CUDD Release 2.3.1.

The library contains additional {A,B,Z}DD operators and routines, which can be called from the application source code in exactly the same way the procedures of CUDD are called. Most of the code is meant to enhance the manipulation of Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDDs). The main release of CUDD contains approximately 35 procedures dealing with ZDDs. The library contributed many additional procedures of this kind. Not all of them are equally useful but some of them definitely are. Potential applications of the library include manipulation of cubes (clauses) constituting SOPs (POSs) of Boolean functions and problems reducible to set covering and graph theory (clique computation, graph coloring, etc).

The complete list of procedures included in the library can be found in the main library header file "extra.h". Documentation consists of the short descriptions of each procedure that go with their source code written in the traditional CUDD style. A user manual generated using Ext, by Stephen Edwards, will be provided in the future.

A few words of warning for the potential users:

  • The current release of the library is a snapshot of the process in motion. Some of the procedures are still under development while others have been used in one project only, meaning that they have not been sufficiently tested to claim buglessness. At the same time, the majority of code is believed to be mature and useful.

  • You may run into obscure problems if you attempt to use some of the functions with dynamic variable reordering. Most of them are designed in the reorder-independent style similar to the DD-based procedures found in the main release of CUDD. However, there are some procedures that can be used only when dynamic variable reordering is disabled. I did my best to document this in the outlines proceeding the code of the functions.

  • Some of the functions take BDDs as arguments and return ZDDs and vice versa. Some other take both BDDs and ZDDs as arguments (for example, Extra_zddOverlappingWithArea() takes the ZDD representing a set of cubes to be filtered and the BDD representing the area of the boolean space). These functions operate under the assumption that the the ZDD variables have been constructured from the BDD variables by the call to Cudd_zddVarsFromBddVars(), with the multiplicity 2, and that the variable realignment between ZDD and BDD variables is enabled. Some of these functions may have never been tested in situations when reordering actually occurs. Use them with caution.
  • Enough said, you can now download and install the library.
    Alan Mishchenko's Home Page

    This page has been last modified on October 11, 2003.