Status MicroLab, July 2, 2008. |
Status office tower, July 2, 2008. |
Landscaping, NW corner, July 2, 2008. |
Cleaning up the surroundings, June, 2008. |
Completing the West facade, June 4-6, 2008. |
Disassembling the man-lift, May 28, 2008. |
Progress on the NW corner of the MicroLab, June, 2008. |
Building status, May 27, 2008. |
Painting the MicroLab, May 7-12, 2008. |
MicroLab roof, May 1-9, 2008. |
Building status, April 10, 2008. |
Bye-bye crane, March 28, 2008. |
Airhandler installation, March 5 & 12, 2008. |
Building status, March 5, 2008. |
South Terrace -- February 26,27, 2008. |
Micro_Lab Progress -- February 22-26, 2008. |
Micro_Lab Wall -- January 29, 2008. |
Pour of the Micro-Lab roof -- January 28, 2008. |
Status of the Micro-Lab -- January 28, 2008. |
Status Office Tower -- January 28, 2008. |
Building Status -- December 21, 2007. |
MicroLab Walls -- December 19, 2007. |
Roof Work -- December 11-13, 2007. |
Building Tour -- December 7, 2007. |