These are sequential miters generated for the experimental results in the paper A. Mishchenko, S. Chatterjee, R. Brayton, N. Een, "Improvements to Combinational Equivalence Checking" (IWLS 2006) (9Mb) are sequential miters generated by comparing original IWLS benchmarks (all initial states set to 0) with these benchmarks after FPGA mapping/retiming using ABC commands: read ; resyn2; sfpga; miter -c; write (8Mb) are above sequential miters postprocessed by combinational synthesis using script "rwsat" (18Mb) are sequential miters unrolled for a given number of timeframes using the following commands: read ; resyn2; sfpga; miter -c; frames -i -F ; orpos; write (12Mb) are sequential miters unrolled and postprocessed by combinational synthesis using script "rwsat" Please note that these benchmarks come directly from a Windows computer. To run them on Unix, you may need to preprocess them by "dos2unix". Alan Mishchenko April 21, 2006