CS 39R:  Symmetry & Topology
Lecture #11 -- Mon. 4/25, 2016.

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In preparation for the next class you may want to watch this:
Perfect Shapes in Higher Dimensions --


Sketch a 4D Hypercube

Project Presentations (4/25):

schedule 4-25

Two more steps for you to pass CS39R:

A revised "Elevator Speech" about your project presentation (next week).
Your 1-minute oral summary should now contain the most important findings of your project.

A brief written report about your project (due before Saturday, May 7, midnight).

Summarize in 2 to 4 pages that issue you studied in your project and your
most important findings.
Re-use some of the (color) images that you had in your PowerPoint presentation.
Make this a suitable handout to carry in your "Portfolio" when you need to explain what you did at UCB.
E-mail me a PDF file.

If time permits ...

Some "Meta-Skills"  I hope you learned in this course.

Some discussion about the 4th dimension and its "Platonic Solids".

Homework Assignments:

Due: May 2, 2016

Prepare your revised "Elevator Speech" about your project presentation.

Also, think about those two questions:
What did you learn in this course?
What does it take to succeed as a student at U C Berkeley?

Due: May 7, 2016

A 2-4-page report about your project presentation.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin