CS 39R:  Symmetry & Topology
Lecture #4 -- Mon. 2/22, 2016.

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Design a genus-6 object of high symmetry:
Present your design as a physical model, using: clay, paper, styro-foam, pipe cleaners, . . .,   or as a computer model;   or as a very nice drawing.
Be prepared to tell us what its symmetry is.


Discuss your genus-6 object and its symmetries with your neighbors.
If you all come to an agreement,  try to find a general formula that
specifies the maximal amount of symmetry that a handle-body of genus g may have.


Brief Review of the 14 Symmetry Families of Compact (of finite size) 3D Objects:

Check the posters on the wall and or the these two charts:

7 families of rotational groups based on the 7 friezes wrapped around a cylinder: Cn, Dn, S2n, Dnd, Cnh, Cnv. Dnh.

7 groups of "really 3D" symmetries based on the Platonic and Archimedean solids.

The Platonic Solids:

Tetrahedron, cube (hexahedron), octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron.
Can you explain to a high-school student why there are exactly five Platonic Solids ?

A more complicated structure:

"Rainbow-Bits" by George Hart -- a Propellerized Icosahedron

It has oriented icosidodecaheral symmetry; no mirror planes.

Visualization of Symmetry Groups Using Shape Generator Programs:

Understanding Chart I:  with "Sculpture Generator I{A Windows program for you to experiment with}

Understanding Chart II:  with "Escher Sphere Editor{A Windows program for you to experiment with}

Jane Yen and C. H. Séquin: "Escher Sphere Construction Kit"  Presentation at I3D conference (PPT)

The Topology of Two-sided, Orientable 2-Manifolds:

A 2-Manifold is a mathematical surface where every small neighborhood has the connectivity of a small disk,
(or half-disks, if the surface has holes and borders);  but no "multi-leaf" branching as at the spine of a book!.

Examples of simple "handle-bodies":  (g=1;  g=2;  g=3;  g=7):
These are all equivalent definitions of "genus" (in this particular context):
How many tunnels are there through this (volumetric) body?
How many handles are attached to a simple spherical blob?
         (How many "arms" need to be cut so that there are no longer any loops, but the object is still connected?)
How many closed boundary loops can be drawn on this surface that do not yet partition it into separate regions?
         (You can still go from any point to any other point without crossing any of those boundary loops).

Introducing "Punctures":
If a small disk-like patch is removed from a 2-manifold, its genus remains the same, but it now has a "puncture" with a "border".
A spherical shell with n holes is still a genus_0 surface, but one with n punctures (with n borders).

Note:  Do not confuse this with drilling tunnels into a thick-shelled, hollow (volumetric) spherical ball!
A single such tunnel turns the thick-walled sphere into a "fat disk" -- which is a lump of genus 0.
Drilling t such tunnels into a thick-walled sphere turns this into a volumetric object with a surface of genus t-1.
(Asking for the genus of a thick-walled sphere without any tunnels, is not appropriate, because it has TWO surfaces: inner and outer!)

Worksheet: The Genus, Borders, and Symmetries of Orientable Handle-bodies!

The Topology of Single-sided, Non-orientable 2-ManifoldsPPT

What is a Moebius band?
Moebius bands come in many different forms...
These are NOT Moebius bands...

What is a Klein bottle?
Klein bottles come in many different forms...

The Projective Plane  and  Boy's Model.

Two Moebius bands together make a Klein bottle: Limerik;
Demo with Cliff Stoll's zippered model.

How many different Klein bottles are there?

How to make a single-sided, non-orientable surface of genus g ?
==> Graft g cross-caps onto a sphere.

"Cubist" Models of  2-Manifolds:

Compose the surface using only planar facets parallel to one of the 3 major coordinate planes!

A "cubist" sphere is a cube.             A "cubist" donut is a "rectilinear picture frame".

New Homework Assignments:

Due: Feb. 29, 2016

Design a "cubist" Moebius band:  Only planar facets parallel to one of the 3 major coordinate planes!
Present your design as a physical model, using: paper, cardboard, plexi-glass, alu-foil, sheet-metal, or other similar thin, flat materials.
Try to find a design with a minimal number of individual facets, and (of secondary concerns) with maximal symmetry.

If it takes you less than 30 minutes to find a solution, try to model a "cubist" Klein-bottle.

Bring your models to class on Feb. 29.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin