CS 285: SOLID MODELING, Spring 2000


Concept Presentation

In Assignment #5, Phase 1, you are asked to make a formal presentation of ideas in front of the class. This is an exercise that should teach you how to "sell" your ideas to somebody "important", i.e. your boss, a venture capitalist, or a NSF site review panel ...

The key constraint is that the attention span of "big-shots" is very limited, and your presentation time also has a hard limit.

Formal Presentation

This is a _formal_ presentation; with foils, and possible props, and all.
The form as well as the content of your presentation will be judged (see below).
Rehearse your talk to make sure it fits the time limit.

There is a hard time limit of 5 minutes for team representing a "toy company." I expect that each of the two partners will speak for at least 2 minutes.

Everybody in class will be given a work-sheet / rating-form. On it there are columns that suggest that you should judge:

You can use your on rating system in these columns, but what counts is the last column, where you decide how you would want do distribute "four bags of gold" among the presenting teams.
I will collect the rating sheets after the rally, and reveal the results in the following lecture.

General Hints for a Good Proposal Presentations

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin

Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin