EECS 127-227A: Optimization Models in Engineering (Fall 2024)


  • Somayeh Sojoudi

  • Instructor's Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10am - 11am (on Zoom)

  • Lecture Time and Location: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30am - 11am, Haas Faculty Wing F295


  • Samuel Pfrommer (
    OH: Wednesday 4pm - 5:30pm (on Zoom)
    Discussion Section: Mondays 3pm - 4pm (Stanley 177)

  • Yatong Bai (
    OH: Fridays 4pm - 5:30pm (Cory 529)
    Discussion Section: Fridays 3pm - 4pm (Cory 540AB)

  • Jingqi Li (
    OH: Mondays 4:30pm - 6pm (Cory 504)
    Discussion Section: Fridays 2pm - 3pm (Hearst Mining 310)

  • Ayesha Bajwa (
    OH: Fridays 12pm - 1:30pm (Cory 529)
    Discussion Section: Fridays 8 - 9 am (Dwinelle 182)

  • Tung-Wei Lin (
    OH: Wednesdays 10:30am - 12pm (Cory 529)
    Discussion Section: Wednesdays 5 pm - 6 pm (Haviland 12)

  • Matteo Guarrera (
    OH: Monday 4pm - 5:30pm (Cory 529)
    Discussion Section: Monday 2pm - 3pm (Social Sciences Building 60)


The following textbook serves as a reference:

In addition, lecture notes and recorded lectures will be posted on bCourses.

Course Schedule:

  • The schedule can be found here.

Note: The table shows the release date of each assignment, the due date of each assignment, and the topics to be covered in each lecture and the relevant chapters of the book.


Homework assignments will be posted on bCourses.


  • Homework submission: Gradescope

  • The lowest homework grade will be dropped.

  • You will lose points for late homework. Up to 12 hours late: 25 points off. 12-24 hours late: 50 points off. You will receive no points if you submit after 24 hours.

Homework Grading: After the HW deadline, solutions will be posted online. You will need to review them and self-grade each part of your homework using the following scale:

  • 0 = Didn't attempt or completely wrong

  • 2 = Started but went off track

  • 5 = Correct direction, halfway done

  • 8 = Mostly correct, with minor errors

  • 10 = Completely correct

You must add a comment to justify any self-grades of 5 or 8.

For each homework, the course staff will grade a selected subset of problems. These grades and comments provide feedback on your work. Generally, your self-grades will be used as your actual homework grades. However, if your self-grades significantly differ from the staff's grades, we will adjust your final grade accordingly.


  • Midterm Exam: The midterm exam will be on October 17, during the lecture time (9:30am - 11am) in class (Haas Faculty Wing F295).

  • Final Exam: The final exam will take place during the designated time slot assigned by the campus.

Note: No makeup or alternate exams will be scheduled under any conditions.

Grading Policy

  • Homework: 25%

  • Midterm: 35%

  • Final: 40%