University of California, Berkeley
EECS Dept, CS Division
Jordan Smith SLIDE: Scene Language for
Interactive Dynamic Environments
Prof. Carlo H. Séquin

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SLIDE Viewer: slide

To run the slide program type the following:

slide [-fm <main.tcl>] [-fw <window.tcl>] [[-I <include dir>] ...] [<file.slf>]

Option Description
-fm <main.tcl> The main.tcl file describes the top level UI. When making changes to this UI it is necessary to use the -fm to tell the slide program where to find your local version. If this is not specified then the standard main.tcl file is used.
-fw <window.tcl> The window.tcl file describes the window UI. When making changes to this UI it is necessary to use the -fw to tell the slide program where to find your local version. If this is not specified then the standard window.tcl file is used.
-I <include dir> This option allows the user to build a search path for .slf files. The search path consists of the local directory followed by any directories listed on the command line in the order the are listed. Note: the source "file.tcl" command will not use this search path, so all .tcl files must be in the directory which the slide program is being run in.
<file.slf> A .slf file can be listed on the command line. If so this file will be loaded and run. If not slide will start up, but it will not run any animation until one is chosen using the Open button.

This page was originally built by Jordan Smith.

Last modified: Monday, 21-Jun-1999 15:54:30 PDT