CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #18 -- Wed 10/28, 2009.
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Self-test: Try to answer the following questions with a sentence or two:
1.) What are the benefits of the Progressive Mesh representation ?
2.) How is such a representation constructed ?
3.) What are the key geometric operations at the mesh level ?
4.) How does Geomorphing work ?
Reading Assignment: (for next Wednesday)
NEW: Marching Cubes: A HIGH RESOLUTION 3D SURFACE CONSTRUCTION ALGORITHM by William E. Lorensen and Harvey E. Cline
Prepare your 5-minute formal Project Proposal Presentation on November 2.
- Should last 4-5 minutes (hard 5 minute cutoff).
Start with an attention-grabber.
Be enthusiastic, make an impact.
Your peers will rank-order your performance.
The goal of the project
The approach you will take
The deliverables and demos resulting
Why this is a "good" project (somewhat of a "selling" job):
how useful it might be, or
just how "cool" it is going to be, or
what you hope to learn with this project ...
Some more detailed advice on your Project Proposal Presentations:
Check list and rating sheet:
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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin