Preparation: Study: Anisotropic Polygonal
If we start with an ordinary torus with a 360-degree twist
in its surface parameterization,
that twist can be relieved by deforming the sweep path of the
torus into a figure-8 shape.
Some demos:
More eversion movies at:
A study to demonstrate the untwisting effect on tori and on
tubes with a circular profile:
and Torsion Minimization of Toroidal Loops (EECS-2012-165)
Avik Das
Can we find an energy functional that takes surface
parameterization into account in such a way
that the torus would automatically undergo such as twist
reducing deformation?
Could such an energy functional aslos show how to smoothly
undo a Klein bottle mouth
of the "Inverted Double-Sock" type into a twisted tube with a
figure-8 profile?
pictures to explain this problem: