Lecture #3 -- Tue, Sep. 4, 2007.

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Warm-up Thinking Exercise:

 How do you capture the main idea of this sculpture ?   How do you generalize this paradigm ?

Max Mundi, wood      Pax Mundi, bronze

The Central Steps in the Design/Modeling/Prototyping Process

First Homework Assignment: (possible clarifications ?)

A#1: Planning the Construction of a Solid Model

Procedural, Parameterized Modeling with SLIDE

Example: "Viae Globi"

Basic Concepts about Sweeps

Introduction to SLIDE

Escape hatch: Later in the course you may use whatever software modeling environment you are comfortable with.

Assignment A#1b: Install SLIDE on your own computer.

General instructions how to do this can be found here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/viewer/slide2004/README
More information for the Windows system are here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/pipeline/assignments/instructions.shtml
    (see comments on "Installation")

More about SLIDE next time ...

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